You know, the one where Bib tosses a couple tires at the animated cars to help them hold the road and come to a safe stop? He tosses a COUPLE of tires at each car. Onto the driver's side. Um, are Michelins so good that two new ones on one side of the car are better than 4 of another?
that's because Michelins are just SO awesome...
Not that any non-worn tyre couldn't do that
It's a cartoon. Aren't you nitpicking just a bit?
Yes. But seriously, why can't they have him just throw out 4 tires?
Um, because tires are heavy! Duuuuuuuh...
Could you throw 4 tires that far, IN THE RAIN, without getting tired out? I didn't think so...
The commercial with the older couple drifting the pristine Caddy at Bonneville is GREAT!!! Anybody know what year that Caddy is? Just the right amount of chrome, fin, and size.
And, nope, I don't know what it's selling, I think tires.
4/27/12 1:31 p.m.
vwcorvette wrote:
Yes. But seriously, why can't they have him just throw out 4 tires?
The new Michelin Tire commercial features the tire dude throwing four (yes count them ALL FOUR) tires at the animated cars searching for grip in the rain.
We should be careful to only use our powers for good.
triumph5 wrote:
The commercial with the older couple drifting the pristine Caddy at Bonneville is GREAT!!! Anybody know what year that Caddy is? Just the right amount of chrome, fin, and size.
And, nope, I don't know what it's selling, I think tires.
It's a '57 or '58 Eldorado
Here's some behind the scenes:
Bridgestone Caddy
It's for the Nascar fans. Two tires on one side makes sense to them.
I enjoy Bib now. Bib back in the early 1900's, well he was a creepy, cigar smoking, debris drinking, made of bicycle tires man we don't all know.

Rob_Mopar wrote:
triumph5 wrote:
The commercial with the older couple drifting the pristine Caddy at Bonneville is GREAT!!! Anybody know what year that Caddy is? Just the right amount of chrome, fin, and size.
And, nope, I don't know what it's selling, I think tires.
It's a '57 or '58 Eldorado
Here's some behind the scenes:
Bridgestone Caddy
While a cool video, I would have thought it would have been more awesome if they used a stock Caddy Brougham 
And you could hear Caddy purists freaking out everywhere. 
Ian F
4/27/12 9:08 p.m.
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
Rob_Mopar wrote:
triumph5 wrote:
The commercial with the older couple drifting the pristine Caddy at Bonneville is GREAT!!! Anybody know what year that Caddy is? Just the right amount of chrome, fin, and size.
And, nope, I don't know what it's selling, I think tires.
It's a '57 or '58 Eldorado
Here's some behind the scenes:
Bridgestone Caddy
While a cool video, I would have thought it would have been more awesome if they used a stock Caddy Brougham
Screw that. I WANT that Caddy!