8/7/08 9:09 a.m.
So I am trying to get a sportier car as a daily driver. Right now I have a GMC Sonoma Pick up truck. I have had three cars in mind.
one was a Baja Bug, one was a Mustang, and one is a e36 BMW (1994 4 door 325i).
I make initial contact and get a reply. I then say HEy I am interested where can we meet so I can view the car and possible buy it?
I get nothing, no reply, no phone call not F' you!, no nothing.
Could it be my breath?
New Reader
8/7/08 9:13 a.m.
dude, don't take it seriously.
I hate when people expect email to be like a face to face conversation.
It's just that, mail. Sometimes you send something out and the person just throws it in the trash.
It's not that they have anything against you, they just don't care either way.
He must not want to sell it very bad, or he already did.
8/7/08 9:25 a.m.
courtesy, or is that dead too?
Courtesy seems to be a forgotten thing nowdays.
I don't understand people who advertise things to sell and then aren't available either. It happens a lot.
New Reader
8/7/08 9:45 a.m.
...but everyone gets all worked up like they did something wrong or the seller was leading them on for fun.
Some people don't take the internet seriously...others do.
EricM wrote:
...say HEy I am...
^ There's the problem ^
You've probably been dealing with grammar/spelling nazi's 
In through the nose, out the mouth....
Easy there.
The guy got called away, his mother died, he had to work overtime, he hit the Lottery. Pick one. Don't give yourself ulcers over a non-deal.
Yeah, it could be a thousand things, I wouldn't let it get to you. Anytime I list cars for sale on craiglist and such, I include my phone number. If somebody calls it's easy to quickly fill them in, answer questions, arrange a meeting time, etc. If they email me, I'll email them back when I get around to it, which is usually only once every day or two and that's assuming I have time to get back to them.
When it comes to buying a car, I find that using the phone is WAY more effective and efficient than using email. Give it a shot next time...if they don't list their number, ask for it first thing and just take it to the phones.
EricM wrote:
courtesy, or is that dead too?
Pretty much...which is why instead of posting here, you should be busy flooding his inbox, flagging his ad. (assuming it's on CL,) etc. {chappelle}Why? 'Cuz berkeley 'em, that's why. You graduated from grade school, and you don't have to take E36 M3 from anybody.{/chappelle}
8/7/08 7:40 p.m.
Actually I got an email back I can go see the car Friday at 7 pm.
He Forgot to say where though.....
Nashco wrote:
Yeah, it could be a thousand things, I wouldn't let it get to you. Anytime I list cars for sale on craiglist and such, I include my phone number. If somebody calls it's easy to quickly fill them in, answer questions, arrange a meeting time, etc. If they email me, I'll email them back when I get around to it, which is usually only once every day or two and that's assuming I have time to get back to them.
When it comes to buying a car, I find that using the phone is WAY more effective and efficient than using email. Give it a shot next time...if they don't list their number, ask for it first thing and just take it to the phones.
I do the opposite. E-mail works great for weeding out the weirdos. I made the mistake of listing my number in a CL ad and was getting calls at 2am. Then I had some nut calling me about 3 times a day. Sometimes he didn't even remember our previous conversations, let alone what kind of car I was selling.
I made the mistake of listing my number in a CL ad and was getting calls at 2am.
Agreed. Put your number on CL and people think they can call you 24 hours a day.
Also, be sure to say something specific about the item when you email looking for more information and a phone number.
Because, as anybody who's listed ANYTHING on CL knows, a fair percentage of the "responses" you get are just scam feelers.
You know..."I'm very interested in the item and I would likes to understand more completely the condition. The price seems great."
They really say "item"...Whiskey tango? I guess scammers are lazy by nature (too lazy to replace "item" in their form letter with the actual description of the item in the ad.)
So, I make it a point to differentiate myself from a scammer by being specific. Like: "Hi, I'm interested in having a look at your isetta. If phone calls work better for you, here's my number..."