The banks are hording the money the taxpayers gave them and using it to acquire other banks instead of using it to loan money to businesses who would actually build things and hire people. There were no strings attached to the money in order to encourage the banks to 'participate'. Both Obama and McCain voted in favor of this as did the majority of both parties, except for a few Fiscal Conservatives on the Republican side and a couple of pissed off leftists. You can't really blame this on the barkity bark Democrats or the barkity bark Republicans. And it was pushed through by the same administration that told us we had to attack Iran Immediately because they had nukes.
Fool me once.....;ylt=ArRduaBP.nzZvzZFcGlj3.s0NUE
The Administration that pushed both scenarios down our throats did so with information available at the time; the bankers didn't do what they should have.
I hate political threads. There's a plane leaving for France every day...
Apparently you missed the story on the news last night about how these same Wall Street banks are "setting aside" a total of 19 BILLION DOLLARS for this years bonuses. Aside from the fact that the average "bonus" is several times my taxable income for 1 year....did these folks REALLY do the kind of work that deserves a bonus? This is nearly as bad as car company execs who pay themselves bonuses while their companies sell FEWER and FEWER new cars.
Where can I get a high paying job that rewards crappy performance?....outside of politics?
Trickle down economics works! I swear! Would they lie to you? 
"How about this idea? We'll give money to our rich friends while telling the working class that it's good for THEM! Genius."
OK, I must be missing something. If the money was to bolster the confidence factor so that banks will begin lending more then what's wrong with expanding their interface points to the public so they can lend more.
NO, it's not what they intended with the bill, but if it works who cares. And in any case it's not every bank that's doing that, just an unknown number of the more solvent ones. Based upon past performance of the media I wouldn't even be surprised if it was just one bank.
As far as public confidence and banks not lending, they need to come down here and talk to a few of our bankers. I do mortgages for any number of Banks and Land Banks (and here you thought Banks did their own mortgages) and the Banks are just slammed with applications and are making loans right and left. I am attempting to do one of the Bank's VP's personal home loan and we can't even get together because of all the long hours he's working. Rates are rising and he's missing out. Well you know what they say about the cobbler's kids . . .
914Driver wrote:
There's a plane leaving for France every day...
wanna go tour the peugot factory..
Hell yeah I'd do it.
Socialism sucks, even when Bush does it...
Just one more week... just one more week...
Datsun1500 wrote:
Have the working class ask the poor guy for a job and see how that goes...
How is the bail-out creating jobs again? is taking from the tax base, comprised mostly of working class americans, and giving that money to already wealthy corporations a good thing? A bit like a reverse Robin Hood isn't it? Steal from the working class and give to the rich? Like I said! Genius!
Yup, then no matter who wins most of the media frenzy and distorted stories will stop.
carguy123 wrote:
OK, I must be missing something. If the money was to bolster the confidence factor so that banks will begin lending more then what's wrong with expanding their interface points to the public so they can lend more.
NO, it's not what they intended with the bill, but if it works who cares. And in any case it's not every bank that's doing that, just an unknown number of the more solvent ones. Based upon past performance of the media I wouldn't even be surprised if it was just one bank.
As far as public confidence and banks not lending, they need to come down here and talk to a few of our bankers. I do mortgages for any number of Banks and Land Banks (and here you thought Banks did their own mortgages) and the Banks are just slammed with applications and are making loans right and left. I am attempting to do one of the Bank's VP's personal home loan and we can't even get together because of all the long hours he's working. Rates are rising and he's missing out. Well you know what they say about the cobbler's kids . . .
Yep. Things are booming again. We don't need any guidelines. We don't need any regulations. Let them do anything they want with the taxpayer's money. It's not like the bankers in this country are known for doing anything risky.
Oh. Wait.
I wrote my representative and both senators both times the bill cam up and asked them to vote against it in it's current revision. I don't know what else I could have done but I still feel like it wasn't enough.
If we're going to have socialism, lets have it! 100% GRADE A SOCIALISM!
