5/18/13 3:11 p.m.

Meet Rose. I got her just before New Years (I'm a little slow with this). She had a little over 55k when I got her and now has a little over 60k. Looking forward to our first auto-x tomorrow at TMS. If any of you in the GRM World are out there, hope to meet up with you.
5/18/13 3:23 p.m.
For whatever reason I can't get Photobucket to work. Rose is a 2005 MINI Cooper S, black with a white roof cap. Six speed and a whole lot more fun to drive than the Buddystang (03 GT).
EDIT: looks like it worked this time.
5/18/13 3:29 p.m.
Looks good- I love driving ours.
looks like fun. I know someone who has the convertible, and she drives it as much as possible.