It may not look like much, but it's a 1959 Edmund Scientific 6" f/8 Reflector on an equatorial mount with a clock drive for astrophotography.
The price for this classic, made in the US, steel behemoth?
Ten whole American dollars.

That's taken by holding my 2.5 year old Droid Razor up to the eyepiece.
I think this is by far the best $10 I've ever spent!
6/9/14 10:33 a.m.
Nice! Other than the $10 price tag, what were you looking for when trying to find a telescope?
Wow... now I'm probably going to be scouring Craigslist for scopes too.
I'll buy it off you for $15, 50% profit?
In reply to Javelin:
Yeah, you really scored there. You and your family will enjoy that.
My dad built his own when I was about 7 yrs. old. I'll never forget the excitement of seeing the moons of Jupiter and the rings of Saturn with my own eyes.
Everybody is geeking out over the moon photos I shot. I can't wait to see Saturn's rings.
Moon…Saturn’s Rings…won’t be long until you’re posting pictures of Uranus.
Congratulations Javelin…I’ve been lurking on CL and Flea Bay looking for a good telescope deal for years and haven’t found anything that comes close to your score.
6/9/14 7:06 p.m.
I'll trade you a wrecked explorer. 
I really need to get a telescope. Nice find, sir!
Nice score. I used to be a member of the astronomy club here in town. The College of Charleston had a 12" Schmidt-Cassegrain they would let us use every couple of months. It was a beautiful thing.I always wanted a 8"-10" Dobsonian, but finances were kind of slim back then. Y'all will have a blast with that.
Now I'm seriously going to have to add that to my Craigslist searches.
Now take ot out of the city lights and be truly amazed!