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turboswede SuperDork
5/3/11 1:51 p.m.
Teh E36 M3 wrote:
turboswede wrote: Yeah, I feel your pain. My first name? Stefan Not Stephen Not Steven not Stefon Just as it looks, ste-fan. don't even get me started on my last name.....
Y'know what Chopper Reid has to say Ste-fan? HTFU! I've taken more E36 M3 for my name than anyone here, thank you. Brust. It's like being named Sue, and that's why I'm such a bad motherberkeleyer.

Yeah, just watched that again yesterday..... Luckily, I'm more like the last guy in that video than the nancy-boy that I share the same spelling (minus the homophobic pronunciation) with. Heh.

The worst was first day at school. The stupid computer systems used for puking out roll sheets would truncate my first name to fit my last (Brilliant!). So the teacher would have to guess whether it was Stefan or Stefanie. Guess wrong and I had a rough school year. Eventually the school systems upgraded their computer systems so that little issue went away :)

914Driver SuperDork
5/3/11 2:19 p.m.

A young guy I work with is related to the most miserable, mean, spiteful woman I've ever met; she works at the same installation. After too many inquiries as ti whether he was related to Mrs. Crankypants, he legally changed his name.

Now RebelGT, it it's only a screen name, are you now going to be YankeeGT?

Just askin'.....

Teh E36 M3
Teh E36 M3 HalfDork
5/3/11 2:38 p.m.
JThw8 wrote: Yeah, I hear ya, it takes just a few brain cells and a moment of thought to figure out at least a close to phonetic pronunciation of Thwaite....but more often than not its butchered into a word closely resembling that used to describe a portion of the female anatomy.


Teh E36 M3
Teh E36 M3 HalfDork
5/3/11 2:39 p.m.
turboswede wrote:
Teh E36 M3 wrote:
turboswede wrote: Yeah, I feel your pain. My first name? Stefan Not Stephen Not Steven not Stefon Just as it looks, ste-fan. don't even get me started on my last name.....
Y'know what Chopper Reid has to say Ste-fan? HTFU! I've taken more E36 M3 for my name than anyone here, thank you. Brust. It's like being named Sue, and that's why I'm such a bad motherberkeleyer.
Yeah, just watched that again yesterday..... Luckily, I'm more like the last guy in that video than the nancy-boy that I share the same spelling (minus the homophobic pronunciation) with. Heh. The worst was first day at school. The stupid computer systems used for puking out roll sheets would truncate my first name to fit my last (Brilliant!). So the teacher would have to guess whether it was Stefan or Stefanie. Guess wrong and I had a rough school year. Eventually the school systems upgraded their computer systems so that little issue went away :)

I compounded my pain by having long hair. It was a real bitch having teachers call you "young lady".

HappyJack Reader
5/3/11 3:07 p.m.

There is a story ( dunno if it is true) of how Arnold Schwarzenegger wanted to change his name when he got into acting so it would be easier to remember and pronounce. But someone told him to keep his name, because once people do get it, they will never forget it.

neon4891 SuperDork
5/3/11 3:21 p.m.

Brian. Normal, but not super common. Until I got my current job and worked with 5 other Bryans, but I was the only one with an "i"

My wife is Brianne, not Brianna or one of the other girl versions of Brian.

My last name... Smith. Easy to pronounce but not with out issues.

For your pleasure, my wife's maden name and my sisters various married names.





Zomby woof
Zomby woof SuperDork
5/3/11 3:23 p.m.
Lesley wrote: My name was misspelled on my paycheck for 19 years...

And you misspelled paycheque

My last name is four letters, is very uncommon as a surname, but a very common word. Even though it's in the dictionary, people find a way to get it wrong all the time. My first name is Mike, but people call me Dave so often it's bizarre, and it's happened all my life.

JThw8 SuperDork
5/3/11 3:26 p.m.
Zomby woof wrote:
Lesley wrote: My name was misspelled on my paycheck for 19 years...
And you misspelled paycheque My last name is four letters, is very uncommon as a surname, but a very common word. Even though it's in the dictionary, people find a way to get it wrong all the time. My first name is Mike, but people call me Dave so often it's bizarre, and it's happened all my life.

Dont leave us hangin...your last name is.....?

AquaHusky Reader
5/3/11 3:28 p.m.

The only thing that came to mind when I read through this was from those old commercials

"Stephan, Jjaaaaacckkk Stephan!"

cwh SuperDork
5/3/11 4:12 p.m.

I think I have a very basic, common name. Chuck Hanlon. Unfortunately, geography has caused problems. In SoFla, we have a lot of folks that learned Spanish before English. They have a HORRIBLE time trying to pronounce Hanlon. Almost amusing. And, in my chosen market area of the Caribbean, Chuck is unheard of. Charles, no prob. Chuck? Please spell that for me. Argghh. I deal with it, just spell the company name right on the wire transfer.

griffin729 HalfDork
5/3/11 4:31 p.m.

