When you go to work and put in your 8 hours, the last thing you want to do is go back to work (unless work involves driving fast sports cars). Well, lately, that's just what I've been doing - although not like you might expect. No. In my bed, in my safe-haven, my personal go-to place to get away from everything, work has found me. No, I'm not a porn star - stop giggling! I am DREAMING about work!! Then I wake up, after doing that for 8 hours, and go to work again! I'm working double-shifts and I'm only getting paid for one of them!
Why can't I dream of normal things like race cars or women (the two best things ever)? 
This is worse than when I was dreaming about Tetris: When I'd close my eyes and Tetris would be playing in my head. That was strange. 
Anyone else ever experience this or anything like it? Please share.
Behind on a project are we?
No, you are not the only one that happens to... sad but true.
Now if only we could get paid for those hours.
I'm a lawyer. I see no problem with billing hours that I'm working while dreaming.
Heck, if I think of something in the shower, I charge the client an hour.
Joke, people. It's a joke.
BBsGarage wrote:
Now if only we could get paid for those hours.
if you are salary.. I'll bet your company considers them as working hours.
Try actuallly working 16 hour days 
Not trying to get you to abuse Nyquil, but it usually gives me some absolutely crazy dreams.
I have done my share of real 16 hour days... only because work requires us to have at least 8 hours between shifts.
As for dreaming about work.. to me that usually means it is time to move on
ignorant wrote:
amaff wrote:
ignorant wrote:
if you are salary.. I'll bet your company considers them as working hours.
Mine does
yeah join the club
I once had a client call to complain once that I hadn't gotten about three months worth of work done in about six weeks. I told him that I'd asked him to prioritize, because there were only so many hours in a day, and that I'd gotten more than 2/3 of it done. He had the gall to ask me how many hours a night I slept. 
I'd like to say I told him to Berkeley off, but I didn't. Fortunately, he fired me about seven months later when I told him I couldn't get about a week's worth of work done in about two days because I had already committed those two days to something for another client that had a non-extendible deadline.
That's the only time I've ever been happy about a client firing me.
(It's only the second time I've had a client fire me. The other one was also a shiny happy person, but I felt bad about his issue because the firm I worked for at the time was jerking him around.)
If you're at the point where you're dreaming at work, it may be time to switch jobs. It's not an option for everyone, and it may not be the most prudent thing for your financial health, but it will certainly be better for your mental health. If it's not an option to change employers, you might just be able to do something different for your current employer, and have that be enough to break you out of your rut.
shiney happy people are everywhere.. thankfully I am getting rid of one of the ones in my life. The Director of my Department has another 7 days before his "resignation" is complete and he is gone
Two days a week are about 16 hour days. The rest are normal,m though. Its not as bad as I thought. Its nice to get in over thirty hours in two days. The only bummer is I work at 2 different places, so no over time.
8/15/08 4:40 a.m.
It's okay, the other day I dreamt that I bought some food at the grocery store, was overcharged, and argued with the cashier about it.
I hate mundane dreams; what a waste of time. I may as well have not gone to bed.
What made it worse was that the "cashier" was speaking better German than I was in my own dream. Apparently my subconscious has some reservoir of the language that I'm unable to access in my waking state. That's really annoying.
To add insult to injuruy, I remember that dream totally clearly, but the one last night where I woke up thinking "holy E36 M3 that was cool!" is just gone.
Last night, I took an M Roadster out for a test drive. It was a 2002, so it had the 315 hp engine. It was wonderful. Estoril Blue, two-tone blue / black interior, the works . . . . . . . I was woken up by my sister coming in drunk at 3:00 AM to yell at the dog who was sleeping peacefully on my bed. I didn't get back to sleep until after 4:00. DAMN IT! IT WAS A DREAM! 
8/15/08 11:46 a.m.
Just take codene to avoid dreaming about work. It makes my wife dream that there are angry Ewoks chasing her.
confuZion3 wrote:
kcbhiw wrote:
Try a beer...or six. :)
Good idea.
Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny.
Last night I dreamt I broke into an ex-girlfriends house to have relations with a girl I'd picked up at a bar all the while the current girlfriend was at home.
The last month or so has been filled with 4-5 nights a week of incredibly strange, disturbing, wild dreams.
I want my M Roadster back. It may not have been real, but it was mine, damn it.
Has anyone here ever had a dream in which you became aware that you were dreaming? Not like, you're slightly awake and you know you are kinda sleeping, but a real, honest-to-Bob REM dream and you realize you can do anything you ever wanted?
I had one. I tried to fly, but all I could do was jump kinda high. Quite frustrating. If my alarm didn't go off when it did, I probably would have figured it out. I've tried to figure out how to reprogram that one, but I haven't since been able to do that.