Dictionary: ignore (ĭg-nôr', -nōr')
tr.v., -nored, -nor·ing, -nores. To refuse to pay attention to; disregard.
[French ignorer, from Old French, from Latin ignōrāre.]
ignorable ig·nor'a·ble adj. ignorer ig·nor'er n.
Dictionary: ignore (ĭg-nôr', -nōr')
tr.v., -nored, -nor·ing, -nores. To refuse to pay attention to; disregard.
[French ignorer, from Old French, from Latin ignōrāre.]
ignorable ig·nor'a·ble adj. ignorer ig·nor'er n.
Actually, I'm continually refreshing the page, hoping my car shows up in the "featured Readers Ride".:nice:
I ripped off my pinky fingernail today. It didn't hurt as much as I am tired of bleeding through every band aid I put on it and leaving bloody fingerprints all over my cubilce
when working on cars its always important to put on your steel guantlets first so things like that dont happen.
things to do today.
My day is done
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