Mine is pretty simple and basic Joe Andrews. Not many people screw that up. I get the occasional Andrew. The one that amuses me is when I get called John by total strangers. John is understandable when I am called it by family or friends, my older brother's name is John and we do look a lot alike. Or, my friends will sometimes call me Jon after my best friend we physically look nothing like each other, but are alike in enough ways that it happens. It's with people that have met neither that call me John, I giggle inside a little.

Streetwiseguy Dork
5/3/11 5:05 p.m.
Zomby woof wrote:
Lesley wrote: My name was misspelled on my paycheck for 19 years...
And you misspelled paycheque My last name is four letters, is very uncommon as a surname, but a very common word. Even though it's in the dictionary, people find a way to get it wrong all the time. My first name is Mike, but people call me Dave so often it's bizarre, and it's happened all my life.

Shes just tryin to fit in with the Yanks.

Nobody ever gets Jim wrong.

Lesley SuperDork
5/3/11 5:25 p.m.

Yep. Depends on where y'all are being paid from. :-)

HiTempguy Dork
5/3/11 5:27 p.m.

My last name is Vokes. I can literally spell it out for somebody as they write/type it, and they ALWAYS try and sneak an L in before the K or chop out the e.

Of course, I get to say "v as in victor" which makes me smile.

KATYB Reader
5/3/11 5:58 p.m.

i have people tell me my name is wierdly spelt and also ask how to pronounce it... really is Kaitlyn that wierd and hard?

btp76 Reader
5/3/11 6:14 p.m.

Pollock. Standard rules of grammar apply. Repeating consonants in the middle equals short vowel sound. Paul - uck.

The family name isn't polish. I have no relation to those people who can't screw in a lightbulb.

I often wonder if I shouldn't have given my sons their mother's name. Murphy.

mad_machine SuperDork
5/3/11 6:23 p.m.

My name is easy to pronounce... and not all that uncommon.. the trouble is.. as an Arthur, I go by "art"

when I say this for the first time to people, they almost always call me "mark"

Salanis SuperDork
5/3/11 6:32 p.m.

My first name is Cameron. My last name I share with a rather famous insurance company out of London. I don't have pronunciation issues with my name; people get my name out of order because my first, middle, and last name make logical sense in any order.

Toyman01 SuperDork
5/3/11 6:42 p.m.

My name is common. Unfortunately I go by my middle name. The only place it's a problem is in government offices. No matter how many times you call for John, I won't answer.

Curmudgeon SuperDork
5/3/11 7:06 p.m.
Lesley wrote: My name was misspelled on my paycheck for 19 years...

I get two electric bills, one for the house and one for the Garage Majal. My first name is misspelled on the one for the GM. For all the spelling challenged out there, it's 'Michael', not 'Micheal'.

Michael is the most common proper name out there. Add to that my comically common last name and invariably some smart ass will make the 'common names for common people' crack. I just ask them, 'Ever wonder why there are so many of us?' When they look puzzled I tell them 'It's because we are GREAT in the sack'. That generally shuts 'em up.

Lesley SuperDork
5/3/11 7:13 p.m.

Is that true?

mtn SuperDork
5/3/11 7:24 p.m.
Curmudgeon wrote: I get two electric bills, one for the house and one for the Garage Majal. My first name is misspelled on the one for the GM. For all the spelling challenged out there, it's 'Michael', not 'Micheal'. Michael is the most common proper name out there. Add to that my comically common last name and invariably some smart ass will make the 'common names for common people' crack. I just ask them, 'Ever wonder why there are so many of us?' When they look puzzled I tell them 'It's because we are GREAT in the sack'. That generally shuts 'em up.


I don't know how you can misspell my first name. Or my middle name for that matter, which is a very common English last name. Yet people still misspell it.

My last name is a common Polish/Czech/Slovak name, and I am aware of 5 or six different spellings, so I let that one slide when asked. I shudder to think how bad the misspellings would have been if my great-great-grandfather hadn't dropped the "owski" off of it.

mtn SuperDork
5/3/11 7:25 p.m.
Lesley wrote: Is that true?


DoctorBlade HalfDork
5/3/11 7:27 p.m.

My last name is five letters, and no one can spell it. I went to college with a girl whose last name was seriously polish, and when they couldn't get MY last name right, she was laughing.

But then I didn't have another friends problem: her last name was Darling.

aussiesmg SuperDork
5/3/11 7:37 p.m.

Answering the phone.

"Steve speaking."

"Hi Dave."

Whatever, do I have an accent or something... wait.

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