In reply to Lesley: In TN your friends ex's would not only be sued he would go to jail. 
Title 39 Criminal Offenses
Chapter 14 Offenses Against Property
Part 1 Theft
Tenn. Code Ann. § 39-14-116 (2012)
39-14-116. Hindering secured creditors.
(a) A person who claims ownership of or interest in any property which is the subject of a security interest, security agreement, deed of trust, mortgage, attachment, judgment or other statutory or equitable lien commits an offense who, with intent to hinder enforcement of that interest or lien, destroys, removes, conceals, encumbers, transfers, orotherwise harms or reduces the value of the property.
(b) For purposes of this section, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Remove" means transport, without the effective consent of the secured party, from the state or county in which the property was located when the security interest or lien attached; and
(2) "Security interest" means an interest in personal property or fixtures that secures payment or performance of an obligation.
(c) An offense under this section is a Class E felony.
Dad had 2 motorcycles and 1 car done this way. The bikes he just collected all the parts in the bed of the truck and brought them back and the car he just took pictures and turned them over to the bank.
The guy was in jail the next week in the car case.
Now that I re-read the law I wonder if a talented lawyer could expand this to other people involved in the collection.
Like say, security guards.