8/23/11 4:03 p.m.
Biggest fault in the US is the New Madrid line running through Missouri. If that baby ever lets go, it's going to be a big one. Last time it did, in the 1840s, the Mississippi flowed backwards because of it. All those 3-floor brick walkups are going to fall like dominoes. I used to live in one.
Really felt it work in Woodbridge VA. Got home to lots of smashed glass, dinner ware and a rare old porcelain doll from Japan.
Gee, with all the CRAP being forced into the earth in Pa. (also known as FRACKING) and no one knowing what is in the CRAP (thanks to V.P. Cheney getting an exemption from the E.P.A.) is it any wonder there aren't MORE 'quakes and/or sinkholes in Pa.?
And yes, i used to live there.
Pa. a state going downhill fast thanks to state legislators that are total idiots. Tax oil companies? Why tax oil companies/charge them royalties....like EVERY other state does? We can just change the rate of the state income tax to cover budget shortfalls.
Interesting theory.... too bad the quake originated in VIRGINIA instead of PA. But thanks for your opinion on fracking.
Why ? Because the earth is not a solid rock. It is made in pieces that are moving all the time. The easern part is older, more solid, so moves less.
The west coast is moving north.
I'm in Morris County, NJ. I'd just finished doing rear axle seals on race-Spridget and was admiring my work. 
The entire house swayed. No wind outside, but trees moved too. I knew what it was (we had a similar one about 25 years ago). My son-in-law is a geologist. He texted me that he and his fellow-geologists at work all ran outside and were hoping for more.
It's screwed up the commute home from Manhattan and closed Newark and JFK airports for a while. We'll have lots of travel delays in my area.
I felt it at work up in Trumbull, CT (just north of Bridgeport). I was in my office chair and all of a sudden it started to feel like the beginning of understeer/oversteer. Really disconcerting when you're not in a car!
I'm in central TX. We just get hail. You guys get all the cool stuff.
I grew up in PA. Never had a noticeable quake while I was there. I lived in Los Angeles for 6 years. Never had a noticeable quake while I was there. I lived in New Orleans for a year. Never had a big hurricane while I was there.
Seems like all the cool weather and geological fun stuff happens after I leave.
I passed through Dulles Airport this morning on the way home from a business trip in Kuwait/Afghanistan. Was gone 10 days. Maybe it was my welcome home.

Grew up in SoCal, earthquakes aren't new to me. Remember there was one in Alaska when I was stationed there. Everyone but me paniced and was running around looking for a spot to hide. I just sat at the desk finishing my paperwork. Told them running around is more dangerous than staying put and crawling under the desk if necessary.