My dearest smug, self-assured 20-something girl in the new Scion Tc. Had you been paying attention to the very small red car doing a U turn immediately ahead of you prior to it's turning on it's 4-way flashers immediately behind a car pulling out of a space on H St. N.E. -
Then after you had done a U turn and raced to stuff your car nose first into the space, only to find that this annoying very small red car w/ 4-way flashers on...
First persisted in trying to back into the space!
Then this ~really old~ dude got out and said that he'd done a U turn and was already behind the car pulling out before You'd even done your U-turn..
And he just didn't understand when you explained that ~YOU~ had done a U turn so it was your space!
Yes. I saw the car door shut, I'm a racer so I have good situational awarenes and I'm not on the phone, it was clear, and I immediately did a U-turn and pulled up behind the light green Camry, with my 4-ways on. As soon as the Camry was out I pulled forward to back in, and the precious 22 year old in the new Tc stuffed the car diagonally into the space, nose first.
Seeing as I was 3' into the space, reverse lights and 4-ways on - and - had she been looking at all - had clearly waited for the car to leave the space and pulled forward to back in - she was either delusional, incredibly unaware, distracted by her phone - or just used to getting her way by simply stating flatly that things are hers.
So I got out, and as unthreateningly as possible walked back. My Miata containing my wife is still 3' into the space.
(Me) "Hi - I think you may not have noticed, but you were behind me when I saw the leaving car, did my U-turn, waited for the green Camry to leave, then pulled forward to back into my space"
(Her) "I did a u turn to get this space"
(Me) "I know. You did your U-turn at the end of the block. I saw it in my mirrors as I was positioned behind the car that was pulling out. Did you notice my red car - right in front of you - signal left and do the U-turn?"
(Her) "I did a U-turn to get this space"
(Me) "I know you did, but that doesn't alter the fact that I did too, first, and that I was already here waiting for the car to pull out ~BEFORE YOU EVEN INITIATED YOUR U-TURN~...(Taking a breath) Do you understand now?"
(Me) "Ok. I hope this makes sense to you some day. Clearly it won't today, or any time in the immediate future. What I would advise, is that you keep a very close eye on your new Tc if you do decide to leave it here, in my space this evening. Good night"
I parked around the block, and my wife managed to convince me not to pop into the Auto Zone across the street for a valve core tool - the tiny instrument of revenge I carry in every other car...
We could see her sitting in the car, afraid to leave it but unwilling to troll for another space, for some time.