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java230 PowerDork
12/21/23 9:49 a.m.

Glad you guys are enjoying it! I sure have been. The cabin in the woods thing is so true, I love it. Its 1:45 from my house too, with no traffic anyway. Makes it much easier to use more!


Who needs more projects? :lmao:



java230 PowerDork
12/22/23 10:38 a.m.

So here is a bit more info, if I should make another thread ppl tell me. I'm happy to.


It's a Coot. My aunt and uncle had one in Alaska. I spent summers up there as a kid.


This one is an early 60's it's been bubba'ed. Drain holes look to be filled in. Patches and holes on the sides. Not factory engine. Possible not factory cvt on engine side.


It's a worm drive front and rear. Locked all times with E36 M3ty turning radius. Articulates in the middle to keep tires on the ground. It floats!





Scotty Con Queso
Scotty Con Queso UltraDork
12/22/23 1:15 p.m.

The sub 2 hours from home is key I think.  Anything more is a chore to get to.  I have some property down in West Viginia that I'd like to work on but it's 5.5 hours of hauling ass to get to.  I stop down there 2 times a year but it's more like once every 5 years. 

wheelsmithy (Joe-with-an-L)
wheelsmithy (Joe-with-an-L) PowerDork
12/22/23 2:29 p.m.

Yes! We'd love a thread on the amphibious ATV. Also, sweet cabin/land.

java230 PowerDork
12/22/23 2:47 p.m.

In reply to Scotty Con Queso :

Yes that is part of why we were really looking in this area. Much more usable. 

java230 PowerDork
12/22/23 2:51 p.m.

In reply to wheelsmithy (Joe-with-an-L) :

I'll throw the updates in here. Long story short, I replaced the engine, clutches and got it working to promptly break it..... The turning radius is so bad it's almost useless at times though..... It's parked under the carport for now. Parts are unobtanium, but I may take it apart to see if the gears happen to be an off the shelf part. But getting it apart is going to suck. A lot. 

java230 PowerDork
1/2/24 10:58 a.m.

New one is in and running. Wish me luck. Had to move the vent up a bit, but just offset the stove.... Half lazy, half spot to hang wet stuff next to it.


It was 35 outside this morning. 55 inside.




Insulated the floor. I hate spray foam.






Added some 4x10 under the existing beams. They had some good bow to them.




Ordered a new carb for the coot, that appears to be similar....

calteg SuperDork
1/2/24 1:19 p.m.

Any details on the spray foam process? I've always heard the r-value is through the roof but it always looked like the type of job you'd want to farm out. Given the cabin's location, I'm assuming there aren't a lot of foam guys excited to make that trek

java230 PowerDork
1/2/24 2:34 p.m.

In reply to calteg :

Yes! Of course. This is my second DIY spray foam job. I used the foam it green brand both times.

The number one key is get the tank temperatures up. Really hot day, or fill a cooler full of very hot water. You want them 75 to 80° minimum. Helps keep the pressure up. 

The tips will clog if you stop spraying for 10-15 seconds. They provide quite a few in the kits. 

Don't go thick, do layers. 

Vaseline!!! On everything. Eyebrows, face, beard. I missed the little spot of chest hair that sticks out of your shirt. I paid the price. The foam loves skin. Done get it on your hootus.

I was tired, and frustrated, and I should have done a lot more, My tanks were still probably 1/3 full. But once I stopped I gave up.

It sticks really well, none has fallen off etc. The first job was the floor of that rv, all still attached there also. This is closed cell, so it doesn't take on moisture.

It's not hard, it's like painting but it expands after you spray it on. 

As mentioned I should have done more. But it does help a bit. I may enclose the floor system at some point (why I went spray foam partially) and I think that will help too. 

As to R value, it is good 6 ish per inch for isocyanate. The r value of the polyiso does go down with temperature tho. Not a ton, but something to be aware of.

On the rv, I had someone else do all the interior. Not cheap. But they also planed it all flat to the studs.

If you have a smaller area, and don't need it really flat in between the studs/joists the DIY works pretty darn well. One thing I will mention, is expect less board feet than they claim.

java230 PowerDork
1/3/24 10:05 a.m.

