7/29/16 5:43 p.m.
Ok, so I was downstairs watching some car stuff on youtube and the cats came in the theater. I usually keep them out, but I didn't kick them out. I was listening in surround sound and one of the cats went inside the subwoofer. The other was looking to jump on the equipment, a HUGE no-no.
Anyway, I figured I'd play a 40 Hz test-tone to see what they would do. I dialed it up and didn't hear anything. So I turned it up, unknowingly almost all the way to max!! The test tone suddenly started.....with just under 2,000 watts behind it!!
What happened next, I really wish I had on video. The cats ripped out of the room, transitioning from carpet to bare concrete. The lack of traction caused both of them to careen into the wall and pile up. Legs still kicking furiously, they both gained traction and ripped down the hallway, rear ends twitching and sliding from side to side. It was like a cross between a David Attenborough documentary and an episode of Dukes of Hazzard!
It was the funniest thing I've seen in a long, long time.
7/29/16 5:56 p.m.
My big cat has similar traction problems, when he rips out of the carpeted family room into the tiled kitchen. That he makes a right-hand, increasing radius, from a ninety on carpet to a very broad sweeper on tile, makes it especially fun to see if he makes it through the doorway on the other side of the kitchen. 
My gang of 5 cats get pretty riled up when the barometric pressure drops, and we have a loop circuit that spans 5 rooms. They usually end up doing a few consecutive laps and there are three different floor coverings in one lap, each with different friction coefficients. It's great fun to watch the transitions from carpet to tile/hardwoods.
Our fuzz monster plays "drift kitty" regularly. We have laminate flooring downstairs and she will start at the end of the hall scrambling for traction at launch, then do a long sweeping 180 through the living room into a decreasing radius 90 to rocket up the stairs. On a good run you can hear her nails scratching from start until she gets the hind end on the stairs. A bad run has a "thump" with a brief loss of momentum that you can hear caused by her slipping off line and tapping something with her rear end. It is hilarious to watch & one of our friends can even recognize the sounds if she does it when he's on the phone with us.
7/29/16 8:35 p.m.
One of our cats has severe high speed over-steer issues. There have been several cases where she banks off a wall to make her corner.
Put a new foe wood floor in the family room and my 80 lb yellow lab/Austrian Sheppard will run in place on hard launches. Instead of the traction control being applied she adds more power. This results in a longer burn or if things go wrong she will end up on the floor again and the process will usually repeat until she exits the room.
Thank you all for the laugh- I needed that!
We had a cat that would start running at the back of the house so she could build max speed. She would then take a flying leap onto the runner in the front hall and ride it into a pile against the front door as it slid across the wood floor. Just for fun. I kid you not. She really liked it when we would grab an end of the runner and sling her around. I don't think that runner was ever where it was supposed to be for very long. She got cancer a couple years ago and we had to put her down. We still miss her terribly.
Our nutjob kitty combines drift with rock-racing. Our bedroom is the carpeted launchpad, and the hall and living room are all laminate fakewood skidpad sections. You can almost hear Nicky Grist going on in his head as he fishtails down the hall past the humidifier and hangs the "slow right 3, opens into left 6 under coffee table..". Right at the end of the banzai trip, all momentum switches to vertical as he hooks one front paw on the carpeted leg of the 7 foot cat tower, channeling Michael Keaton's Batman with the grappling hook batmobile. The other three paws usually find purchase shortly thereafter and he goes up the outside of the tower like King Kong on meth and Krokodil. If the tower (which weighs at least eight times as much as him) isn't leaning over more than fifteen degrees by the time he is on the top level, he goes back for another try. In the two years we've had the tower, he's ridden it to the floor at least twice..
7/29/16 10:38 p.m.
My cats haven't figured out a new track yet in the new house. For now it is trying to get up on top of the wooden head board at 3am. OTOH, they have transitioned very well from indoor/outdoor, no litter box to fully indoor with litter boxes. I can overlook the lack of driftcat antics for that.
7/29/16 11:23 p.m.
This thread is worthless without animated GIFs.
7/29/16 11:30 p.m.
^^ Okay, whoever added those sounds to that vid was genius.
The first 0:37 is the same as the first one I posted, but at 0:38, the hamsters killed me.
Ha ha! I thought for sure you discovered the brown note!
7/30/16 5:58 a.m.
Those videos looked like my scene, except the cats were terrified haha.
Joey, I think I'll be searching for the
Brown Note.
7/30/16 1:09 p.m.
DrBoost wrote:
Joey, I think I'll be searching for the Brown Note.
I'm just quoting this for posterity. You said it, now you can't un-say it. 
7/30/16 8:39 p.m.
travellering wrote: In the two years we've had the tower, he's ridden it to the floor at least twice..
You are lucky. Luke (15 lbs) used to knock ours over at least once a day. Start at far end of kitchen, out the door across the family room, jump onto the back of the recliner and from there jump 4' to the cradle on top the cat tree.
I finally added 20 lbs of weight to the base to keep it upright.
New old one I forgot about. We are up at the lake house. Very isolated area. I bark at the dog. It echoes off the mountain across the lake. Dog barks back. Then she hears her own bark and barks at that and we are off to the races. I have watched her get really p.o.ed at the dog across the lake. Hair standing up and everything. Really funny.
dean1484 wrote:
Put a new foe wood floor in the family room and my 80 lb yellow lab/Austrian Sheppard will run in place on hard launches. Instead of the traction control being applied she adds more power. This results in a longer burn or if things go wrong she will end up on the floor again and the process will usually repeat until she exits the room.
Ha, I've got a 1.5 year old lab/Aussie shepherd mix as well and "modulating the throttle" is not his strong suit either.
We've been living at my parents again the past few months, which has included some lessons in kitty etiquette for the pup as my parents have a big dumb orange tabby called Homer. The dog is getting much better with his cat manners, but his excess of enthusiasm is still a bit offputting for Homer most of the time. We had a funny moment the other night where Homer was waiting for someone to open the basement door for him to go down, not knowing the dog was immediately on the other side. I open the door to go downstairs with the dog and as the for swings open and the cat sees the dog he gets all wide eyed and slowly rears up and tumbles over backwards, before gathering himself up and scrambling off into the kitchen. The look on his face was priceless!
7/31/16 5:21 p.m.
dean1484 wrote:
New old one I forgot about. We are up at the lake house. Very isolated area. I bark at the dog. It echoes off the mountain across the lake. Dog barks back. Then she hears her own bark and barks at that and we are off to the races. I have watched her get really p.o.ed at the dog across the lake. Hair standing up and everything. Really funny.
Now THAT is funny. You need to get that on video.