I'm in the market for a retro cocktail table style 2 person arcade table. Like this:

Looks like the going rate for these is about $1200, but I've seen them for $3500, and also seen them for $350. I could afford the $1200, but who doesn't like a bargain?
There is a import company called "Zamouse" which advertises them for $359 (with free shipping, and throws in 2 stools!). Of course, all the "too good to be true" alarms are going off in my head. No reviews, open ended privacy policy, Chinese company with a Flushing NY residential address... I'm not sure it could look more sketchy. I might be willing to take the risk for that price, but don't really want to give them carte blanche with my credit card (and perhaps my first born!). I could afford to lose the $359, but...
Za-mouse trap!
Any thoughts? Leads? Is this a too risky site? Anyone have one in decent shape they want to sell? Any good ideas on where to look?
Thanks for the help!
11/13/21 8:30 a.m.
They had them at Sams club last Christmas for under $500. This year it's a stand up 4 person arcade game.
I've seen the style your looking for pop-up on my local Craigslist every few months for $3-400. I'm looking for the really old one with the colored transparency sheet attached to the top. I've only seen one so far, sold at restaurant auction for a song.
Unless your on a time crunch, like a Xmas gift, might be worth just keeping an eye on the markets.
You still travel all over hell for work don't you? Check listings before bed or when you're in the throne room, if you have the room on the truck anyway.
The arcade game market, after suffering from shortages of new systems for years leading up to covid, has gone absurdly batty. Some real diamonds in the rough, but all the popular stuff is getting cloned or into bidding wars. Not quite to pinball machine levels, but closing in.
Or, with a tube TV, a pi3, and some money at an arcade supplier you could build one cheap enough.
Do you want a real and genuine vintage unit that has been refurb'ed?
Or, would you want a newly constructed model that is similar to a vintage unit? I feel like the last time I was in Sam's Club or maybe Costco they were selling a newly constructed version.
I distinctly remember when seeing it in the store, the overall dimensions were noticeable smaller than the true vintage versions.
In reply to RevRico :
Nope. I'm not building one.
I'm a little worn out on trying to do everything myself.
But thanks for the other suggestions.
I'm not hung up on genuine vintage. I'm looking for something with an assortment of vintage games (they typically have 60 games on board- though many are crap), which will be the centerpiece of a small vintage game room. The balance of the decorating will be with old school board games.
It's for a lake house. The idea is "have fun, but let's try to unplug a bit". I strongly prefer the face-to-face seating arrangement, and will build a table top that can be put on top (for cards, board games, etc). I don't want modern games which suck people in and absorb them- that's what people have every day. New games are certainly "better"- there is a good reason the old ones have been retired. I want games that are just clean fun, and that everyone can laugh at playing, but after a short period they are ready to walk away and go for a boat ride or a swim.
80's vintage games hit the sweet spot... Older people never learned them in the first place, and young people never learned them because they were "dumb, and too basic". That leaves everyone on an even playing field, and no one gets "sucked in".
I used to know about a place that would build those, but I don't think I have that info anymore (I will look, they may no longer exist).
One thing to consider is whether you want a vertical or horizontal setup. It sounds like, from you description, you want a vertical. Most all the games for the "golden era" of games (80's) were vertical. A lot of the cabinets that are sold are horizontal. The other aspect, that you likely have no choice on at this point, is that they were all CRT's. Most anything new will use LCD's. It creates a slightly different look, if you care.
If you find one you want from a retail place, it will likely have a pretty limited game selection based on licensing. It's likely you can just add ROMs to those, so make sure to check that out.
As you noted, the 80's stuff is generally a lot more self explanatory, and much better for a casual game (e.g. Ms PacMan, Dig Dug, Elevator Action etc).
Found one: https://secretlevelarcades.com/collections/cocktail-tables/products/cocktail-table-arcade
Not cheap, but looks quality and appears to be on US soil, and probably what you will need to pay if you want a good one. I found them by searching Craigslist for "arcade".
In reply to aircooled :
Vertical loses the face to face experience. I know most 80's games were vertical, but I'm thinking horizontal.
Don't care about CRT vs LCD
Yeah, not vertical is a cabinet sense, vertical in the playfield orientation (e.g. PacMan as opposed to Mortal Combat).
What you are looking for is called a cocktail table cabinet. See link above.
The Zamouse deal is tempting, but I'd assume that it's a very cheesy imitation, possibly not even genuine old-school arcade games, but cheesy knock-offs.
The original tables were built like battleships, and a good re-furb would be the way I'd go, but expect to pay more.
BTW, if you get a cab, and you can add games (likely) and are missing some you want, I have a pretty complete collection of ROMs (OK, I am pretty sure it's everything up to 1995 or so). There are not that large, so getting you a zip file would not be much of an issue. You can ask the supplier if it's running some form of MAME (although I suspect the ROMS will work on other emulators).
11/13/21 10:22 a.m.
Tell them you would like to visit their showroom.
What could go wrong? 51-53 96th street Flushing NY

They pop up on Facebook marketplace more than you'd think. Search cocktail arcade. You're looking for someone selling out of their basement because they don't use it anymore. You should be in the $700-$800 range for a good one.
This one is nice
11/13/21 8:15 p.m.
As others noted, originals are best but with those you are likely getting 1 game unless its been converted. I've DIY'd some in the past, its a fun project but as you noted you dont want a project.
The big name in the replicas with multiple games is 1UP, their quality wont be that of a real arcade cabinet but it seems fit for the purpose you describe.
Amazon.com: Arcade 1Up Arcade1Up PAC-MAN Head-to-Head Arcade Table - Black Series Edition - Electronic Games; : Video Games
I thought about building one with a Raspberry Pi so you could have tons of games in one.
Problem is I have 6 consoles and 3 gaming computers and I don't use any of them for gaming anymore.
The gaming laptop's screen is starting to go bad so I am thinking it should power a sim rig for Asseto Corsa that I don't have time to play. I have an old Integra seat and a couple 40" flatscreens we don't use and the laptop as a start. I'll probably do a build thread when I get around to it.
My real weakness is pinball though. I am avoiding that rabbit hole...
In reply to preach (fs) :
Now is not the time to get into pinball. Prices are stupid high.
In reply to Steve_Jones :
Yeah, I can buy more cars for the money being asked.
There is a pinball emulator you know....

It's called Pin MAME. I have looked into it a bit just because I have always like 8 Ball Deluxe.
No Time
11/14/21 4:33 p.m.
Maybe this would be worth contacting:
NMNA: $875 - built to order

In reply to No Time :
That's in NH. Thats too far.