So, in my house SWMBO obviously knows some of the local GRM's. I've been friends with Tom Spangler for years before the forum. Wawazat she knows via our local pool. Gearheaddaktu has been over many times as has Paul E. (TeamIlluminata). She's certainly heard me talk about Keith and the artist formaly known as Mazduce along with ECM and the Suddard clan.
Just wondering if anyone else mentions forum members often enough that their spousal units are familiar enough to know who you are talking about?
11/30/18 1:22 p.m.
My wife starts shaking uncontrollably when I tell her another GRMer is gonna be sleeping on the couch.
Mine knows of many other posters. Some via the DCSCC, some through the challenge.
My wife certainly has heard me speak of ,and name many GRMers, but she also is equipped with a mental shredder to get rid of any info that's not pertinent to her. I'd be surprised if she could name anyone. The best I could hope for would be "Oh, is he that guy that dropped by here that day with XXXXXX".
My 11 y/o daughter is crazy about trains / busses and still plays with the stuff Wally sent for Christmas several years ago…another GRM’er is officially my 14 y/o daughter’s god father and when she spilled something the other day, she mumbled “Berkley” so yes, GRM DNA is liberally slathered around the Reven’ family.
In reply to RX Reven' :
LOL, Berkley is well known in our household too, the spousal unit is known to use it correctly from time to time as well 
My wife met MNDSM when we went to Disney a couple years ago. I think that's the only one she's met.
She occasionally spies on my activities on the forum, and the only person she had mentioned was what she called "that giant purple douchebag ass" because she strongly disagreed with something he wrote once. I laughed pretty hard at that.
11/30/18 1:43 p.m.
SVreX said:
My wife starts shaking uncontrollably when I tell her another GRMer is gonna be sleeping on the couch.
That could be read as "in addition" to yourself. 
11/30/18 1:57 p.m.
In reply to Cooter :
Absolutely. I hide my valuables, and make sure my guns are loaded! Haha!
11/30/18 2:03 p.m.
My wife has known Ross413 since he was a baby. We're related to him.
She met flynlow briefly when he came to look at my 325i. We may hang out sometime soon; we're local and don't get together as much as we could.
My wife met a few at the Challenge 2-years ago, and she actually wants to come again next year. I’m not sure whether to be ecstatic or scared?
11/30/18 2:19 p.m.
Yup, to the point where when I have a crazy idea she says "but what do the guys on Grassroots think?"
It isn't hard considering I've worked with a few folks on here at real world jobs, not just slinging tools on project cars. She spent probably an hour talking to Mental at our local auto journalist Christmas party.
11/30/18 2:20 p.m.
Nick Comstock said:
My wife met MNDSM when we went to Disney a couple years ago. I think that's the only one she's met.
She occasionally spies on my activities on the forum, and the only person she had mentioned was what she called "that giant purple douchebag ass" because she strongly disagreed with something he wrote once. I laughed pretty hard at that.
I am concerned she has not met another. Did I set the bar that high?
As for me, swmbo 1.0 knew of them, and never met one. Swmbo 2.0 has met many. Syntheticblinkerfluid has slept on my couch, (idk if she met mr. Comstock in disney) and she went with me to spectate challenge this year, where we met pete gossett, seth, stampie, svrex, nonack, shawnee creek (and mrs creek) maschinbau, robbie, and many others. Oh, and the suddard children, both Tom and Katie.
-as an aside, some of the most polite and friendly kids ever. I will remember firewire (from katie) forever.
She still lets me go, has said we need to hotel next year, as well as maybe enter a car! And so on.
We rallycross with several GRMers, so she knows them. She’s met a smattering of people at the Challenge, but she probably wouldn’t be able to pick most of them out of a lineup.
With regard to the board, I do show her stuff from the hotlink thread I think she’d want to see, but she doesn’t come visit on her own as far as I know.
DeadSkunk said:
My wife certainly has heard me speak of ,and name many GRMers, but she also is equipped with a mental shredder to get rid of any info that's not pertinent to her. I'd be surprised if she could name anyone. The best I could hope for would be "Oh, is he that guy that dropped by here that day with XXXXXX".
That is almost exactly my house as well.
My wife knows Ade and his lovely bride and family, but the rest of it is "That car forum thing" to her.
MaschinenBride got to know several of you during the Datsaniti build party weekend this past April. Now that she believes my internet friends are actual real people, she definitely takes me more seriously.
See, I don't just chat with weirdos on the internet. I commit terrible, beer-fueled acts of fabrication with weirdos from the internet.
Oh hell no. I don't want her to think there are more people bent in the head, like me.
Joking aside, she's met Toyman and his son, on day 1 of the Sanford epic journey.
She's well aware of GRMers as a group but probably not individually. We did meet the Suddards a couple years back at a pre-mitty road tour.
Everytime Seth buys a car, I announce and read the thread around, out loud, my house days at a time, so that their is justification for my vehicles .....
I’ve never met and of “you people” in person but I know the exotruck guy lives around the corner and I drive through Pinchvalve’s township (Car-Naggy) everyday on the way to work but I’m afraid he’ll try to make me buy another Kia.
Hoping to unleash DSM fury at the Challenge one day.
And to answer the question, yes. My wife knows all about Grassroots. Not sure if it makes her feel better or worse knowing there are more people like me in the world.
Sure- collectively y’all are referred to as my car friends.
My sons especially remember the folks we’ve met in person by whatever we did together. “Oh, is he the guy we watched drive around on a dirt track?” or “is he the guy that came over to help you figure out the engine you built wrong?”. That sort of thing.
11/30/18 6:40 p.m.
My wife knows of many, but as far as I know she’s only met nocones when we bought the Miata.
I am relatively new to the forum, after some years of lurking. My wife and I have met NordicSaab, and I often refer to interesting discussions on the forum.
She knows who Kieth Tanner is.
My friends ARE other GRM members, mostly.