My father has been convinced for years dryer sheets and irish spring bar soap will repel mice from vehicles in storage. I never minded as they smelled fresh, but the mice have spoken this year!

Fortunately this van has no interior/carpet/HVAC unit. If I ever get it roadworthy again, won't be too difficult to clean. Hope they don't like the wires....
Cheap dryer sheets have worked for me so far, glue traps on the floor for backup.
Elephants, mice are afraid of elephants..
Stinkiest dryer sheets here, my elephant ran away w/ the circus 
Put a ton of food and water in it then throw a cat in it. By the time the cat dies the cat smell will be strong enough to scare the mice away. Problem solved.
4/15/13 12:20 a.m.
Anti freeze, once the mice drink it and die they will stay away. Added bonus works for the random stray cat too.
"Mmmmm soap, wait, is this Irish Spring? This is a classy place. Damn soap you tasty." -M. Mouse
Well I've heard you can get so thirsty you will drink your own urine.
Put something else for them to feed on. Like some Tomcat rodenticide.
Moth balls work ok but they make the car stink like naphtha. It's a good trade off for storage but I wouldn't want it as an air freshener every day.
I've heard fresh mint repels them, or mint oil. There are actually some trashbags that market themselves as rodent repellent with mint oil worked into the plastic formula. I have no clue if it actually works, but a lot of people think it does.
ultraclyde wrote:
I've heard fresh mint repels them, or mint oil.
I grew mint in the garden just so I could havest it for the 914. Mice loved the seeds and rolled their bodies in the leaves.
Don't grow mint, it's a damn weed and near impossible to get rid of.
4/15/13 11:53 a.m.
I set a "live trap" out behind my garage with a dallop of peanut butter in it.......I finally checked it yesterday horrified by the was compression room only in that thing. I will say this now, the best way to keep the berkeleyers away is to give them a "better" target to lure them away.
4/15/13 12:46 p.m.
In reply to ultraclyde:
I lol'd
The mouse trap is the double teeter entry/no exit thing......the ones I use outside don't get poison or glue boards. Just the lure and time.....I'm evil, I know 
glue boards are really good used them one time...checked it the next day and there was four little paws and a blood trail leading away. the thing chewed its own paws off....really humane
To put inside, on the motor etc. to keep mice out.
I have a travel trailer that I leave in Ontario for use in the summer. Dryer sheets don't do anything except make the smell of mouse urine slightly more tolerable when you open the door in the spring. Now it smells like urine and Fresh Linen.
Traps just mean you catch the first few. Then you have three rotten mice and all of the urine from the mice who came after the dumb ones.
Those electric plug-in noise generators just keep them out of the 1-foot radius near the sound thing. I have well-beaten trails with mouse poop in an arc around the sound generator.
My solution is D-Con. Warfarin. Its an extreme blood-thinner (its basically high doses of Coumadin). In most cases, the mice eat it, then leave to find a water source and die outside somewhere. Even if they die inside, they are so dehydrated that they don't smell. The bonus is that its not quite as dangerous to other animals. If your cat or dog gets a hold of it, chances are they'll just vomit and drink a lot.
My trailer has been pretty mouse-free most winters. Every season I crawl around under it and squirt expanding foam in any possible point of entry. Its impossible to get them all, so mice will eventually find that one hole you missed, but it works for a while.

With water or without. Just remember mice are cannibals.
That's what I used to catch them when I lived in a converted scale house at the end of a guys private airstrip.
^^ That looks really weird to put in writing
The0retical wrote:
That's what I used to catch them when I lived in a converted scale house at the end of a guys private airstrip.
So tell us more about your time on fire island
Has anyone here tried those electronic devices you plug into an outlet? The thing makes a noise that mice hate.
A cat or several mousetraps. And make sure the area does not contain a food source. The only time I ever had mice in my garage was when they chewed a hole in a bag of birdseed I had kept in there. Now I keep it in buckets with lids.
4/16/13 10:01 a.m.
914Driver wrote:
Has anyone here tried those electronic devices you plug into an outlet? The thing makes a noise that mice hate.
according to CR's they are a waste of money ... ( I've never tried them myself)
4/16/13 10:11 a.m.
In reply to wbjones:
My parents have them and they don't do a thing......however, the bat that got into the wall really liked the thing for some reason.....
Theoretical, I've done that too.....except instead of water, it was filled with antifreeze.(doesn't have any pets at house)
Couldn't catch a single one in a trap. Started parking the car OUTSIDE instead of in the garage, and put poison berkeleyING EVERYWHERE. Haven't seen any evidence of a mouse since then (3 months or so.) I use the tiny traps with the green stuff outside (kittehs can't get in them) and D-con in the garage.