alfadriver wrote:
MrJoshua wrote:
"Global climate change" not global warming.
Although one commonly hears that when somebody says that it's cooler than normal, or if there's a extended cold streak.
OTOH, heat waves and bad summer weather are commonly blamed on global warming.
So, it's NOT the same when the weather is colder/against warming, but it IS the same when it's warmer/for warming.
Yea, that's credible.
One "commonly hears" that from uneducated folks. Period.
Those that call themselves the "educated" ones are usually the dimmest light in the package in my personal experience.
1/27/09 2:38 p.m.
I hear that the global climate change has led to an increase in the production of flat-fish.
Hmmm. Would flat-fish be good with lemon juice, paprika and lil' red 'taters? 
1/27/09 3:35 p.m.
I wonder if you can ferment taters to provide racing gas?
Vodka can be distilled from potatoes.
You tater pushers are ruining some perfectly good flounder.
Potato-crusted flounder:
93celicaGT2 wrote:
gas gives me taters
my parents taught me that what comes out with the gas is poop... not taters..
but to each his own.
Tim Baxter wrote:
Potato-crusted flounder:
That's one flat-fish that would be good with bacon! 
We need to colonize the sea.
Wish i was as smart as AlGore. "Carbon Credits" are like the greatest money making scheme EVER!
algore is the bestest. If we were all as smart as him though, we'd haev quadruple the carbon emissions we have now, cause we'd all have huge mansions costing $1200/month in utilities and private jets scooting us around.
The former Veeps band is sweet.
I love algore-rythms
Bobzilla wrote:
algore is the bestest. If we were all as smart as him though, we'd haev quadruple the carbon emissions we have now, cause we'd all have huge mansions costing $1200/month in utilities and private jets scooting us around.
Be careful. I got smacked upside my electronic head for doing the 'algore' thing.
1/28/09 10:23 a.m.
I think it is funny that there is a group of politicians who love to call out the other party for always trying to instill fear in us and so they can control us. This very same group of people is the one always blathering on about global warming crisis, economic crisis, healthcare crisis, unfairness in media crisis, gitmo crisis, wiretapping crisis, and on and on and on...
I get a kick out of the propaganda war that revolves around global warming, on both sides.
I think this guy is right. We should be leading the world in innovation to reduce pollution and make business/life more sustainable. We are smart folks and can use this hubbub around global warming to make our businesses leaner and stronger while cleaner(all the while making more $$$) C.R.E.A.M.
I also like the non snooty attitude of the letter and the oil branch of cooperation.. It's all in all pretty good.
Jensenman wrote:
Bobzilla wrote:
algore is the bestest. If we were all as smart as him though, we'd haev quadruple the carbon emissions we have now, cause we'd all have huge mansions costing $1200/month in utilities and private jets scooting us around.
Be careful. I got smacked upside my electronic head for doing the 'algore' thing.
In case y'all hadn't noticed, I don't really care what other think of me or my opinions. Even more so in relation to the walking retard we call algore.
Then we definitely agree on that point. I have -zero- respect for that man with his 'do as I say not as I do' way of handling things.
I'm just letting you know that 'algore' almost got me in the patio foundation. 
I'm a little late to this party, but:
Oh man, the Jedis are going to feel this one.
patio foundation? Swimming with the fishies?
iggy said:
We should be leading the world in innovation to reduce pollution and make business/life more sustainable.
I whole-heartedly agree with that. I just disagree on how to get there. Carter made a lot of the same promises Obama is making (perhaps someone here can go further back in their memory banks than Carter.)
While I agree that it should be a priority, I disagree that the way to get there is to give Congress license to throw billions of dollars at the problem and hope a fraction of the money sticks. I think tax incentives for private businesses who find efficient, viable ways to reduce emissions/increase automobile fuel economy would be a great start.
Speaking of carter. . . . does this new administration not seem a lot like it? Floundering economy, world depression, oil prices off the charts, people losing jobs left and right. . .
The good news is that means we have another Reagan coming soon.
1/28/09 12:04 p.m.
Even if Obama were to have the exact same ideas and plans as Carter, his administration would turn out very differently.
Carter's biggest problem was that he pissed off the legislature. He treated them antagonistically and did his best to not be one of them. So the legislature did everything in their power to work against him. (Reagan was pretty much the opposite. Everyone loved him so much, that he could say even the craziest things and people would agree with him. "Let's send frickin' lazer beams into space!" "Yeah! Lazer beams! In space! That would be awesome!")
Whether you agree with Obama's policies or not, he is a much better communicator than Carter, has a background of working as a legislator, congress views him as one of their own, and he seems to be making a lot of effort to reach out to congress and work with even the people he disagrees with.
Unlike Carter, he will get things done. That might be really good. Or it might be really bad. I'll let other people fry those fish. But he will get things done.
Heck, it's almost like we got Carter, Reagan, and Clinton rolled into one!