11/25/12 10:34 a.m.
Not mine...

Ferrari Accordion - $380 (New City)
Date: 2012-10-17, 3:57PM EDT
qzz2k-3345915177@sale.craigslist.org[Errors when replying to ads?]
Ferrari Acordion excellent condition with hard-shell original case. Italian made, approxiamately 50 years old. 41 key/120 base. 5 treble, 2 base tone selections. About 17 lbs. Bellows in great condition, no leaks. Keys and bases are even with no sticking. All leather, in excellent condition.
11/25/12 11:38 a.m.
It would be great fun to buy that. It gives me horrible ideas. I'd probably drive a babe-rally type of car to a wine-and-cheese event for collectors of of Italian pony cars. I could park it with the windows down and horrible oompah-music playing on the stereo, while the Ferrari accordian sat in the passenger seat.
I am still holding out for the Ferrari of ceiling fans...
11/25/12 12:08 p.m.
My Dad used to own a music store. There was a time when accordians were as popular as guitars are today. The walls of his store were lined with hundreds of them.
We tossed them all. We had no idea they might have value. 
Did you hear about the accordion player who got home late from a gig one night and forgot his accordion in the car? He woke up the next morning to discover his car had been broken into - the whole back seat was piled full of accordions!

I play the concertina. I'm pretty sure it's the VW Rabbit of concertinas.
11/25/12 2:49 p.m.
Q: What's the definition of perfect pitch?
A: It is the sound made when the banjo hits the accordian in the dumpster.
The accordion is one of my favorite instruments. I play guitar and mandolin but and afraid to learn accordion.
The style of tango accordion in the soundtrack to 12 monkeys is one of my favorite sounds.
11/25/12 3:18 p.m.
I've always liked the accordion. Take it out of the context of polka and other slightly goofy stuff and think of it as a pump organ you strap to your shoulders, and it turns out to be a pretty cool instrument.
I do find it funny in a quaint sort of way that a lot of old amplifiers have accordion inputs next to the guitar in.
Q. What's the difference between an accordion and a trampoline?
A. You take your shoes off before you jump up and down on a trampoline.
Excellent opportunity to insert a relevant clip:
Pete Barbutti: Accordion Lessons.