Ramesh Raskar presents femto-photography, a new type of imaging so fast it visualizes the world one trillion frames per second, so detailed it shows light itself in motion. This technology may someday be used to build cameras that can look "around" corners or see inside the body without X-rays.
From the video description. This is SERIOUSLY cool.
AMAZING! Thanks for sharing.
Dude, It would take 1 YEAR to watch a movie of a bullet traveling through that bottle. That is amazingly fast recording. 
8/25/12 11:56 a.m.
Nice to see that I'm not the only one who has been watching old TED talks. Here are a few I've seen lately that really impressed me.
Jack Horner's "Shape Shifting Dinosaurs" talk (mis-identified babies)
Jack Horner on trying to build a living dinosaur
Bill Stone on caves and space exploration