^ rule number one at the shop.
Lol. You all do good work. I should print some of these up and post them at work.
I remember seeing something in the magazine about 20 years ago called Industrial Sign Builder where they made a bunch of silly signs like this. I imagine it was the previous iteration of this sign tool.
travellering said:GameboyRMH said:
It doesn't augur well when the guy making the warning sign can't spell auger...
I was going to print that for my drillers but they would roast me for the auger misspelling.
In reply to Russian Warship, Go Berkeley Yourself :
Dear Bob, that man was a fat greasy slob.
Nature gives you a gift like that, you have a natural responsibility to do it justice.
Scotty Con Queso said:
I was going to print that for my drillers but they would roast me for the auger misspelling.
Fixed...in my defense, I only know what it's called from a show on industrial accidents, and spellcheck didn't stop me
In reply to Ian F (Forum Supporter) :
Hyperbolic paraboloids becoming a torus...dogs marrying cats...what's next?
Appleseed said:In reply to Scotty Con Queso :
Soshal is spelled wrong.
Soshul. Cmon, this isn't that hard.
Toyman! said:
I find this is very much more likely if the staff has compressed a million cubic feet of napkins and stuffed them into the holder, which is designed to hold somewhat less than that. If filled to a reasonable level, they work fairly well.
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