I hate conduit. Wish me luck the inspector isn't a dick.





Transformer base was 2' bigger than it said. Both directions. Plus need 12" separation to the ground mat.




Well I didn't get done before the snow....




A couple hours shoveling and I went and rented the neighbors tractor. It's not pretty, but all most done except around the sleeve. And it's dark and snowing....



java230 PowerDork
1/4/24 9:58 a.m.

Solar is about 0 output.... Handrail was cleaned off about 1 hr before Pic. Pellet stove is awesome. Left on low and had to turn it off at night. But only got to 29-30.




Victron says I maxed at 14w today :lmao: gonna need power....


Hunting squirrels!




And the view from my deck got the fun multiplied.



java230 PowerDork
1/5/24 11:30 a.m.

25kw in!

Inspector did not like the RV pedestal. Failed me. Through quite a bit of back and fourth, I was able to send him a screen shot of the manual from the PUD, that showed the pedestal install..... Supposedly that was supposed to be removed. He let it go, and the compromise was I was to build a roof over it so it would not get buried in the snow. Its under a tree enough to not get much, but that was ok, I didn't have to dig it all up and start over.




Ghetto power incoming....


Strung 10ga cord to cabin.







calteg SuperDork
1/5/24 11:44 a.m.

You had me hyped until I saw all that snow

java230 PowerDork
1/5/24 12:24 p.m.

In reply to calteg :

The snow is fun! I wanted that part in the cabin. War fire, snow to play in, its awesome. Snowmobile did punish me for being stupid 2 weeks ago......

golfduke Dork
1/5/24 12:31 p.m.

uh oh, haha.  You swallow a tree stump?


java230 PowerDork
1/5/24 12:51 p.m.

In reply to golfduke :

No.... In a wheelie, hit a bump off center.... Got shot sideways and landed right foot first.... 

I can post pictures if people are not squeamish.... But just imagine a giant black and blue kankle.


SV reX
SV reX MegaDork
1/5/24 1:22 p.m.

In reply to java230 :

What the heck is a roof supposed to do?  Does your electric provider use meters that are not rated for exterior??

java230 PowerDork
1/5/24 4:46 p.m.

In reply to SV reX :

He was worried about it getting buried? Idk... It's never had more than 12" of snow around it ever. 

1SlowVW Dork
1/5/24 5:15 p.m.
calteg said:

You had me hyped until I saw all that snow

He has me hyped now that I see snow! 

SV reX
SV reX MegaDork
1/5/24 7:07 p.m.
java230 said:

In reply to SV reX :

He was worried about it getting buried? Idk... It's never had more than 12" of snow around it ever. 

Yeah, pass on that. Ridiculous. 

java230 PowerDork
1/5/24 7:52 p.m.

In reply to SV reX :

Agreed. But it's done. I had most of the materials. It was silly enough I don't think I ever too pics. Imagine an A frame 8 ft tall. It does protect the plugs from rain I guess? 

11GTCS SuperDork
1/5/24 8:02 p.m.

In reply to java230 :

Ah fun with local inspectors.  When we did ours on the island the service entrance / meter socket specs were called out by the utility but then again that's here and over 20 years ago.  Keep the A frame in place until you're done with what you need to do and then make it disappear at your discretion.  What you have there looks to be completely in compliance and weather proof.

Enjoying this thread, that's a great spot you have there.

dculberson MegaDork
1/5/24 8:18 p.m.

I actually wonder if he was worried about it getting buried and then plowed into / driven into? Not so much the snow directly causing damage. 

SV reX
SV reX MegaDork
1/5/24 8:34 p.m.
java230 said:

In reply to SV reX :

Agreed. But it's done. I had most of the materials. It was silly enough I don't think I ever too pics. Imagine an A frame 8 ft tall. It does protect the plugs from rain I guess? 

Ok, well I'm glad you're happy. I would definitely have pushed back on that one. 

He can't make you build another structure to protect something that is built to code. 

java230 PowerDork
1/5/24 8:58 p.m.

In reply to 11GTCS :

It's all done inspection wise. I don't mind the A frame. More work to take it down! Lol

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