... for later model vehicles that have that matte black vinyl dash, door and trim panels.
Of say a hunnerd different products there's a hunnert reviews/ opinions. What's a shade tree detailer to use?
Back in the shiny vinyl days I used ArmorAll Gel protectant religiously. Some say gels may actually harm material in the long run. The shiny residue doesn't bother me, it fades anyway. Trend appears to be keep the matte look but w/ better UV protection.
Also, something NAV screen and speedo lens safe.
Vehicles are '14 Silverado, '09 BMW 335i and '05 Mustang GT. I'm satisfied to use Zymol on the leather btw.
Feels like I'm outta the loop w/ these new products.
Whattayagot GRM?
I usually use McGuirs natural protectant.

I used to like Armor all but all the stories of it destroying stuff ran me off.
9/19/15 12:06 p.m.
I have been using chemical guys inner clean. It works great, smells good and it doesn't leave any residue, if you use it with a detailing brush it really does a good job of lifting stubborn dirt.
M2Pilot wrote:
EvanR wrote:
The only stuff I will *ever* spray on rubber, plastic, or vinyl.
+2, and for those who don't want to click the link, it's 303 Aerospace Protectant.
9/19/15 9:42 p.m.
+3 for 303. Their convertible top product is fantastic as well.
I've always heard great things about the 303 stuff but holy crap 28$ for one bottle? Dayumn
every owner's manual for every car i've ever had has recommended something called "soapy water" with a "soft rag" for these things... i've tried looking for those things in the chemical aisles of every auto parts store- and even Wal Mart- but i can't find it in a convenient spray bottle adorned with bright colors..
9/20/15 2:18 a.m.
nepa03focus wrote:
I've always heard great things about the 303 stuff but holy crap 28$ for one bottle? Dayumn
There are other, cheaper sources. I get mine at West Marine for about fourteen bucks.
I like Meguiar's products, been using them for years, Mother's too.
Staying away from ArmorAll stuff for now, opinions are split as to harmful effects but who really knows, could be a smear campaign AFAIK.
After recommendations here and reading the reviews online I ordered 303 from Amazon today, have it in a few days. Dunno why it's not available locally if it's that great. Woulda had to drive 30 miles to the closest in stock retailer, not gonna happen today.
Nothing against soapy water btw.
303 is great stuff, but I think Vinylex is just about as good.
EvanR wrote:
nepa03focus wrote:
I've always heard great things about the 303 stuff but holy crap 28$ for one bottle? Dayumn
There are other, cheaper sources. I get mine at West Marine for about fourteen bucks.
Oh that's pretty reasonable considering meguiars is usually 8 or 9
novaderrik wrote:
every owner's manual for every car i've ever had has recommended something called "soapy water" with a "soft rag" for these things... i've tried looking for those things in the chemical aisles of every auto parts store- and even Wal Mart- but i can't find it in a convenient spray bottle adorned with bright colors..
That's for cleaning, which happens before the protectant. I always clean with soapy water first.
All of the product named here are effective in their own way, but in my experience, people have not been applying them correctly when they get crumby results.
First, they don't work it in enough. Most quality products are thick enough that a single swipe is not going to sufficiently distribute it on the surface. Second, they leave excess instead of wiping it off...
just taking care of those two things make even armor all product give me great results...
In reply to EvanR:
I came to say the same. 303 is great stuff.