6/12/12 10:53 a.m.
ncjay wrote:
Stupid piece of crap MP3 player. Since when does shuffle mean play the same 14 songs over and over?
10 IF (all songs) = (already played), SET (all songs) = (not played)
20 PICK (random song)
30 IF (random song) = (already played), GOTO 20
40 PLAY (chosen song)
50 SET (chosen song) = (already played)
60 GOTO 10
How is this so hard for them to figure out?!
In reply to Jay:
If-Then circumstances are terribly hard for programmers to understand. Please don't confuse them.
Dumb people on Facebook. There is a spirited debate going on right now because a girl posted that a guy in a Corvette got mad at her in traffic because she was texting. Not legal here btw... She was pissed that people dont mind their own business. I need to take a fb vacation.
In reply to Cole_Trickle:
I have been off Facebook for about 2 months, the world hasn't ended. I was pretty addicted to FB.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
In reply to Curmudgeon:
That really isn't going to drop a lot of panties for you. May I suggest some rainbow and unicorn art in your avatar?
Also, I've driven 125 miles to look at a car I didn't even want.
4hrs round-trip for a rotten toothed woman with tattoos of wolves baying at the moon to get guaranteed lovin' is way cheaper than male prostitutes.
Dood. Admitted I don't have much self respect. No it's not much, but at least a little. 
I got so tired of replies where it was just random, obviously they han't read squat. Given a choice between going out with some gal with droopy wolf baying at the moon tats who was obviously no match at all,
eating Cheetos while watching porn, well guess which one won. 

Couldn't you have a little checkbox on your website that tells customers if a part isn't in stock? I've given you my money, and anticipated having the part in-hand no later than yesterday, and you just emailed me saying that it is backordered... This is the ONLY part that's keeping me from driving the first car I ever owned for the first time in more than 4 years, and now I've got to wait another 4 to 6 weeks for it. Berkeley.
... Need cellphone jammer...
Dear coworker,
I know that you are a 40 year old underachiever that doesn't like to work to hard. Whatever, that's perfectly reasonable.
What isn't reasonable is your (no better way to put it) continuous cock-blocking of getting E36 M3 the berkeley done at work. Yes, you may have worked in industry for 15+ years, but I could give a E36 M3 less. When we are told we are working offsite for the next couple of weeks, and I suggest after the first day that we load all of the tools we will be using at said offsite location (no real good place to store them at said offsite location) into my car so we don't have to unload and load them everyday, it's a good idea. You're "ZOMG, they could get stolen!!1!1!" argument is one of more nitpicking, time wasting worry and indecision. I live in a neighbourhood with zero crime, nice lit streets, the car is locked and the stuff is covered (in my driveway no less). The point is, when I tell you I am not putting up with your bullE36 M3, and you feel it necessary to unload and load said tools every morning, do it yourself, cause I am not.
He then proceeds to whine, swear, and yell at me about poor attitude and how he is the "senior whatever", which doesn't matter as he is my co-worker, not my boss or supervisor. I don't get paid to think inside a box of hierarchy, whether he'd like to think it.
At least he isn't the god damn safety guy for our division anymore, he got mad at me for using a large wrench as a snipe on another one because I was "using the tools improperly". 
6/14/12 6:27 a.m.
Being treated like a rented mule makes me want to act like an ass.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I would like to inform you that the red paint on the door of your brand new white Toyota Avalon is due to your inability to park between two painted lines. When I came out of the drugstore you left me exactly 3 inches between our mirrors and no room for me to get into my car through the drivers door. This necessitated me to climb in through the passengerside and then open and close my driver's door vigorously three or four times.
Warm Regards,
A pissed off driver of a beaten up and rusty BMW.
At least that is the note I wanted to leave.. instead I just climbed in and drove away.. but I thought nasty thoughts at the owners of said avalon
Why did you bug me to buy you a pistol so you could compete, and then wuss out of the first competition you wanted to go to?!
T.J. wrote:
Being treated like a rented mule makes me want to act like an ass.
true dat
gonna post that on the board in our shop
6/16/12 9:58 p.m.
Dear shiny happy person:
Was it REALLY necessary that you steal the spoiler off the hatch of my 12-year-old Grand Caravan? Seriously?
Dear unknown but definitely disgusting individual;
Didn't your momma teach you to raise the seat before you pee? Do you also need to attach a scope to your junk to correct your terrible aim?
Saw an older woman today at the grocery store who was wearing a "Redneck Pornstar in the Making" tank top. This while shopping with her kids. But for all I know, its a trendy new brand or an inside joke... To me it was just gross to think about.
6/17/12 3:33 p.m.
might just be true though
Guy calls work and gives me a bearing number and asks me to look at it. I go grab the part, open it up, describe it to him and even give him the dimensions of said bearing. Then he asks me: "is that something you have in stock or do you have to order it?"
Jeezis. This is why we can't have nice things!
wbjones wrote:
might just be true though
Yeah. Difference between a real porn star and a "redneck" one: contraception.
friedgreencorrado wrote:
wbjones wrote:
might just be true though
Yeah. Difference between a real porn star and a "redneck" one: contraception.
The necks get all red from ignoring a gag reflex over time so same/same 
Your Dodge diesel truck is not a Dodge Cummins. Same goes for your 2004 Power Stroke. Or your Duramax. There's much more to the truck than the engine.
Now go smoke yourselves into oblivion.
Thank you Bob Costas who thought it would be cool to steal the receiver cover from my Jeep in the airport parking lot. I'm sure it felt good to take something that wasn't yours and obviously was attached to my vehicle.
bluesideup reminded me of something that happened at my step niece's college recently: her license tag was stolen. Turned out to be some kid from Jersey who ganked it because he thought it would look cool hanging on the wall at the family home up in Jersey and that's not unsual because, face it, SC's tag does look pretty cool. Yeah, ya jerkoff: looks like your parents taught you well. Go hump Snooki.
Don't complain when I miss your 7:30am meeting becuase you sent the meeting notice out Saturday evening and I was busy all weekend so shock, horror I don't log on to work Satruday evening or Sunday.
6/18/12 11:10 a.m.
Any ass that schedules a meeting for 7:30a on a Monday deserves what (s)he gets.
6/18/12 11:53 a.m.
sorry .... I don't EVER log onto business e-mail on the weekends ... never will ....