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1988RedT2 MegaDork
11/7/23 11:09 a.m.


No candidate or political affiliation is endorsed.


Javelin MegaDork
11/7/23 11:22 a.m.

Our county is expecting a whopping 36% turnout for this off year election. School boards, fire district, city council, these are the positions that really affect what life is like for us. Very important to vote!

RevRico MegaDork
11/7/23 11:27 a.m.

Don't really see the point when the local elections are just shiny happy people trying to pull power moves on other shiny happy people, with no real plan other than to win, with zero idea what to do after winning.

As I'm registered no affiliation, I can't run for any of them, so berkeleyem. 

Scotty Con Queso
Scotty Con Queso UltraDork
11/7/23 11:37 a.m.

I'll be voting.  There are absolute nut jobs that want to dismantle our school district, which is always ranked top in the state, and completely change things around to fit their personal agendas. 

johndej SuperDork
11/7/23 11:55 a.m.

Miata is the answer 

aircooled MegaDork
11/7/23 11:59 a.m.

I have to say I always do get a bit concerned when people say "just vote" because I am not sure which is worse: people not voting, or un-informed people voting.  Both have serious potential for easy manipulation.

Perhaps we should say: Be aware as possible of what/who you are voting for, and vote.

Of course, there is so much deception in the presentation of many voting topics.... even that is hard to decern sometimes. 

I guess the one suggestion I might have:  Be aware that the description, and especially the title of things you are voting for (this could probably apply to people also) may have almost nothing to do with, and may actually be implying the entirely opposite, of what the actual affect will be (intended or unintended).

Duke MegaDork
11/7/23 12:26 p.m.

Delaware doesn't have odd-year elections.


volvoclearinghouse UltimaDork
11/7/23 12:28 p.m.
aircooled said:

I have to say I always do get a bit concerned when people say "just vote" because I am not sure which is worse: people not voting, or un-informed people voting.  Both have serious potential for easy manipulation.

Perhaps we should say: Be aware as possible of what/who you are voting for, and vote.

Of course, there is so much deception in the presentation of many voting topics.... even that is hard to decern sometimes. 

I guess the one suggestion I might have:  Be aware the description, and especially the title of things you are voting for (this could probably apply to people also) may have almost nothing to do with, and may actually be implying the entirely opposite, of what the actual affect will be (intended or unintended).

Agreed.  My neighbor's wife refuses to vote, on the grounds that she doesn't feel that she knows enough to make an educated choice.  While I wish she would research the candidates and pull the lever, I can respect her point from a certain level.

I'm sick of the whole "VOTE!" crusade.  It seems like it's always being pushed by one side of the political spectrum, and has an underlying message of who precisely to vote for.  I guess that's because older people tend to vote more often, and tend to vote the other way, largely without such provocation. 

I knew a guy once who told me that he decided who to vote for based on who he predicted was going to end up leaving him with the most amount of money in his pocket (between taxes and how well the economy was doing).  Hard to argue with that.

triumph7 HalfDork
11/7/23 1:13 p.m.

I voted because of a couple issues and levies that were on the ballot.  Sorry, no on abortion, no on recreational pot and no on the taxes... pretty simple.

mtn MegaDork
11/7/23 1:18 p.m.

In reply to triumph7 :

Might want to remove your second sentence as that is clearly political.

slefain UltimaDork
11/7/23 1:34 p.m.

Yup, I am so happy election day is finally here. It has been an absolute E36 M3show in my city. People spreading lies and slander with a touch of violent rhetoric. It's insane and only comes from one group (not a political party, one neighborhood basically). And in a few hours it will all be over. After this I'm done, no more city meetings. I've done my part, time to let nature take its course. If that course is letting the place burn to the ground so roughly 3% of the population can rule the ashes, so be it.

On the funny side I've had more TV news screen time this last year than our own city mayor. Hopefully a change in leadership means I won't have to do interviews anymore.

Powar UltraDork
11/7/23 1:45 p.m.



Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter)
Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter) UltraDork
11/7/23 1:47 p.m.

I got to vote myself a nice property tax cut.

bobzilla MegaDork
11/7/23 1:56 p.m.
Javelin said:

Our county is expecting a whopping 36% turnout for this off year election. School boards, fire district, city council, these are the positions that really affect what life is like for us. Very important to vote!

