2/3/09 1:55 p.m.
Glad that the little guy is home, that is way better than the Hospital. My wife and I went through RSV with our youngest, who had his 1st b-day last week, and it was not much fun at all.
But as others have said, kids are amazing in how they bounce back from things smiling the whole time.
Hey, to be fair (to me), Tommy was almost immediately distracted by the shackled inmate in the next curtained area who was screaming, "My berkeleying eye! My berkeleying eye!" while the uniformed (and armed) guard started at him impassively.
I had a DUI "suspect" getting his stomach pumped next to me last time I went to the ER. Glad to hear the kid's okay JB.
It never ceases to amaze me how many people I know want antibiotics for themselves or their kids for a cold. A cold is a virus. Antibiotics are ineffective against viruses. 
I agree, I don't want any meds for the boy, I just want to make sure there is a crash cart within 5 miles if he codes in his sleep.
My kid has a history of respiratory problems too, many's the night she slept with us 'just in case'. Take good care of the little guy!