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Russian Warship, Go Berkeley Yourself
Russian Warship, Go Berkeley Yourself PowerDork
5/10/24 6:56 a.m.

I did not engage, but it's interesting to see he's still kicking...

Mr_Asa MegaDork
5/10/24 7:10 a.m.

I wonder if he is still rocking those powdercoated aluminum wheels.

It's a shame he wasn't able to separate his feelings from the valid questions that were asked.  I kinda liked what he was doing.

Russian Warship, Go Berkeley Yourself
Russian Warship, Go Berkeley Yourself PowerDork
5/10/24 7:17 a.m.

Not much has changed.

Mr_Asa MegaDork
5/10/24 7:24 a.m.

Hrm.  Knowing reddit, that likely won't go well.

Lof8 - Andy
Lof8 - Andy UltraDork
5/10/24 7:54 a.m.

I know nothing of this guy.  Did he make a thread here?

5/10/24 7:59 a.m.


Mr_Asa MegaDork
5/10/24 8:01 a.m.

In reply to Lof8 - Andy :

He made several.  Was very enthusiastic about the Transit Connect, but was not as rigorous as he could have been when checking to see if something was a good idea or not.

He had already swapped a bunch of Focus stuff to his van and seemed to be on a good path.

Then a couple folks, including me, questioned a few of his decisions and he over reacted and some weird back and forth happened and he took his toys and left.  Has shown up twice since then, I think?  and he continues to do the same thing.


Edit:  he found that Crown Vics had aluminum spare wheels and got all excited about powder coating them.  I pointed out that unless the powder coater is very good and knows what they are doing they can ruin the strength of an aluminum wheel and make it fatigue and fail when driven on.  I forget specifics of the exchanges after that, but I remember having the impression that he responded with "nuh-uh!"

dculberson MegaDork
5/10/24 9:39 a.m.

It wasn't just questions. Like people were saying "awesome I can't wait to see where you go with this" and he would (really!) post "please don't comment on my thread."

Then a couple days later he would delete all his posts. 

One thing I found funny is he kept going on about this "quilted carbon fiber cloth" he was going to use on the interior like it was this amazing thing. And it's a printed polyurethane vinyl material he bought on Amazon from one of those no name vendors like QUXIGY.

Mr_Asa MegaDork
5/10/24 9:46 a.m.

In reply to dculberson :

I remember that.  I think that was after his first batch of posting.  Initially he wanted to interact.

After that first username he just got weird

Mndsm MegaDork
5/10/24 9:46 a.m.

I feel partially sad I missed this. 

dyintorace UltimaDork
5/10/24 9:49 a.m.
Russian Warship, Go Berkeley Yourself said:

I did not engage, but it's interesting to see he's still kicking...

You can't post that and not include the link! 😂

Keith Tanner
Keith Tanner MegaDork
5/10/24 10:00 a.m.

There were also significant questions about if the van in question actually existed. There were never any pictures of the whole thing, and no progress ever seemed to be made. And oh boy, you did not want to comment on a build thread, that led to the poster going off the rails and deleting their posts. 

All of their posts on GRM were wiped when the user was banned, but both LostInTransit and SlammedStanceSpeed are usernames that are easy to google and find on other forums. You'll find the pattern is very similar, a trail of deleted posts, banned users and general wreckage.


John Welsh
John Welsh Mod Squad
5/10/24 10:02 a.m.

My version is that he admittedly had long experience with the Transit Connect.  He would write long posts, almost manifestos that I did find interesting and I participated in the threads...then, something wouldn't go his way and he would delete his posts.  


Here's a classic thread from a few years back, I think the last time he was here.  The thread is somewhat confusing because he (LostInTransit) started the thread and I was second to comment.  Now, with his starting posting deleted, by him, my comment is the first comment you read making it a reply to a vanished post.  

Mndsm MegaDork
5/10/24 10:07 a.m.

He seems fun. 

iansane SuperDork
5/10/24 10:16 a.m.

In reply to Mr_Asa :

I think the crux of the issue was that he didn't realize forums invite discourse. Hashing through your ideas in public is hard for some people and he had a large issue with being questioned and receiving feedback on his antics.

Keith Tanner
Keith Tanner MegaDork
5/10/24 10:24 a.m.

Also, it was also the same three things over and over for years. The language was the sort that gets used when someone orders out of a catalog but tries to make it sound like they were sending advice to the engineers to have parts made. I think it was all a fantasy, and having other people intrude broke it. LIT wasn't well.

Keith Tanner
Keith Tanner MegaDork
5/10/24 10:30 a.m.

Found an Internet Archive capture of one of the longer-lived threads on Edmunds.com. The picture links are mostly broken by the archiving, but if you're clever you can extract them.


prodarwin MegaDork
5/10/24 11:18 a.m.
John Welsh said:

Here's a classic thread from a few years back, I think the last time he was here.  The thread is somewhat confusing because he (LostInTransit) started the thread and I was second to comment.  Now, with his starting posting deleted, by him, my comment is the first comment you read making it a reply to a vanished post.  

We need to collectively embrace the posteriquote

RacetruckRon SuperDork
5/10/24 11:20 a.m.

Last time he came back I started quoting everything I replied to so he couldn't completely erase his thread

Colin Wood
Colin Wood Associate Editor
5/10/24 11:36 a.m.
iansane said:

In reply to Mr_Asa :

I think the crux of the issue was that he didn't realize forums invite discourse. Hashing through your ideas in public is hard for some people and he had a large issue with being questioned and receiving feedback on his antics.

A hard lesson to learn, but certainly one that everyone should understand nowadays.

I've learned that asking the internet for advice isn't the best idea unless you want all the advice.

Russian Warship, Go Berkeley Yourself
Russian Warship, Go Berkeley Yourself PowerDork
5/10/24 11:59 a.m.
dyintorace said:
Russian Warship, Go Berkeley Yourself said:

I did not engage, but it's interesting to see he's still kicking...

You can't post that and not include the link! 😂

I think you could find him if you were looking.    I stumbled into one of his threads innocently enough, thought the post was a bit odd yet familiar in style to something I had read before, looked at the username and saw his "Transit Connect Suspension Speicalest" (misspelling is not mine) flair, and then saw his posts.     

I will say that he has joined about a year ago, and recently petitioned Reddit to become Moderator of an existing Transit subreddit.   He started sharing from a  ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ sub to other subs within hours after that.  The sub he gained control over is now private, and there are broken links to some of his shares.  He is on a tear of posting right now, which is why I saw one of his posts while scrolling.

His thought process reminds me of another older gentleman who used to be here, but without the deleting of posts.

Russian Warship, Go Berkeley Yourself
Russian Warship, Go Berkeley Yourself PowerDork
5/10/24 12:02 p.m.
iansane said:

In reply to Mr_Asa :

I think the crux of the issue was that he didn't realize forums invite discourse. Hashing through your ideas in public is hard for some people and he had a large issue with being questioned and receiving feedback on his antics.

He has been like this for years, all over the intrawebz.

OHSCrifle UberDork
5/10/24 12:34 p.m.

Oh good. I would like to go ask him some questions. 

Toyman! MegaDork
5/10/24 12:40 p.m.
iansane said:

In reply to Mr_Asa :

I think the crux of the issue was that he didn't realize forums invite discourse. Hashing through your ideas in public is hard for some people and he had a large issue with being questioned and receiving feedback on his antics.


Duke MegaDork
5/10/24 12:41 p.m.
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