The bottom of his rich is already hit pretty hard by the AMT cap not having been raised to keep up with inflation.
The bottom of his rich is already hit pretty hard by the AMT cap not having been raised to keep up with inflation.
The AMT is a clusterberkeley. I want to meet whoever dreamed it up so I can punch them in the genitals.
The point wasn't the number. The point ISN'T the number. Nobody cares who thinks who's rich.
The question was, for all intents and purposes, "who among us should pay more(and by more I mean MORE more. Not the more they pay now) to fund our government." And McCain answered it by saying he would want everyone, successful or not, to pay less taxes.
Every time I see someone focus on the "5 million dollar" comment I get a little angrier.
How about cutting spending? Can we cut spending? It would be really nice to pay down some of the national debt.
Hell, I'd accept an even tax increase across the board if we could couple that with major spending cuts that would allow us to pay down the national debt and make lower taxes viable in the future.
Well, that's the easy solution (unless you're a politician who needs to appease the masses to ensure his re-election).
grtechguy wrote: Guess I'm household income is around $72,000
That makes two of us, then. Damn, I hate being poor.
I hate not being able to remember how many houses I own. :) A lot of us regular Joes that meet around the salad bar at Applebees have that problem.
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