Survival rate over 5 years is the big indicator for remission and at that stage and that age its well over 90% from the most current numbers.
Survival rate over 5 years is the big indicator for remission and at that stage and that age its well over 90% from the most current numbers.
Biggest problem is we all have way too much more time to dwell on all of these things. Try to keep yourself and the missus busy doing something anything that feels productive.
Thoughts are with you guys. Things really have come a long ways on cancer.
Hi all. Got another kick in the pants, the doctors changed her status to stage 4. On top of all this she is not always being cooperative. She is staying in our travel trailer which is in the driveway. The reason she is staying there is her mother (my stepdaughter) is a shiny happy person who will get upset if you don't help her in exactly the way she wants you to. Her sister and family were helping her clean up here house (mold from a flooding basement hasn't been cleaned up for a couple of years) and while the the sister and family were working their collective buts off she was on the phone to friends telling them about all her troubles. Needless to say the sister got upset and left and the mother got upset right back because her daughter has cancer and your supposed to cancel your life and do everything for her. The granddaughter is staying in the trailer because she is scared to death of catching Covid 19 from the wife and I because I am still working. Now this might seem a little trivial but I was planning on driving the vette this summer. I lost out having something fun to drive last summer because the trans in the firebird went bad way faster than I thought it would. Now after spending 3 weekends working on odds and ends to get the vette running and driving nice it has developed an oil leak, could be just filter or drain plug but also could be rear main. I know this is a bit petty and selfish on my part but going out for a drive on a nice day in a decent preforming convertible is what I do to stay sane and on an even keel.
In reply to zordak :
I get it, 100% . It's not petty at all. We ALL need a vent valve - yours (it sounds like) is a nice drive in your Vette. Take that away, and your ability to handle the situation is reduced. I get it - get the car fixed.
When things are rough, I make a point out of planning one specific fun thing each day. It works for me. Like: "On Wednesday, I'm having lunch with my awesome buddy, on Thursday I'm watching the new Roadkill episode and on Friday, I'm driving the fun car to work." It can be as simple as scheduling an ice cream break and 15min of "on-the-clock-GRM-surfing".
I'm sorry to hear about your grand daughter. My best medical advice (I'm not a doctor, but have Crohn's disease and have seen many people successfully battle cancer) is to find a specialist who's really good with her type of cancer, and always get a second opinion with something as serious as cancer. I drive 1,000 miles twice a year to go to the Cleveland Clinic because they saved my life 10 years ago. The drive is well worth it to get amazing doctors and care.
My thoughts and prayers go out to your family!
Thank you all for your support. It looks like we will be moving my granddaughter in to the house and she will be with us for a while. So I can stop worrying about emptying the tanks on the travel trailer. She has 4-6 weeks of recovery time from the surgery before chemo starts. As far as the car goes I am working on it.
Oh Man, its been a tough stretch for you and your family. It always feels like bad things pile on and on, but then they often roll off/get better the same way, slowly. Keep posting here, and keep looking for the rays of sunshine, they will get you through.
This will come to a close - the biggest thing is to get the best dr you can as results may vary. Find time for yourselves as it is really easy to get sucked into the negative whirlwind. Find some vette time or whatever gives you a few minutes of happy.
Thank you. I'm alright with her passing she had really bad pain in her back legs. I know she is feeling no pain now. It is my wife that is taking it really hard, and it is hard to know what to do about it. I let her vent at me as much as she needs but it is hard to know exactly what to say to comfort her.
Sorry to hear about all of the hardship you and you family are going through. I feel your pain with the loss of your dog, as we lost ours last month. I hope things improve for your granddaughter. I'll keep you in my thoughts.
I was already doing that. I (being a guy) want to make her feel better faster. I realize she needs to vent and process this in her own way, it just hurts to see her this way.
Hi folks. First my granddaughter has gotten through her first round of chemo and seems to be doing fine except for her behavior. Now for the next kick in the pants, My wife has been diagnosed with large B cell lymphoma. Just had her first dose of chemo 2 days ago and is really feeing the side effects. On top of the lymphoma she also has a low platelet count, which is preventing them from putting in a port to administer the chemo so they have to cut the dose about in half. Her count is higher today but not out of danger yet. A big pain is she does not trust the local health system so we have to travel 45 min to the university hospital she trusts. Hanging in there but it is hard to sit out in the car while the treatments and test are going on. Tuesday between getting my stepson to work and back and taking my wife for a PET scan I spent 9 hours in a car. Hope all of you are staying safe and enjoying a wonderfull holiday.
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