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Appleseed PowerDork
9/30/12 2:53 a.m.

Get some cheap, chintzy wheel covers. The lamer, the better. Then figure out a away to stick them on without gouging the rim. A thief wouldn't look twice.

novaderrik SuperDork
9/30/12 4:12 a.m.
Spinout007 wrote: The second siren inside the car is freaking awesome. Buddy of mine had his sound q competition car stripped out one time. When the insurance check came in it was one of the first things he did. Something like a 169db alarm under the dash set on a 4 or 5 second delay. Gave em just enough time to get in. Sorry to hear about your troubles.

a couple of really bright strobe lights hidden in the AC ducts and wired to come on with the alarm would make it extra fun- you'd have a deaf and blind bad guy trying to run away..

PHeller UltraDork
9/30/12 9:17 a.m.

What's interesting is that you were hit twice.

Something about your street is inviting.

I noticed the trees. Do you have streetlights? Do the lights on the front of your house illuminate the street?

What about your windows? Are they all sealed up so no-one can see inside or out?

Curmudgeon MegaDork
9/30/12 10:10 a.m.
novaderrik wrote:
Spinout007 wrote: The second siren inside the car is freaking awesome. Buddy of mine had his sound q competition car stripped out one time. When the insurance check came in it was one of the first things he did. Something like a 169db alarm under the dash set on a 4 or 5 second delay. Gave em just enough time to get in. Sorry to hear about your troubles.
a couple of really bright strobe lights hidden in the AC ducts and wired to come on with the alarm would make it extra fun- you'd have a deaf and blind bad guy trying to run away..

The point of an alarm is to scare them off before they can get in your ride. A 'smash and grab' type will bust the glass, but if there's a siren inside he will definitely not want to stick his head in the door. That way the worst you might lose is a door glass, and if you have a good enough glass vibration detector maybe not even that. The element of surprise helps too, if he knows there's an alarm (the reason for the red LED) he'll be expecting the outside siren and the lights but not the inside siren. He'll drop whatever and haul ass. This saved a borrowed video camera I had in my '82 RX7.

Ojala Reader
9/30/12 10:25 a.m.

Ooooohhhh, I know. An alarm with purple strobes and a fog machine that plays "purple rain" instead of a siren. Or maybe "super freak" instead I haven't decided that part yet.

fast_eddie_72 UltraDork
9/30/12 10:31 a.m.
PHeller wrote: What's interesting is that you were hit twice. Something about your street is inviting. I noticed the trees. Do you have streetlights? Do the lights on the front of your house illuminate the street? What about your windows? Are they all sealed up so no-one can see inside or out?

Yeah, I've talked to the cops about this. We're a block away from one major street, and two blocks from another. They like to stick to the areas they can get away from quickly.

After the last round I actually got them to fix the street light that had been broken for about a year. Glad they could see what they were doing. I've been leaving the porch light on too. Glad they could see what they were doing on the other side.

If I had been awake at 3AM or whatever, I could have looked out the window and seen them just fine. They just always come when decent, working folks are asleep.

Mitchell SuperDork
9/30/12 2:09 p.m.

I haven't seen cwh post yet. He's the forum's home security guru, so contacting him would probably be worth your time.

yamaha Dork
9/30/12 7:53 p.m.

Ill almost bet you that its teenage kids who know the targets families from school. We had a huge rash of this a few years back(and we're rural Indiana). Stereo systems, wheels, tool theft, etc......a homeowner shot one of them stealing from his garage. Kid flipped on all the others for reduced charges. They were all members of the local high school basketball team. Last I checked, they're all still in prison......and will owe close to 20k a piece in reparations after they get out.

Mazdax605 Dork
9/30/12 7:57 p.m.
nicksta43 wrote: In reply to fast_eddie_72: What kind of crazy stupid freakishly strong block can hold a suburban up turned on there side like that?

That's not a Suburban.

yamaha Dork
9/30/12 8:06 p.m.

Also, prolly all caused by the deadmou5 sticker on the side.....

nicksta43 Dork
9/30/12 8:14 p.m.

In reply to Mazdax605:

OK Suburban - 2'

Keith Tanner
Keith Tanner MegaDork
9/30/12 9:13 p.m.
fast_eddie_72 wrote: Yeah, I've talked to the cops about this. We're a block away from one major street, and two blocks from another. They like to stick to the areas they can get away from quickly. After the last round I actually got them to fix the street light that had been broken for about a year. Glad they could see what they were doing. I've been leaving the porch light on too. Glad they could see what they were doing on the other side. If I had been awake at 3AM or whatever, I could have looked out the window and seen them just fine. They just always come when decent, working folks are asleep.

Again with the motion sensing light - a light that comes on is more effective at deterring crime than a light that stays on. In fact, the latter has just the opposite effect as it provides light to work by.

fast_eddie_72 UltraDork
9/30/12 11:47 p.m.
pres589 wrote: I like the idea about pressing for heavier patrolling of the neighborhood.

I'd settle for any patrolling of the neighborhood.

fast_eddie_72 UltraDork
9/30/12 11:54 p.m.
Keith Tanner wrote: Again with the motion sensing light - a light that comes on is more effective at deterring crime than a light that stays on. In fact, the latter has just the opposite effect as it provides light to work by.

I'm real open to this idea, but I don't see how it would work. The car was parked on the street in front of my house. If I had a motion sensing light, it either won't go off at all, or it will go off every time a car drives down our street. My neighbors are very supportive right now. Seems like this might tick them off in a hurry.

