The Doctor has regenerated. As a longtime Tom Baker fan I have been totally converted to David Tennant, and don't know how long it will take to adjust to the eleventh Doctor Who. Tennant may not have been much of a driver on Top Gear, but for me, he's the perfect Doctor.
Still trying to get some variation of Tardis plates for my blue Jeep Liberty, but they're all spoken for in my state.
1/2/10 10:38 p.m.
David Tennant was badass as The Doctor. I never bothered with any of the older series, (or much scifi at all, for that matter), but really enjoyed Tennant-era Dr.Who. Not sure I'll be able to get into this new guy.
the wife dvr'd it and is going to have a fit. I apologize for the screams across Fla when she sees it
David Tennant will def. be missed by me. Grew up watching Doctor Who on PBS, and was very happy that they did the new series justice w/ the writing and actor choices. I haven't seen the last two episodes for Tennant, but will try to today( two days of Doctor Who still isn't enough...
). But, could someone explain to me why "Waters of Mars" ended like it did? Or will that be explained in the "End of Time" episode. If so, don't tell me til later tonight....
1/3/10 12:25 p.m.
Any good site to stream Dr. Who online? I remember watching that show on PBS as a kid, and really feel like I need to get a solid geek-fix.
In reply to Salanis:
I normally watch on BBC America, but try or Those are my goto online video sites.
mrwillie wrote:
In reply to Salanis:
I normally watch on BBC America, but try or Those are my goto online video sites.
It's not .net
You can get them on Netflix, but the new doctor hasn't come out yet. It's in pending
I grew up watching the original. I even have Tom Baker scarf.
I've really liked the new series, too. With a few tiny exceptions that only a geek like me would catch, it's true to the original, yet strong enough to stand alone on its own for people who never saw it before. I liked both David Tennant and Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor - though I admit I couldn't accept Eccleston at first since he played the baddie in "Gone In Sixty Seconds..." 
But yeah, Doctor #10 will be missed. I'm looking forward to seeing how his replacement takes on the role.
1/3/10 6:40 p.m.
Long live the doctor.
The new doctor seems too young, but if they can continue to keep the writing ok, I should be able to look past that.
Ian F
1/3/10 6:55 p.m.
I'm also a long time Doctor Who fan... pre-Tom Baker, even... and while I remember grumbling when he was replaced by Peter Davidson, I grew to enjoy Peter's version... just as we grew to like Tennant's portrayal as the NG#2 Doctor.
I'm sure the new Doctor will be fine... they seem to have a good set of writers.
I believe the end of Waters of Mars was supposed to show the Doctor "cracking" under the pressure of knowing his impending demise...
1/3/10 6:59 p.m.
I cried. Seriously. I hope the new kid can cut it.
EDIT - That being said, I'm looking forward to see how Steven Moffet does as the full time writer, as he did some of my favorite episodes (including "Blink").
I also think part of the end of Waters of Mars was to show that the Doctor needs someone to keep him in check, and I'm really looking forward to the next companion.

Tom Baker and Peter Davison are the Doctors of my youth, loved the series back then haven't seen it in years, I might have to revisit
Ok, I remember more about the series than I thought. And I've seen all of the Doctors at one time or another also. I just realized that I loved almost all of the actors that played Doctors, but it was the writers that set these last few years apart from the rest. I feel better about the new actor now. Just hate waiting until the spring to see his shows.
Oh, come on - I remember waiting YEARS for the "new" episodes to come over to PBS from the UK in the 80s. Now I can download them the day after they first air. I <3 the internet. 
I thought we were talking about "The Doctor"?

I think I am going to like the new face of the doctor. I have not been following it much since the revival, but I think now is a good time to start, I saw the last few Tennant episodes and I am ready to get sucked in again.
thats funny. the first thing my wife said was he was uuuuuuugggglyyyyyyy
1/7/10 5:55 a.m.
yeah, the final episode hit me right in the gut, and Wilf remains to be my favorite supporting character. I'm going to give Matt a chance, but Tennant is a tough act to follow.
Ohh I can't wait until the series makes it to DVD and my Netflix cue. The Waters of MArs releases on 2/2, still no date for Season 5. I've finaly found something I'd want to see on cable, or where are you DLing them from?