Film is being shot in Kentucky right now.
It's titled "Above Suspicion" and based on real events. Local talent company put out a request for "law enforcement types" and with my looks and military background I figured why not and sent in a mug....err head-shot.
They must have either liked me or not gotten any other takers cause tomorrow morning I report to Harlan KY to play a state trooper.
I expect it'll be a long day and mostly boring but it's something I can tell people at parties.
And maybe meet Amelia Clarke.....hnnng
With a title like that is has to involve Steven Segal.
Sweet! Do you get a speaking part? Walk through? Hovering in the background looking busy?
Thought you looked like a Statey, eh?

6/23/16 6:31 p.m.
Excellent. Good luck. Maybe it'll lead to something big. Hollywood could be in your future! 
6/23/16 7:06 p.m.
Sweet. I've been trying to get to play a bloated corpse on Law and Order.
I'd be willing to bet that the amount of people auditioning for a movie AND willing to go to Harlan are quite low.
Err..... I mean, awesome! Congrats!!! Will you sign my man boobs if you become famous?
Harlan is a lovely 2:45 drive from the comforts of Lexington and my scene is scheduled for 8:30-whenever. I'll be starting EARLY 
Unknown if it's a speaking role or not but I doubt it. I think I heard somewhere that a speaking role meant you were credited and paid some minimum actors guild amount like $500. I'm supposed to receive $58 for my day (just about covers the gas).
I have no illusions about being the next movie star, while people have compared me to everyone from Jean Claude Van Damme to their local weather man (with "porn star" thrown in occasionally). It hasn't happened yet.
I was a semi-finalist for the very first season of Survivor, but didn't get on screen......
Awesome. Filming is fun. You'll enjoy it.
Well, combine the 2 1/2 hour drive with a 13 1/2 hour shooting day and the drive home......I was DONE last night!
I played a KY state trooper who walked through the scene (for about a MILLiON takes). Then a townie in a Norman Reedus style serape/vest walking again. I certainly got my steps in!!
Things I learned: extras are referred to as "background people" and we were treated as afflicted toddlers. The regular crew wavered between dismissive and uninterested in us. The production was wildly chaotic with what seemed like pretty poor communication between the various involved parties.
I'm glad I did it and all but don't believe I'll be pursuing a career in from of the camera.
Oh, and Ms Clarke wasn't even there, she had a family emergency and flew home the day before. I am however in a giant group/cast shot being sent to her with all the best wishes for speedy recoveries.....
Oh, and they really should have had a mechanic on site. They had an old Silverado that needed a tune up in the worst way. We had to reshoot one scene several times when it died or failed to start (plugs and wires) and a Ford LTD that seized when overheated doing a bunch of short runs and idling. When steam started to roll out from under the hood I told the driver he was boiling out coolant. He said it was fine and 10 minutes later it died. Oh well.
In reply to KyAllroad:
Common sense has no place in Hollywood.