ScottyB New Reader
10/1/12 12:18 a.m.
fast_eddie_72 wrote: I'm real open to this idea, but I don't see how it would work. The car was parked on the street in front of my house. If I had a motion sensing light, it either won't go off at all, or it will go off every time a car drives down our street. My neighbors are very supportive right now. Seems like this might tick them off in a hurry.

would it be possible to mount a more focused light pointing straight down from one of the big trees right there on the road, to just illuminate your cars? or are the trees considered property of the city? maybe mount them high enough that someone couldn't spray paint the lens or easily throw something at it to disable it.

the next challenge would be running power to the light...i guess you could go underground with it.

fast_eddie_72 UltraDork
10/3/12 10:02 a.m.

Well, after calming down a bit, I came up with a reasonable, if only partial solution.

Rented a garage near my house yesterday. With some work, it will store all the stuff I have in my stoage locker as well. And best of all, it's less than I'm paying now. One car safe and save a little money. It's a good start.

Jake HalfDork
10/4/12 2:06 p.m.

In reply to fast_eddie_72:

It IS a good start. Sorry you’re having trouble with delinquents; hope it clears up. Make a nuisance of yourself to your local officials until something is done. What about the other 4 vehicles (I think you said you have 5)? Or are they parked out behind the house or something?

I would be on strike 2 of 3 for “honey we’re moving, get packed” school situations for the kids or not. As was mentioned, if this is happening, it may only be a matter of time before something more than vacant cars gets broken into.

Also: Nice Deadmau5 sticker. :p

fast_eddie_72 UltraDork
10/4/12 4:05 p.m.

Car #1 - 1972 Capri. Not running yet. In the garage.

Car #2 - E Stock MR2. Now living on the awkward, but workable sloped garage entrance. PITA, but worth it.

Car #3 - Wife's SLK. Parking pad out back.

Car #4 - Tom Celica. Has moved out and living on his own. Close enough for frequent visits.

Car #5 - 4Runner. Only one left on the street. We're just being careful not to leave anything in it. I'll get an alarm on it at some point.

Not fool-proof, but a lot better off than we were. So far there's never been any trouble with cars getting broken into out back. Neighbor has a motion sensor light on their garage and it's really bright. I'll probably add one to mine as well, so it'll be dramatic when someone goes back there at night. Still considering cameras as well.

Short term, I have a lot of work to do to make the new garage space workable to store all the stuff that's in storage. A bigger garage would have been better, but a lot more expensive. I can make it work, but it'll take a couple of weeks.

chaparral HalfDork
10/4/12 4:27 p.m.

Got the solution.

Find a waterproof ink or paint that dries very slowly. A ton of reducer or thinner might make this work really well.

Paint the back surfaces of a cheap set of wheels - or secure the ink pads to the back surface.

Set up a camera and an audible alarm. The thieves will be caught red handed - or blue, or black, or green.

itsarebuild HalfDork
10/4/12 4:38 p.m.

One of my neighbors put one of those cheap door chime I fared beam kits from his mailbox to the fence. When the beam is broken the chime inside went off in his bedroom. Cost him 14 bucks at Home Depot required nothing but 2 batteries and three nails. and it saved his car from being broken into 3 times. I now own one too!

poopshovel UltimaDork
10/4/12 4:51 p.m.
itsarebuild wrote: One of my neighbors put one of those cheap door chime I fared beam kits from his mailbox to the fence. When the beam is broken the chime inside went off in his bedroom. Cost him 14 bucks at Home Depot required nothing but 2 batteries and three nails. and it saved his car from being broken into 3 times. I now own one too!

That's a damned good idea.

RX Reven'
RX Reven' HalfDork
10/4/12 5:43 p.m.

Hi Fast Eddie,

In reviewing the first image, we can conclude that those punks are absolutely horrible at calculating C.G..

I wonder if you could petition the local high school to release test scores under the freedom of information act. From there, you could start interrogating everyone that has horrendously E36 M3’y math and science grades.

Better yet, you could work with the faculty to embed an incriminating question in an upcoming quiz...

Jonny who weighs 62 Lbs and Marry who weighs 38 Lbs are playing on seven foot long Seesaw that has an adjustable fulcrum…how far from Jonny must the fulcrum be positioned to balance the two children.

When someone answers “four feet”, you say “wrong mother berkleyer” and go all Neanderthal on them with a baseball bat.


Mike HalfDork
10/4/12 9:01 p.m.
fast_eddie_72 wrote: Car #5 - 4Runner. Only one left on the street. We're just being careful not to leave anything in it. I'll get an alarm on it at some point.

I just recently learned something. So, uh, haven't started my own thread yet, but fun facts:

  • 4Runner spare wheels are often identical to the other four wheels, with nice wide spokes in the alloys that are just perfect for reaching through. If a crook hit four trucks, he'd have a full set.
  • That spare is tucked up between the frame rails where you can barely see it.
  • It's secured with a steel cable that will give way to a good wire cutter.
  • The TPMS might tell you about it, but only after about thirty minutes of solid driving.
  • Your Toyota dealership will lighten your wallet by about $1350 to fix this until it happens again.

So, do you know where your spare tire is?

fast_eddie_72 UltraDork
10/4/12 9:05 p.m.

In reply to RX Reven':

Yes! I love it!

As for a beam type alarm- I live in the city. If I had an alarm go off every time someone walked (or in my neighborhood ran at 5AM) down the street or sidewalk I'd get even less sleep than I already do. And after reading about some of these punks shooting at people when they came out to give them a hard time, I'm thinking I'd be better off not catching them in the act.

As for actually building it- I have some experience in that area. I have a mousetrap activated by an infrared beam. Works great!

Yeah, I paid all this money for a house I can't park in and gets mice all the time. We have dumpsters in the alley out back. Really convenient, but there are a fair few mice around. They get in the house, but with my awesome trap, they don't stay very long.

RealMiniDriver SuperDork
4/30/13 6:07 a.m.


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