12/23/14 6:29 p.m.
I discovered a rather large hole under the concrete slab of my garage walkout. It is nicely hidden by the shrubs there. Guessing armadillo or possum based on the size. I want to fill it in but I don't want to bury it alive (or have it come out pissed) if it is hiding during the daylight. What's a humane way to make sure the hole is empty before the gravel goes in?
Fire, amoania, bleach, gas, kerosene
You do NOT want a o'possom latched onto your Hootus, armadillo maybe but NOT a o'possom it begins.
Filling the hole with dirt is fine. If the critter is in there... it will find a way out. ... and back in.
At some point you may need to take it to the next level.
Go Pro in a long stick or little RC car.
12/23/14 7:12 p.m.
Fire. BBQ Armadillo is good according to Andrew Zimmern.
12/23/14 7:13 p.m.
Shotgun that shoots dynamite?
2.0dohc wrote:
You do NOT want a o'possom latched onto your Hootus, armadillo maybe but NOT a o'possom
Don't armadillos carry leprosy? I'd prefer not to get that on my hootus either. 
I would think a hose pushed all the way in and turned on to a low setting would drive them out.. unless they are too young to get out.
Honestly though, even if you blocked the entrance with cement, they will still dig another tunnel
Check the laws in your area, you may have to serve written notice and get the sheriff involved. Squatters right's are a PITA.
12/23/14 8:56 p.m.
If you pay me enough, I might be able to bring 20 L of liquid nitrogen. Then you can make all the Mr. Freeze jokes you want, but only if you have a friend taking awkward zoom pivot shots of our genital regions repeatedly.
P.S.: I realized the above sounds really inappropriate. That's how they filmed half of Batman and Robin. The other half involved Art Deco and neon lights.
Urinate in and around the hole. This will piss the varmint off and possibly your neighbors too, so make sure they are watching.
good point. Critters use Urine to make their territory.. and they have much better noses than we do. Eat some asparagus first
Ah, come on! Just stick your arm in there noodelin' style!

I am so glad I clicked on this thread

I actually just watched a documentary on getting rid of problem pests. You should check it out, it is called caddyshack.
12/24/14 5:21 a.m.
Ditchdigger wrote:
I am so glad I clicked on this thread
I am so glad I started this thread. Thanks for the laughs!
I had to vote this one up. 

Had the same kind of hole and set up a couple of those humane traps nearby.
Skunk...and babies! They were pretty cool about being relocated and the hole was filled with 11 bags of concrete.
I get all kinds of animals at my place.
Mothballs. Or, if you want to keep it in the spirit of this thread, plain ole balls, the scratchin' kind.
I'm thinking you'll want to go with the mothballs.