10/20/08 8:51 p.m.
If you didn't send Ringo your autograph request by today, he would like you to know you can pound sand, with peace and love of course. I guess I'll never get to ask him if he feels a little guilty that he could be the last beatle standing.
I never did like him.
Maybe I'll start sending requests, so he can get mad that he is still getting them.
"Peace and Love... peace and Love..."
What a has been jack a^%
What's sadder than an ex Beatle drummer?
Pete Best!
Furthermore, the Beatle has opened a competition on his site asking fans to send him photos of his recent tour with the best photo set to win a signed drumhead. The closing date is October 30, 10 days after the drummer officially stops signing fanmail.

The Simpsons are to blame. If Ringo's character on that episode hadn't vowed to answer every piece of fan mail, he likely wouldn't be gettting so much that he had to call it quits.