or is it something that all of his fellow talking heads will pounce on to show how weak he is?
i can think of about at least a dozen other people- from both "sides"- that need to listen closely to what Mr Beck has to say about his time in the spotlight.
he's always been one of those guys that i'm ashamed to admit that i essentially agree with- which is actually most of the time. he seems to be mellowing out now that he has a massive pile of cash to fall asleep on every night..
meh...talking heads are as talking heads do. All I got out of that was how egotistical he is and how that girl cant get under the table in front of him fast enough.

1/22/14 8:25 a.m.
I think if you catch yourself acting like a shiny happy person, apologizing for it is a good way to to become less of one.
1/22/14 8:42 a.m.
True self awareness includes the ability to prevent yourself from conducting egregious behavior in the first place. OTOH, the whole pundit gig is based on the ability to point out stuff to offend and enrage people predisposed to being offended and enraged. The worst thing possible is lack of controversy. Standard tactic is to create one if needed.
In reply to oldtin:
We're all human, with real human emotions and human fallacies. We will make mistakes. How you handle those mistakes determines the type of person you are IMO more than the actual mistake itself.
I didn't actually take that as an apology. I saw where he said he felt responsible for helping tear the country apart, (which is very egotistical on some level, maybe true, but still egotistical.) That he would have changed some thing and that he made mistakes.
I would have taken an apology to be, "During my time at Fox News I made some mistakes I wish I could take back. I was wrong. I was divisive and focused only on the negative. I never focused on pushing forward on ideas that bind us together. I am sorry for these actions and have learned from my mistakes."
Keywords and phrases in apologies are: I was wrong and I am sorry.
Not made mistakes and helped influence the country.
Yeah, he didn't actually apologize. It is a strength to own up to ones mistakes, and at least he got that far. I agree with what Bobzilla says, how we handle mistakes determines the type of person you are.
I will tell him what I tell my children.
"Apologies are important, but not doing it again is what shows you are sorry."
Am I the only one who doesn't trust apologies any more? It's the new black.
I never watched Fox news.
1/22/14 9:49 a.m.
Bobzilla wrote:
In reply to oldtin:
We're all human, with real human emotions and human fallacies. We will make mistakes. How you handle those mistakes determines the type of person you are IMO more than the actual mistake itself.
absolutely agree - but those that make their living in the public eye and are actively making an effort to influence the views and opinions of folks - just a thought that most of their words and deeds are pre-scripted - perhaps some forethought should go into the ramifications.
Perhaps if he is truly sorry he should maybe do something to try and reverse some of the damage he has done. (maybe he is?)
The ironic part of the whole thing is that I think realistically he has probably done more damage to his "side" then anything else (extremist tend to do that).
...but ...for now... the band plays on....
I don't think he made a whit of difference one way or another, regardless of what he might think.
i've posted this on a couple of other sites and on my facebook page.. i've gotten a few responses from people that never liked him or don't really know who he is, but not from anyone that listens to and lives by what he or people like him have to say..
i think that's kind of interesting..
Teh E36 M3 wrote:
Am I the only one who doesn't trust apologies any more? It's the new black.
OK, I'll take the bait;
So, You don't trust black?