Matt B
Matt B Dork
5/24/12 8:51 a.m.

Flush the damn toilet.

I work in a professional office environment. We are all supposed to be mature responsible adults, not untrained petulant teenagers. I do not want to have to smell and flush your business every time I walk up to do mine. Thankyaverymuch.

Racer1ab HalfDork
5/24/12 7:57 p.m.

Here's mine for the day, adult ear infections.

I don't know if this is something I get to look forward to every so often now, but I haven't had an ear infection since I was a kid, and it messes up everything. It constantly feels like someone's jabbing an icepick in my ear, I can't hear for E36 M3, and since I don't have insurance, I had the pleasure of paying 130 bucks for a screening and ear drops.

There goes the new headunit for the P71, although I guess not being able to hear the damn thing doesn't do me a lot of good either.

Wally UltimaDork
5/24/12 8:14 p.m.

Yes my nephew is an adorable little tyke, but I don't know who the hell you are but there is no reason to run your fingers through his dinner on your way back from the bathroom. After you were asked twice politely to stop you should have left, not waited to be yelled out like a bad dog then start the "respect you elders" speech. I'm not even sure why you enjoyed playing with his carrots, I didn't get anything out of writing in your mashed potatos.

Racer1ab HalfDork
5/24/12 8:46 p.m.

Oh, and here's another one. I'm tired of the stupid "Click it or Ticket" commercials, not because of the message they send, but because now they claim officers are trained to spot infractions AT NIGHT.

Really?! I would hope our X-ray vision possessing supercop overlords would use their powers for more important things than seat belt violations, but that's just me.

Jay UltraDork
5/25/12 4:42 a.m.

Y'know, not every single internet joke has to be made into a "demotivational poster". Some things are funny on their own without being surrounded by a black border, and there are more ways to caption a photo than in white block letters underneath in a schmaltzy font. Firstly, they were never that amusing in the first place, and secondly, if you're recycling a meme that's been around a gazillion years already, chances are it doesn't need to be "demotivated". That E36 M3 was old, like, a decade ago already. Stop. freaking. doing. it.


JoeyM SuperDork
5/25/12 6:45 p.m.

I talked to a local race shop about fabricating a roll bar for the datsun replica. (I won't be fast enough to need it for the challenge, but I thought a gusset or tab on a roll bar would be a good spot to install the seat belts.)

They say they're too busy doing miatas to help me.

BBsGarage HalfDork
5/25/12 7:30 p.m.
JoeyM wrote: I talked to a local race shop about fabricating a roll bar for the datsun replica. (I won't be fast enough to need it for the challenge, but I thought a gusset or tab on a roll bar would be a good spot to install the seat belts.) They say they're too busy doing miatas to help me.

See miata is always the answer.

Salanis PowerDork
5/31/12 12:07 p.m.

Dear Flatmates,

Yes. I did my laundry and not anyone else's. I was down to my last clean t-shirt and don't feel like reeking of man-sweat for the next two days. Sorry for not asking you if you needed any clothes washed. You weren't home. That makes it a bit difficult.

Yes, I'm also aware I forget to push the button to make it a "short" wash. Primarily this is because I don't speak German and would prefer to not to accidentally screw up what happens to my clothes. Also, I've had clothes come out of the machine insufficiently washed.

Oh dear, because it wasn't shorter I have wasted some water and hurt the environment. I know you're all environmentalist and do things like turning off the freezer to save energy (seriously?). I'd take your environmentalist desires to save water more seriously if you hadn't also disconnected the dish washer (yeah, it uses a LOT less water than hand-washing dishes), take absurdly long showers, and heat the flat with coal.

Zomby Woof
Zomby Woof UltraDork
5/31/12 12:30 p.m.
Salanis wrote: don't feel like reeking of man-sweat for the next two days

You're never going to fit in in Europe with that attitude.

Anti-stance HalfDork
6/1/12 4:06 p.m.

I am a little frustrated working with my stepmother, who happens to be my boss. Let me preface this by saying she has a knowledge for business that few will have the ability to attain. I'm not going to go into an extensive explanation of her background but she has been a consultant for a large firm in the past.

This rant is that the industry that we are working in has DRASTICALLY changed since she started doing this 20 years ago due to technology. She struggles to grasp some of the basics of computers. Its not really that big of a deal to me to show her something but she HATES to be wrong or shown how to do things. Here are some for instances that have recently drove me nuts:

An argument over PDF files - She is going to be buying Adobe's Creative Suite 6 which has Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Acrobat, and Bridge. Well, we were having a discussion in the car about how she is going to be getting some PDFs and that we will need to get another software to edit them. I explained to her that the Creative Suite software will have the ability to edit PDFs(with Acrobat). Hell, Adobe created the PDF file, if you are spending $1300 on a Adobe software package it better let you modify PDFs. She argued with me that CS5 wouldn't let you and she knew that for a fact because her old graphic designer told her she needed a different software. When I insisted that couldn't be true, she said I was being condescending. I stopped right there. No, I am being honest.