Otherwise, let them fail. CAPITALISM!
Nope, we'll ride somewhere in between. Fine and dandy.
914Driver wrote:
The Administration that pushed both scenarios down our throats did so with information available at the time; the bankers didn't do what they should have.
I hate political threads. There's a plane leaving for France every day...
If Obama the Socialist wins, will you promise to be on one? 
Snowdoggie wrote:
914Driver wrote:
The Administration that pushed both scenarios down our throats did so with information available at the time; the bankers didn't do what they should have.
I hate political threads. There's a plane leaving for France every day...
If Obama the Socialist wins, will you promise to be on one?
No matter who wins, I'm not the one whining and trolling.
10/29/08 6:20 a.m.
Xceler8x wrote:
Datsun1500 wrote:
Have the working class ask the poor guy for a job and see how that goes...
How is the bail-out creating jobs again?
Every one of the bank officers are buying foreclosed mansions and staffing them with Mexican and Canadian immigrants (you know in case there are any bear attacks, eh?) Lots of jobs are being created.
914Driver wrote:
Snowdoggie wrote:
914Driver wrote:
The Administration that pushed both scenarios down our throats did so with information available at the time; the bankers didn't do what they should have.
I hate political threads. There's a plane leaving for France every day...
If Obama the Socialist wins, will you promise to be on one?
No matter who wins, I'm not the one whining and trolling.
Nope. You are the one making senseless and rather nasty personal attacks.
JmfnB wrote:
Xceler8x wrote:
Datsun1500 wrote:
Have the working class ask the poor guy for a job and see how that goes...
How is the bail-out creating jobs again?
Every one of the bank officers are buying foreclosed mansions and staffing them with Mexican and Canadian immigrants (you know in case there are any bear attacks, eh?) Lots of jobs are being created.
Not to mention the Barney Frank gay house flippers army. Barney makes Freddy Mac and Fannie May give the gays money, then they go out, buy homes and redecorate them. 
Not that I'm saying the zeitgeist is finally happenning, but....
wait... yes, that's actually exactly what I'm saying. Bigger banks, bigger government...
We're all screwed for the next 50 years. :)
/\ /\ /\
C'mon Doggie, senseless and nasty remarks? Then your very next post is....
I'm out.
New Reader
10/29/08 11:33 a.m.
914Driver wrote:
/\ /\ /\
C'mon Doggie, senseless and nasty remarks? Then your very next post is....
I'm out.
Oh, c'mon yourself.
You know it's OK to do that - when it's offered from a certain perspective.
oldsaw wrote:
914Driver wrote:
/\ /\ /\
C'mon Doggie, senseless and nasty remarks? Then your very next post is....
I'm out.
Oh, c'mon yourself.
You know it's OK to do that - when it's offered from a certain perspective.
Yup. For instance, it's OK to question Sarah Palin's experience and wisdom and thus her ability to take over the reins if something happens. But we cannot question Obama's experience and wisdom and whether it makes him qualified for the #1 spot, even though Palin's been, er, 'governing' a good bit longer than his 143 days. 
10/29/08 12:17 p.m.
If the working class and/or the poor want change they have to use a means other than the ballot. A 2 party voting system is a brilliant way to stop the mob from unrestful behavior by giving the illusion of control to the people. It does not matter which one rules because their job is to protect the capital. Always.The ruling class really isn't there to serve the lower classes - it is there to serve the interests of the wealthy capitalists and in return, serve itself. It is a capitalist republic - that's how it works.
In the past when the lower classes needed to communicate effectively with the ruling class they would use armed rebellion, guerilla tactics, massive strikes, etc. but our government has gotten better at placating us in the last 60 or so years.
Those robber barons took our money, right under our noses and handed it to their friends right in front of us... and nobody said a word. Look for many more of these inflated "crisis" in the future - it was much easier for them than fabricating a war or annexing a territory.
How the hell....? I was talking about jobs and banks using bailout money to pad their numbers for Wall St.