Wow, just fantastic the way he answers her. More politicians should be like this.
Not to mention, what a berkeleying sweetheart deal the NJ teachers have.
They pay NOTHING for health insurance for a family???? For my wife and I alone, my portion is $200/month, and the teachers union wouldn't take a pay freeze on annual 4.9% increases and contribute 1.5% to healthcare costs??? That would have prevented nearly ALL the layoffs?
The arrogance and entitlement.
Tulsa Firefighters this year took furlough days and pay cuts to prevent any of their brothers being laid off. While the Tulsa police dept dug in their heels much like the Teachers unions depicted and watched 140 cops get laid off and crime/murders skyrocket.
I'm tired of public sector employees thinking they shouldn't have to make the same sacrifices as those of us in the public sector when the economy goes in the tank.
I think based on our OT being cut + inflation I'm going to gross between 15-20% less than I did last year. And I bet my health benefits will be cut/price go up just like they did this year.
I haven't clicked over yet, but your insurance figures caught my eye. I pay almost $1,000 a month for the 2 of us, but we're self employed so all you people who work for a company don't forget they pay a LOT for your insurance.
Pretty sharp guy. But is his math off at the 2:30 mark or so?
He's my fav right now. Not sure he could win 50,000,000+ votes needed, but he is addressing the problems other poli's are too afraid to address.
The shame is that public workers are putting their own pensions at risk by believing their union bosses. The workers should be asking their union bosses what happens when the pensions go broke. Good luck squeezing blood out of that turnip.
One of the best Governors presently elected if not the best. Still don't know how someone as conservative as him got elected in NJ. Wish their was more of him to go around.
Kinda bummed out about Georgia's governor race. My candidate got bumped off in the primary due to crossover votes from the other party (very close primary 49/51) and now i am stuck voting for the slightly crooked/old Washington insider candidate so the even more crooked/old Washington insider candidate doesn't win.
Getting a raw Deal here.
joey48442 wrote:
Pretty sharp guy. But is his math off at the 2:30 mark or so?
What math is off? I'm at work now and YouTube is blocked.
Even if his math is a bit off (unemployment won't go above 8% withbmy stimulus program ahem), it's the direct and honest answer in which he speaks and thoroughly addresses the question that is so impressive.
z31maniac wrote:
joey48442 wrote:
Pretty sharp guy. But is his math off at the 2:30 mark or so?
What math is off? I'm at work now and YouTube is blocked.
Even if his math is a bit off (unemployment won't go above 8% withbmy stimulus program ahem), it's the direct and honest answer in which he speaks and thoroughly addresses the question that is so impressive.
Easy... I wasn't making a partisan observation, just where he was talking about a billion dollar hole, then 820 million, then 280 million, which works out to 1.1 million. But I could be wrong, it was late last night when I watched that.
9/10/10 8:10 a.m.
joey48442 wrote:
z31maniac wrote:
joey48442 wrote:
Pretty sharp guy. But is his math off at the 2:30 mark or so?
What math is off? I'm at work now and YouTube is blocked.
Even if his math is a bit off (unemployment won't go above 8% withbmy stimulus program ahem), it's the direct and honest answer in which he speaks and thoroughly addresses the question that is so impressive.
Easy... I wasn't making a partisan observation, just where he was talking about a billion dollar hole, then 820 million, then 280 million, which works out to 1.1 million. But I could be wrong, it was late last night when I watched that.
Joey is right. But I'll let that one slide given how fast he was talking/thinking. I'm a math major and make that mistake often enough. 8+2 is ten, but I forgot about the .2 and .8 that were already there.
In reply to mtn:
It's not a big deal, and it's an awesome clip, I just notice these things from time to time. Shows I was paying attention!
Definitely, you caught it.
I was just more pissed that the Teachers Union wouldn't essentially give up a pay increase and only 1.5% of their current pay to prevent reduced funding and layoffs of their co-workers.
yeah, it's funny how the questioner's attitude was that the Union WAS the school system...
nothing good comes from jersey

ignorant wrote:
nothing good comes from jersey
I beg to differ, I give you Ali Larter.

I LOL'd when I heard that video earlier on the radio. As much as I think many teachers are unappreciated, attitudes such as hers are only going to turn more people against them. At some point people are going to stop buying the whole "it's for the kids" routine they're selling.
We have the same dilemma happening in my city now. Our HS kids are testing below the state average, dropout rates went up last year, all the programs that can be cut were - but the teachers still want more. They can't seem to grasp the fact that a bunch of tax base money left when GM closed it's doors almost 2 years ago. Now they just want the board to raise the tax levy to make up the difference. 
I have friends who are teachers here in NJ. Basically, all the teachers with tenure voted AGAINST the pay cuts and increases to their insurance.. those who did not have tenure voted for them.
When the layoffs came... guess which bunch went away?
tenure is the WORST thing to happen to teaching.
9/10/10 9:44 p.m.
Being an unfortunate Jersey resident I can say Christie is the best thing to happen to this state in a long time and I'd vote for him for Prez easily....I'd be sad to loose him here though, there's alot to be fixed and he's just getting started.
I REALLY wish there were more people holding public office who were like him. maybe we'd actually get something done in a semi-decent and timely manner. I'm legal to vote in about a year, if he runs in 2012, I'm gonna vote for him in underline and bold and with a ten foot tall exclamation point to drive it home
He needs to lose weight if he plans to run for POTUS because Americans won't elect a fat President...
9/11/10 1:57 a.m.
GR40RACER wrote:
He needs to lose weight if he plans to run for POTUS because Americans won't elect a fat President...
I'm thinking a E36 M3-load of Americans want a politician who tells it "like it is". Having lived in NJ for a few years, Christie's election is an amazing turn-around for the electorate - good on them!
As for his weight, he has more in common with the average voter than those who stoop to poke fun at him.
Marty! wrote:
ignorant wrote:
nothing good comes from jersey
I beg to differ, I give you Ali Larter.
sorry man.. I'm a relative of 3 jersey policemen and my crazy ass polish grandma..
Less than Jake says it right.
GR40RACER wrote:
He needs to lose weight if he plans to run for POTUS because Americans won't elect a fat President...
well not anymore in the age of television entertainment politics. but Taft was quite a big boy and allegedly got stuck a few times in the white house bathtub before they put one in that could hold the whole installation team...

WilberM3 wrote:
GR40RACER wrote:
He needs to lose weight if he plans to run for POTUS because Americans won't elect a fat President...
well not anymore in the age of television entertainment politics. but Taft was quite a big boy and allegedly got stuck a few times in the white house bathtub before they put one in that could hold the whole installation team...
Funny thing about Taft.. He had more "lady visitors" than any other pres.
z31maniac wrote:
I'm tired of public sector employees thinking they shouldn't have to make the same sacrifices as those of us in the public sector when the economy goes in the tank.
dude.. union.. public/private whatever... it's the union mentality.