I gotta say, I'm liking it a lot so far. The game is pretty stingy with ammo and supplies, so deciding to engage people is as important as actually tangling with them. The crafting system is pretty cool too. If you're gonna make stuff or use a health kit, you better be in a safe place, otherwise you leave yourself wide open to assault.
Its got its bugs, but I would say its very worthy of the praise its gotten from the reviews.
Thanks for the review. I want to pick this up. Might use this free game rental from redbox on it!
6/19/13 8:36 a.m.
Saw the video of gameplay around E3 last year, looks pretty intense. It's a zombie apocalypse game, right? Lots of interesting moral issues thoughts surrounding this one, IMO. Seems like the regular people are as much antagonists as the zombies or whatever they are.
Thanks for the review . . . I'm keeping my eye on the one once it goes below my self regulated $30 mark . . . 
Well, it's kind of a zombie apocalypse. In their version, an infection was spread through spores...then the infected begin to basically behave like zombies.
Also, apparently folks who have been infected for a long time begin to evolve, so there are several classes of the infected.
I just appreciate a game that really doesn't allow you to run and gun through the whole thing, which forces you to stop and think about what you're trying to accomplish. There's no radar that shows enemies, or an easily discernible objective at times. (Although the game will help you out when it thinks you're lost...this usually happens when I'm exploring and trying to search the entire site for supplies.)