6/13/20 4:27 p.m.
Question 1, Best Miata color
Black Cherry Just look at it. It is beautiful. And I like blue.
Question 2, Double A arm, just a better design for handling
Question 3, Dark Chocolate no argument
Question 4, 747. DC-3 might be older but I am sure the 747 has logged more overall miles
Question 5, the attempt to harness atomic power. We are still trying.
BenB (Forum Supporter) said:
Appleseed said:
After you've done even the simplest of aerobatics, straight and level flying is boring. Change my mind.
Nope. You are absolutely correct!
All flying is boring until you've smoke a cigarette on the ramp of a MC130H at 300 feet and 250 kt.
Water is the true adult beverage.
Brett_Murphy (Forum Patrón) said:
Water is the true adult beverage.
That's good as a one liner about responsibility, but appears to limit water's scope as a beverage.
In reply to Brett_Murphy :
We got rid of the lawn in the front of our house and will never go back.
What a complete pain in the ass to "maintain" since its technically a weed, so keeping other weeds out of it is an effort of futility.
Sodcutter rental, weed blocking fabric, 1000lbs of river rock and a few plants/bushes. Done.
Brett_Murphy said:
Lawns are a colossal waste of time and energy.
I think I'm going to start moving away from the weed mixture I have into a bunch of rock formations.
I've sometimes wondered if it wouldn't make more sense just to surround your house with a solid mass of wild onions. They never turns brown, at least not where I live, and can grow in so thick as to crowd out everything else.
In reply to MadScientistMatt :
Might make your house smell like Burger King, which could be a good or bad thing depending on the health of your G.I. tract.
Kind of in the mood to restart this, so:
"I want to rock and roll all night" is the most repetitive song ever written. It has like 6 lines total.
kazoospec said:
Kind of in the mood to restart this, so:
"I want to rock and roll all night" is the most repetitive song ever written. It has like 6 lines total.
Pretty much anything written by George Harrison. My sweet lord, oh, oh, my sweet sweet lord, oh, oh, my sweet lord etc etc etc.
Hey Jude comes to mind. And that's not including Naaaa-Naaaa-Naaa-nanana-na-Hey Jude part.
Indy-Guy said:
This Mariner blue:

We had some fun making that content. Cool car, cool owner. Good day.
10/10/20 10:26 a.m.
If a car is available as a convertible and a coupe, the coup looks better.
Change my mind.
Op is correct about miata color but others have valid points, alot of good colors on those great cars
white chocolate with som sea salt and caramel for me thanks, dark chocolate comes last for me
Christmas is the best holiday followed by birthdays. Seeing my daughter walk down stairs on xmas morning is my favorite thing ever.
f22 raptor is my pick, or a pby catalina, I'll take both.
the most important battle in history is happening right now, psy-ops war.
Olympic Breakdancing will simultaneously be the dumbest and best Olympic event of the 2024 games.
12/8/20 10:19 p.m.
All chocolate should be between 65%-72% cacao.
The only other chocolate that has any reason to exist is bittersweet for cooking.
45 years after it's first flight, Burt Rutan's Vari-Eze it still the most futuristic looking homebuilt aircraft.

Change my mind.
12/9/20 12:58 a.m.
Hospital gowns are the only garment that can make you feel more naked than actually being naked.
Change my mind.
12/9/20 1:05 a.m.
You people don't know how to follow rules about who wins and how to play this game. Change my mind.
12/9/20 5:11 a.m.
kazoospec said:
Olympic Breakdancing will simultaneously be the dumbest and best Olympic event of the 2024 games.
Some of those breakers do E36 M3 that would make the flippy little russian girls crap themselves.
Can't believe no one said Laguna Blue
ShawnG said:
Hospital gowns are the only garment that can make you feel more naked than actually being naked.
Change my mind.
Shoes. Wearing shoes while naked makes you feel more naked.