3/26/14 3:57 p.m.
So it turns out my gallbladder is out to get me. My brother had his removed a few years ago, my mom had hers our decades ago, numerous other relatives on that side are also sans-gallbladders, so that may be inevitable.
Judging by a discussion with my Doc and some internet reading, I've been having attacks since high school. Back then I just doubled over on the ground and kept my eyes on the video games until i could inhale without stabbing pain again. It was the same way I treated gas cramps in those days. I had a minor video game addiction. OK, major. Of a list of attack symptoms, I've had more than half recently.
I read a list of foods to avoid, and it contained pretty much 100% of my own diet, and all reasons to live. There are days I don't eat anything other than what is on that list. My doc also says stress can be a problem. Well, i'm a graduate student with a newborn, stress is unavoidable.
So, what would GRM suggest I do? Diet changes? Meditation for the stress? Tell the doc to start sharpening his favorite knives?
3/26/14 4:07 p.m.
Have it out. About half the folks in my family have, with no side effects. GLWS.
3/26/14 4:23 p.m.
I'm pretty sure that we can figure out how to get it out on the cheap.
That seems to be a rampant problem these days. You've got to wonder why. Used to it was just older people that had problems with their gall bladder. Now it's people of all ages. I'm from a family of 4, both my mother and sister had to have theirs removed.
Out with it. Then you can eat the foods you love without pain. 
Had mine removed at 33, without any symptoms specific to it, just a large 22x11mm stone.
Diet can help and so lowering stress but before it ruptures if you have a stone the only option is sharp little knives.
They go in laparascopic so 3 or 4 small incisions and a couple days of recovery.
Afterwards you still have to keep an eye on your diet since you do not have the extra vile storage to help digesting fatty foods.
Good luck
Had mine out, other than some wicked pain immediately post surgery, and a hernia later on, everything is awesome. I can now eat pepperoni pizza without issue (other than weird dreams, but that's another story).
3/26/14 6:03 p.m.
Woody wrote:
I'm pretty sure that we can figure out how to get it out on the cheap.
I got some sweet knives for Christmas
You will need to give the liver time to adjust.
From personal experience.
The laparoscopic is a piece of cake.
Oh, fine. I'll be that guy.
Listen to your body. Its telling you that you are killing yourself with your diet of Pepsi and pork rinds.
J/K. Have it yanked, but try to go easy on the fats for a few days...or the rest of your life.
So, everyone in your family has had theirs out. You've been dealing with it since you were a kid. Your doctor says get it out. You're asking a bunch of car people if you should, like, you know, not get it out because, well, we're not sure why you don't want it out. Do you like the pain? Does your family like watching you curled up in a ball in bed? Does that help your graduate studies?
3/27/14 12:13 a.m.
Doc doesn't say get it out yet, just that it may come to that. Something about avoiding major surgery if possible. I do need to eat healthier, that's for sure, but the list I found is pretty all inclusive. Avoid dairy, avoid cholesterol, avoid gluten, and on and on, well what's left? Water and rice cakes? Plenty of veggies are on that list, too.
For the record I didn't see diet Pepsi on the list
. My body already warns me away from drinking that by making me want to vomit whenever I see it. Seriously. My mom drinks that stuff and it tastes like someone found a way to liquefy the essence of disgusting.
3/27/14 12:15 a.m.
Wally wrote:
Woody wrote:
I'm pretty sure that we can figure out how to get it out on the cheap.
I got some sweet knives for Christmas
You live in driving distance I believe, what do you charge? 24 pack of beer and a bottle of whisky for sterilization?
Rufledt wrote:
Avoid dairy, avoid cholesterol, avoid gluten, and on and on, well what's left? Water and rice cakes? Plenty of veggies are on that list, too.
For the record I didn't see diet Pepsi on the list
. My body already warns me away from drinking that by making me want to vomit whenever I see it. Seriously. My mom drinks that stuff and it tastes like someone found a way to liquefy the essence of disgusting.
my wife and all the ladies in her family had issues - she had hers out back in the late 1980's and she waited until the end (bad idea) so she could "wrap up work" and ended up living on baby food the last month. She would have major attacks and I was required to leave the property (seriously).
she had the giant incision, major cut surgery and was in the hospital for a week - a few years later the laser version came out and it was amazing that people were up in 2-3 days and home.
a second opinion wouldn't hurt.
My dad had his out a few years ago.
He got to the hospital at 6am. He called me at 11:30am when he was leaving to go get some food.
I had mine taken out last October. The surgeon did it laproscopically with four small incisions. The surgery started at 8:00 sharp and at 10:30 they were sitting me up on the bed in recovery and getting me dressed. I didn't realize it, but they had given my plenty of pain meds before I woke up and I went home and started cleaning the house. Later that night, it wore off and hurt like a mofo. For 2-3 days I had to take a Lortab at night. Other thatn that it was OK. It took a couple of weeks to get back to 100%.