Two weeks pass, we are riding in the car and now the whole story changed.

Now its, "well when we get CS6 we will be able to edit the PDF files from her."

Me: "Whoa, wait a minute. That's EXACTLY what I was trying to tell you a couple of weeks ago!"

Her: "Of course it will let you edit PDF files, its Adobe." (exactly what I said two weeks earlier)

Me: "Then why were you telling me we needed another software? You said your last graphic designer needed another software besides CS to edit PDFs."

Her: "No, I said I had to go to Staples to have them edit the PDF."

At this point I didn't even want to try to tell her she was totally changing the story and making E36 M3 up the first time we talked about it. I know she was probably using Acrobat Reader and failed to understand that it is just a reader and not an editor. :banghead on blunt object to make headache less noticeable: berkeley!!!!!!!!!

Anti-stance HalfDork
6/1/12 4:25 p.m.

Now today:

There are some files(photos) that someone will be sending me to use in InDesign.

Me: "Make sure who ever is sending me the files gets the highest resolution they can get, not just some pictures from the internet."

Her: "It doesn't matter if they are small."

Me: "Yes, it does. If I have to expand them they will start pix-elating and it won't look right."

Her: "No it won't, it will just correct itself. It will look fine, I have done it before."

Me: "... (shakeshead and bites tongue)"

I know what she is thinking of, she is talking about when you click on a thumbnail and it expands/opens the picture. She is assuming that it is like when you transfer pictures off of your digital camera or smart phone and they show up as thumbnails. At this point, to avoid another losing argument, I just shut my mouth and do what is asked. I am not going to argue with my boss, learned that in the military. I will address it when it is a problem that I can tangibly point out, since it isn't anything permanent.

I know where this bullheadedness comes from. It is from when she was in "Corporate America" and she was a consultant in the oil industry and data transfer in the early 90s. Technology is totally different now and she doesn't want to be told how things work now, she HATES it.

I would explain to her I have had plenty of experience of trolling online using pictures of all sorts of dpi/resolution but the concept of trolling or why someone would troll is far beyond her grasp.

HiTempguy SuperDork
6/2/12 12:05 a.m.


I wrote my car off at last weekends rally. After I had recovered it, I was introduced to a guy who was interested in buying it. Cool!

His son had just bought a rally talon off a local person and competed in the event as his first. So, they wanted to both be drivers in a father son team, sounds pretty solid to me.

I run him through everything that is on the car, what the price of some of the parts are, and what they typically sell for used. I mean, if I take the time to part the car out, I have no doubt I'll have $6k+ in my pocket. We've both been drinking, so I tell him I'll call him later in the week with a more detailed list of items and maybe we can work out a deal. Obviously, me not parting the car out is a huge time and energy saver.

So, we chat Wednesday evening, he calls me back tonight. I'm pretty sick right now and was sleeping, but wake up and start chatting to him. We get around to his offer: $1500-$2000. Long ackward pause on the phone.

Me: "Oh, well, yea, I guess I'll have to think about it. Quite a few other people interested in parts"

Him: "Cars gotta have everything with it".

It took all of my restraint to not laugh at him on the phone. Like, I'm cool giving fellow racers a good deal, but I'd rather douse the car in gas and light it on fire for $2k than sell it for that. It has brand new (1 event) FIA Sparco seats and belts in it. It comes with 10 expensive ass rally rims that people kill for used because you NEVER sell rally rims. And it has $5k suspension on it that is one event old. I could literally sell all of that stuff for $5k not breaking a sweat, and there is still the rest of the car lol.

But this is the best part; I am trying to sell my Volvo half heartedly. To keep tire kickers at bay, we put a higher price of $1400obo on it. Now, a running driving car here is worth $1k and I'm really flexible on price. But I get a call from my friends next door neighbour (car is at his house). Basically says he is interested, asks for the specifics on the car.

So I go through the list, and when I tell him the car has 350,000kms on it, he's like, "wait what? You want $1400 for a car with that many kms on it??!"

And my reply is "It's a Volvo, they all have high kms for a reason. It's also a vehicle that will pass an inspection, runs and drives. It's $1000 for a car like that in any shape here"

And then he goes on about how he bought one 10 years ago for $600, and I reply that I just bought a Firefly for $50, that doesn't mean that is what its worth, its just what I paid.

Some peoples children. The worst thing about the rallycar buyer is he seemed like an ok dude, really knowledgeable about cars. I NEVER get offended about offers on cars, but I am offended about this. I never acted desperate, I wasn't in a hurry to sell, and I quite clearly explained the pricing of the equipment on the car. So why waste my time and offer me something that is batE36 M3 insane low? I BOUGHT lots of the stuff used, I know what the market for it is. It just makes me want to have no further contact with that individual, as clearly he has no interest in respecting peoples time/money/effort. I mean, if he would have said $4k, I wouldn't be mad, that is a reasonable low ball. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Cole_Trickle Reader
6/3/12 6:21 p.m.

