I got craploads of the stuff all oak, ash, and maple. All cut to 12-18"and some split.
I switched to pellets for ease of use by the wife. I'd just rather not deal with the idiots on craigslist.
I'll let you have it free. Just get it off my land so I can drop another 6-10 Oak trees.
9/23/12 5:53 p.m.
I don't need it, but I know some guys who do. I'll let you know.
damn. a little too far away. I built a fire pit this weekend.
9/23/12 7:55 p.m.
Both guys I checked with said that they have enough for the winter. Sounds like Aaron can use it.
9/24/12 4:13 a.m.
wish you weren't 800+ miles away

If everything else falls through, I'm sure my parents could pick it up, too...
If I still lived here, we'd practically be neighbors and I'd be burning 6-8 cords a season. I'd be ALL OVER this offer!
I don't miss it a bit. Good luck with that whole Winter e36m3!

9/24/12 8:44 a.m.
can you stuff it all in one o them USPS if it fits it ships boxes and send it to Seattle? 
I could use some. PM me and we'll work out a time.
Wally wants a trunk load. I've emailed wonkofthesane and Dave is batting third. Should be plenty for either this time or land reclamation efforts later this year.
9/24/12 8:06 p.m.
Jay_W wrote:
can you stuff it all in one o them USPS if it fits it ships boxes and send it to Seattle?
That's how I've been getting rid of my lead sinker collection
I have a taker. Hopefully I'm not too late. If so, let me know if you have any more later on this year. My brother is trying to heat his house with wood this year.
PM would be the best way to contact me.
Oh, and I'm using pellets to heat my house this year. Where'd you get your pellets from?