Knurled wrote:
wbjones wrote:
you're right ... no sympathy from any of us ... I spent yesterday a-x'ing in low mid-30's on and off showers/snow .... couple of pics from the event
Looks like a lot of fun!
yep ... loads of fun ... cold as E36 M3, but the driving in those conditions was a blast ... re. my avatar ... that was an a-x yr before last

cwh wrote: edit for smiley
OK, I guess it's payback time. I have posted some snarky remarks about you northern guys dealing with single digit temps and double digit snowfalls. This morning it is 44 degrees and very windy here in Ft. Lauderdale, with freeze warnings (!!!!) in effect for tonight. Our wimpy heater can't get the house warmer than 64 degrees. I'm miserable. I realize that this combination would be a pleasant spring day for a lot of you, but for those of us with severely thin Tropical blood, it is quite uncomfortable. Not expecting any sympathy, just letting you know that I am paying for my remarks. Signed, Hurricane Boy
Note to hurricane boy: blankets are things you probably left up north, shoulda bought some last week. That other person in the apartment with you on Sunrise blvd, stay on friendly terms, she may make good company under said blankets during these trying times. Throw one back at Rockys if all else fails
Florida: land of nut cases and cold weather sissies. 
2/17/13 8:13 p.m.
Now, don't get me wrong, i'm just as much a cold weather wuss as the OP (and this after growing up in Detroit) but he has a point. This has been the warmest winter in memory. We buried my uncle the second week in January and I joked that it was the hottest day of the year, well it actually was, 85 degrees in North Florida in January. The azalea bushes in my yard have bloomed 2 months early, it was 24 degrees here last night, and forcast to get down to the mid 20's again tonight. The bushes are not happy.. It's not so much that it's freezing, but that winter just decided to get here after pretty much pulling a no-show for the season. Since Spring is only a month away, looks like we may have a whole 4 days of winter before it gets hot again. Dont know if this is Global Warming or what, but it's kind of annoying and not good for one's health.
2/17/13 9:37 p.m.
Grtechguy wrote:
Yep... 9F outside right now.
And I paid to stand on a frozen lake in that 9F...
64 is one degree less than the usual temp of the house during the evenings here. When I really want to spoil the wife the temp goes up to 67. I know you were not asking for any conformation of how much of a sissy you are but Chopper Reid would have a few words to tell you.
06HHR wrote:
Now, don't get me wrong, i'm just as much a cold weather wuss as the OP (and this after growing up in Detroit) but he has a point. This has been the warmest winter in memory. We buried my uncle the second week in January and I joked that it was the hottest day of the year, well it actually was, 85 degrees in North Florida in January. The azalea bushes in my yard have bloomed 2 months early, it was 24 degrees here last night, and forcast to get down to the mid 20's again tonight. The bushes are not happy.. It's not so much that it's freezing, but that winter just decided to get here after pretty much pulling a no-show for the season. Since Spring is only a month away, looks like we may have a whole 4 days of winter before it gets hot again. Dont know if this is Global Warming or what, but it's kind of annoying and not good for one's health.
Seems like we have a late freeze every year to kill all of the breaking buds, not to mention your favorite fruit trees. I got Dad a really nice satsuma tree a little over a year ago, which is among the citrus variety most tolerant to cold shy of a kumquat. It was growing beautifully last winter, with mild temperatures until we had the single night down to the mid-20's. That one night was all it took to kill it. So long satsuma.
GhiaMonster wrote:
64 is one degree less than the usual temp of the house during the evenings here. When I really want to spoil the wife the temp goes up to 67. I know you were not asking for any conformation of how much of a sissy you are but Chopper Reid would have a few words to tell you.
I keep my place at 74.. and I am cold and wearing warm clothing