If any of those positions were running opposed than sure. Here they're not and I don't feel like standing in line for an hour and a half to vote.

1988RedT2 MegaDork
11/7/23 2:51 p.m.
bobzilla said:
Javelin said:

Our county is expecting a whopping 36% turnout for this off year election. School boards, fire district, city council, these are the positions that really affect what life is like for us. Very important to vote!

If any of those positions were running opposed than sure. Here they're not and I don't feel like standing in line for an hour and a half to vote.

That's the part I don't understand.  I've never had to stand in line to vote.  For me, it's in and out in five minutes (that's what she said, lol) --check in with drivers license, get ticket, trade ticket for paper ballot, go to booth, mark ballot, insert ballot into counting machine, get "I voted" sticker.  Done.  If it takes as long as five minutes, it's because I was being overly meticulous about filling in the little oval.  And the polling place is about five minutes from the house.   Granted, I would not characterize my precinct as "urban."

bobzilla MegaDork
11/7/23 2:57 p.m.

In reply to 1988RedT2 :

well this area has grown exponentially in the last 10 years and they changed polling locations. So we went from a couple thousand trying to vote to 40k. Because they couldn't staff all of the locations they consolidated polling locations throughout the county. 

It has only become an issue since 2020 when they changed it. Now it's a nightmare and unless you go in the middle of the day to the only remote location left that is 45 minutes away you're waiting in line. Last year the wait was 2 hours. 

Javelin MegaDork
11/7/23 2:58 p.m.
bobzilla said:
Javelin said:

Our county is expecting a whopping 36% turnout for this off year election. School boards, fire district, city council, these are the positions that really affect what life is like for us. Very important to vote!

If any of those positions were running opposed than sure. Here they're not and I don't feel like standing in line for an hour and a half to vote.

Three did not have an opposition, the rest did, plus measures. And we have statewide mail-in voting which is very nice. I do plan on running again for something next year, I didn't realize how much I missed it.

preach UltraDork
11/7/23 4:25 p.m.

So many years ago now when I moved to my current town/county I went to vote and there was only one guy up for sheriff so I wrote my name in for kicks. Nothing really happened but the local paper said that he won in a landslide.

The next time it came up was a few years later and I had told my friends what I had done so they all wrote me in as well. The local paper decried that the sheriff won by a great margin. I probably got 20 votes.

So it comes up again and everyone told their friends and family. The paper declared that the decision was decisive but was the first time in a long time that a challenger got triple digit votes. I almost pissed myself laughing.

I joked around that all I wanted to do was to get a ten gallon hat (in NH btw) and some mirrored aviators and cruise around the county. I would have E36 M3 a brick had I actually won. I probably would not have ended up in trouble for widespread corruption like the incumbent.


11GTCS SuperDork
11/7/23 5:45 p.m.

Town elections today here as well.  I've lived in town for 32 years so far and have not missed an election whether it be just local candidates or local / state / national candidates on the ballot.  The town election officials here have always made it quick and convenient for us so no excuses, just go and get it done.   

WonkoTheSane UltraDork
11/7/23 7:00 p.m.

Our town does great, I've never had a longer than 5 minute line.  Same thing tonight.

neverdone Reader
11/7/23 9:03 p.m.

If you don't vote you can't complain who got elected.

AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter)
AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter) PowerDork
11/7/23 9:23 p.m.

This post has received too many downvotes to be displayed.

Dead_Sled Dork
11/8/23 12:05 a.m.

Edit - I hate being an adult.

I voted, and I feel I helped make a difference today.

Fueled by Caffeine
Fueled by Caffeine MegaDork
11/8/23 6:43 a.m.

The one thing that Washington's state has absolutely right is its vote by mail system. Everyone gets a book in the mail before voting that details every issue and candidate.  Candidates and political parties submit the info beforehand.   You litterally have to ignore the info provided to be uninformed about the issues or candidates.  The mail in ballots were super easy to use as well. 

people need to vote and restricting voting hours and places is stupid. Either give us all a holiday for the day or easy mail in voting.  
I don't want to have to go to some strange churches basement to vote. 

mtn MegaDork
11/8/23 7:38 a.m.

In reply to AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter) :

That doesn't stop it from being blatantly political. He literally told us how he voted on three separate yes or no questions on the ballot. 

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