Berklying kids. We got new couches this weekend and we put the old ones on the curb with a free sign and CL posting. By the time we got the 2nd one outside, neighborhood kids were jumping on the first. I told them, that they cant play on them unless they take them home. They take 2 of the 3 and leave the big couch. They then take the sign and put it on the chair and sofa in their yard. About that time their parents saw what was going on and ordered them to take the stuff back to my driveway. They get drug along the street and the wood really messed up. I was giving them away, but now when people inspect them, the damage turns them off. The kids and parents do not give a damn around here about others stuff. Jeez

Zomby Woof
Zomby Woof UltraDork
6/3/12 6:49 p.m.
HiTempguy wrote: Sooooooooooooo... I wrote my car off at last weekends rally. After I had recovered it, I was introduced to a guy who was interested in buying it. Cool!

Don't take it personally. It's a business transaction, and to most (except rally people ) a written off ex race car is not worth nearly the sum of it's parts. Part it. That's the only way you'll get what you think it's worth.

HiTempguy SuperDork
6/3/12 11:12 p.m.
Zomby Woof wrote: Don't take it personally. It's a business transaction, and to most (except rally people ) a written off ex race car is not worth nearly the sum of it's parts. Part it. That's the only way you'll get what you think it's worth.

I just thought I had explained quite thoroughly how much the parts were worth. I know I know, a race car is a race car, but rally cars in particular have a LOT of extra things that are a pain in the ass compared to a wheel2wheel car that add up quickly.

Like, the MINIMAL suspension you need to actually attack everything at speed is $2500 MINIMUM, if not $5+k. I can't just slap on $900 worth of Koni's (exaggeration) and run at the front of IT2 or the honda challenge or whatever.

I mean, the offer he gave me covered the FIA seats (not a requirement in most wheel2wheel racing), belts, and like 3 rims with no tires derp derp. And we're talking USED prices.


Honest to god though, I'd rather BURN the car in $2k worth of glorious flames then sell it for that much lol.

JoeyM SuperDork
6/4/12 4:22 a.m.

companies that wait months before telling you that you didn't get the job

wbjones UltraDork
6/4/12 3:24 p.m.

at least they tell you that you didn't get the job ... I hate the companies that never get back to you ... one way or the other

Anti-stance HalfDork
6/4/12 5:37 p.m.

I really dislike eating lunch/dinner with people who wait until their mouth is full to talk. Seriously, why wait to say something until you take the biggest bite of food that will fit in your mouth? I am not covering my drink because I am trying to keep it cold.

aussiesmg PowerDork
6/4/12 5:47 p.m.
Anti-stance wrote: I really dislike eating lunch/dinner with people who wait until their mouth is full to talk. Seriously, why what to say something until you take the biggest bite of food that will fit in your mouth? I am not covering my drink because I am trying to keep it cold.

And close your damned trap when you chew dammit, I do not want to watch you masticate.

BoostedBrandon HalfDork
6/5/12 1:02 a.m.

I'm tired of the corporate world. My boss has a boss. Who has a boss, who has two bosses above him. I'm also tired of people thinking everyone that works in a parts store is an idiot, or a garage reject.

Trans_Maro SuperDork
6/5/12 1:16 a.m.

Parents of ill-behaved demon children.

Make your damn kids sit down at YOUR table and eat their food quietly.

I'm trying to enjoy my own meal in peace, having little Mary or Johnny wander over to my table and gawk at me is annoying as all hell.

I don't know what happened to you as a child if you stood up on the seat and started screaming but I'm pretty sure I would have been beaten within an inch of my life for it, I don't really know because I was too damn scared of what -might- happen to actually try it.

I realise it's a family restaurant but if you'll notice, there are plenty of other families in here with well-behaved children.

Take your spawn elsewhere or stay at home.

Wally UltimaDork
6/5/12 10:02 p.m.

This can't be serious.

The Two and Half Men star is said to be considering starring in a remake of Burt Reynolds‘ cult classic road movie comedy Smokey and the Bandit.

“Ashton is a huge fan of Burt Reynolds and the original Smokey and the Bandit,” reveals a source close to Demi Moore‘s ex.

“He’s seriously considering bringing the character and the story up to date with him as the Bandit but with Burt involved in some way

fritzsch Reader
6/6/12 9:21 p.m.

Now, I'm not punk and only listen to it occasionally. But Im a little peeved when someone says they like punk and list All Time Low as one of their favorites. No, not okay! And wearing converse doesnt make you anymore punk either! Does no one know anything anymore. Oh and to that same person, please stop driving with your arms through the steering wheel. I close my eyes on the way to work so I don't see how many times I could crash. (carpool)

TRoglodyte Dork
6/6/12 9:31 p.m.

IDIOTS, they are everywhere, I look into the eyes of them every day and get the vapid stare of a brick wall , only lacking the personality.

dculberson Dork
6/6/12 9:36 p.m.

Hitempguy, I would have told that guy right away that his offer is too low. That's situation: STFU right there, good job on not flying off the handle though.

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