I hate poison ivy.
I get it every year a few times.
This most recent time, I wrecked my mountain bike. I ended up laying on my back on some poison ivy.
It is now all over my back.
Apparently, gravity works on the poison oils. Now my butt is itchy.
What treatments do yall use?
I am using Benedryl anti-itch cream (it says it dries it out too.). My doctor said calamine lotion doesn't really work..?
I know that if you wash it off right away, sometimes you can not get it. I didn't realize I landed in Posion Ivy until 2 days later. I figured it out by hiking that trail and looking at where I fell.
I am planning to keep a bottle of Technu in the truck for after ride wipe downs from now on.
Rob R.
5/6/13 11:49 a.m.
You can use Technu after-the-fact as well, it's just not nearly as effective.
Once the rash appears, I switch to an old-school product called "Ivy Dri" or "Ivy Dry". It's mostly witch hazel, I think, but with a few additives. It does a great job stifling the itch, and does tend to dry up the weepy stuff. It will stain your clothes, though.
5/6/13 11:50 a.m.
My dad gets bad reactions to it. He says that the only thing that is somewhat effective is running the affected area under the hottest water you can stand, then putting witch hazel on it. YMMV
5/6/13 12:09 p.m.
prescription meds....I have really bad (read "open bleeding lesions") reactions to the stuff, and the only way to stop the symptoms enough to heal up is a prescription,.
I did a bit of online research. This is what The Coasters had to say on the subject:
Late at night while you're sleepin' poison ivy comes a'creepin'
Measles make you bumpy
And mumps'll make you lumpy
And chicken pox'll make you jump and twitch
A common cold'll fool ya
And whooping cough'll cool ya
But poison ivy, Lord'll make you itch!!
You're gonna need an ocean of calamine lotion
You'll be scratchin' like a hound
The minute you start to mess around
Poison iv-y-y-y-y, poison iv-y-y-y-y
Late at night while you're sleepin' poison ivy comes a'creepin'
Contact Dermatitis. If it's all over your back, I think a course of prednisone (steroid taper) is in order. Prednisone is some bad E36 M3 if you take it long term, but for short time, it is literally a life saver.
An allergist can give you poison ivy desensitizing shots. They help a lot. TecNu what you have, then Ivy Dry cream if you can find it. Avoiding that stuff is the best treatment. I have gone War on Poison Ivy myself, having 10 acres of it and being allergic. I'm talking Agent Orange, kill 'em all war. The stuff is just coming out now, so it's back to the trenches.
5/6/13 12:54 p.m.
Thanks, Hess.
It is good to have an actual doctor here.
Ivy Dry works pretty well. For me, after having been exposed multiple times through the years, I usually have to get shots and steroids. I'm told you grow more sensitive the more often you've had the reaction.
5/6/13 1:26 p.m.
I like Dr. Hess's advice. I got poison ivy for the first time in my 32 years last summer. Prednisone really did the job, very little else worked for me.
5/6/13 1:47 p.m.
Best thing I've ever used is peppermint essential oil. You can get this at a local natural food store. Stops itching immediately and dries it all up in about 3 days. Just keep it away from you eyes (peppermint oil). Don't ask me how I know.
Good advice here.
Thanks all. Will report back (if I can stop itching my ass long enough to type).
Rob R.
Don't get it on your hootus!
i got it all over my legs nearly 10 years ago while working in my dads back yard... your doc is right... calamine lotion does nothing but make it dry and pinkish...
I just suffered with it itched... I still have some scars on my legs from it...
Disclaimer: I'm insane.
Last summer I got Poison Ivy on my forearms and my wrists from where my work gloves rubbed it into my skin. After two weeks of hell I snapped. I took my finger nail brush (you know, that nasty sucker you use to clean your hands after working in the shop, the one that has plastic bristles so stiff it can take rust off a bumper), I lathered my arms up with dish soap, then went to town with the brush. I busted every single bubble, then kept adding on the dish soap. Rinsed with warm water, then washed my arms again with dish soap, finally patting dry with paper towels. Then I grabbed the rubbing alcohol and rubbed it all over my arms. Just doused them and let it dry. I hit it with the alcohol twice. It all scabbed over lightly, then didn't come back. It was gone in two days. Your mileage and insanity level may vary.
Film developer gets rid of it really quick, but that is probably bad for you.
Once you wash the area with HOT water and soap, the oil is gone. You may continue to react as it can take a few days for the rash to develop. If it weeps really bad you can gauze the area so you don't leak all over everything, but letting it air out is better. Other than that all the advice I could give has already been covered.
Some people get it a lot worse than others. I've never had more than a few localized blisters on my hands or arms, and it has never really bothered me all that much. It sounds like some of you have rolled around in it naked.
1988RedT2 wrote:
Some people get it a lot worse than others. I've never had more than a few localized blisters on my hands or arms, and it has never really bothered me all that much. It sounds like some of you have rolled around in it naked.
I kinda did roll around in it sort of naked. My riding jersey rode up my back when I fell. I fell backwards. To get up, I had to roll my bike off of me and roll over.
My butt is itchy.
My dad got it really bad last summer and the dr had to put him on steroids to help get rid of it.
slefain wrote:
Disclaimer: I'm insane.
Last summer I got Poison Ivy on my forearms and my wrists from where my work gloves rubbed it into my skin. After two weeks of hell I snapped. I took my finger nail brush (you know, that nasty sucker you use to clean your hands after working in the shop, the one that has plastic bristles so stiff it can take rust off a bumper), I lathered my arms up with dish soap, then went to town with the brush. I busted every single bubble, then kept adding on the dish soap. Rinsed with warm water, then washed my arms again with dish soap, finally patting dry with paper towels. Then I grabbed the rubbing alcohol and rubbed it all over my arms. Just doused them and let it dry. I hit it with the alcohol twice. It all scabbed over lightly, then didn't come back. It was gone in two days. Your mileage and insanity level may vary.
Film developer gets rid of it really quick, but that is probably bad for you.
Holy crap that sounds painful.
5/6/13 4:57 p.m.
For some reason, I get a poison ivy-like reaction to my yew bushes when I trim them. If/when I get scratched by a branch, it blisters up and is an itchy mess for almost 2 weeks. 
I'll try the witch hazel trick. I also remember a soap that is supposed to dry the hell out of the area upon scrubbing with it, immediately after exposure. Anyone know about that stuff???
I have to trim my hedges soon and even though I'll wear a hoodie and rubber gloves, I still get owned by the stuff. 
Ian F
5/6/13 5:10 p.m.
In reply to Dr. Hess:
I feel your pain. I had a small patch of it in my front flower bed. It took about three years of pulling before I finally got it all so it hasn't come back. Fortunately, I don't get it easily so a pair a cloth gloves and a dedicated long sleeve shirt that were never washed (both tossed after I achieved victory) along with immediate washing afterwards were adequate protection.
Jewel weed works about the best of anything I've ever found. Free, and generally grows nearby to poison ivy.
Fantastic on stinging nettles too.
5/30/13 10:30 p.m.
If you think you may have been in contact with poison ivy, wash with warm water and dish sop. Then rub some bleach on the area and follow up with a good shower.
Poison Ivy? Treat her like a lady, unless she asks you not to, and she probably will. (sorry, couldn't resist an opportunity for a Cramps reference)