My son asked me to help him with a Nerf project. He wants to build a riot shield, like the one outlined in this blog post: Nerf riot shield how to
It refers to a "foam boot tray" and includes this picture. I'm a little stumped on exactly what the material is. I would think any trunk cargo tray would be ABS or HDPE. Since the hive knows all, thoughts?

2/10/17 9:03 a.m.
In reply to Grtechguy:
Using something hard like a cafeteria tray would enable your son to use his shield like this:
I think anything softer would break too easily. If not a cafeteria tray, a plastic hot water heater drain pan would work
It needs to be both rigid and light. The boot (for feet) mats look like they are floppy rubber.
A cafeteria tray might work!
2/11/17 12:54 p.m.
Chloroplast sounds like a winner but completely disregards the other build.
2/11/17 12:57 p.m.
you're in the wrong part of the country. up here we have hard plastic boot trays that you put by the back door so you can take off your shoes and let the snow and muck drip off of them.
patgizz wrote:
you're in the wrong part of the country. up here we have hard plastic boot trays that you put by the back door so you can take off your shoes and let the snow and muck drip off of them.
That sounds like what we need. Off to Amazon!