Osterkraut wrote:
I've never been in a glider, does yours have a center stick/yoke?
Quick Tutorial:
Center stick, however most are too tall. The press to talk radio button is on top of the stick, but when flying you rest your hand on your leg and only wiggle your fingertips leaving 8" of stick in the air.
These locations and colors are standard and located almost identically in every glider.
Stick in center.
Yellow knob is to relase from the tow plane.
Blue knob controls the air brakes, pull back to open.
Green knob is trim; once trimmed correctly you can fly "hands off". It's less tiring.

4/29/13 7:05 a.m.
Appleseed wrote:
I think I play hockey lefty because I was always stuck in goal. I just got used to it. Somedays I'll fight it and go righty. Need to find a curveless stick. Damn you, Bobby Hull.
Stan Mikita. And curveless sticks are impossible to find. Hell, its getting harder and harder to find just a mild heel curve with a non-open toe.
4/29/13 7:24 a.m.
I'm left-handed and was perfectly happy until data logging told me that I'm not as good in right hand turns as left hand turns.
Woops. Got my bad ass Blackhawks mix up.
4/29/13 11:57 a.m.
I am right handed but I have the same but opposite problem racing sailboats. I am much 'faster' on a port tack than on starboard. A port tack puts the main sheet in left hand and tiller in the right.
I expect my tiller feel is better in the right hand, but I often wonder if it also isn't a dominate eye thing.
i'm right handed, but i've always been just about as good doing some things left handed as right handed- swinging a baseball bat is one of those things.. i also learned to swing a hammer left handed as good as i do right handed just to break the monotony when i built trusses for a living.. i've become pretty adept at pushing the buttons on the stone age (early 90's) fadal cnc machine that i operate at work- i can edit programs and what not on the machine with my left hand while navigating facebook on the computer screen to my right...
one thing i want to learn to do is bowl left handed. my youngest brother is a lefty that bowls almost as good throwing with his right as he does with his left, even tho his ball is drill totally backwards for his right hand.. but he's always batted and thrown a frisbee right handed naturally since he was old enough to pick up a bat or frisbee...
I'm right handed, only "corner bias" problem I have is that in autocross I give up on using proper steering technique more easily when turning right, but I think that has to do with the fact that the car's RHD and the space constraints make me wary of elbow room.
And the back comes out a little more easily on the 'rolla when turning left, but I know that's due to an alignment problem which will finally be fixed soon.
I'm left handed and had to adapt for shooting, golf, baseball mitts... but never had the turning issues with bikes you mention - however - I did struggle to learn to ski moguls because I had a difficult time going left to right but not the other way. I always just wrote it off as "one of those things" you have to get over.
Right handed friends had no such issues... maybe we are just retahds. 
could also just be an inner ear problem being made worse by being airborne.