Really Popeyes? You advertise rippin chicken and when I go to get some you are out and wont have any for 2 days? If Chic-fil-a wasn't expanding their store and shut down I'd have never thought of going to Popeyes. On top of that Wendies was out of spicy chicken filets and nuggets..... A man can't even fullfill his need for spicy chicken in this crapfest of a town.
Stripped out splines on wheel studs.
ThePhranc wrote:
Really Popeyes? You advertise rippin chicken and when I go to get some you are out and wont have any for 2 days? If Chic-fil-a wasn't expanding their store and shut down I'd have never thought of going to Popeyes. On top of that Wendies was out of spicy chicken filets and nuggets..... A man can't even fullfill his need for spicy chicken in this crapfest of a town.
Dude, just get some basic chicken and some hot sauce and stop being so damned lazy.
Damned kids....
my berkeleying job = rant supreme
finally getting off my ass to write resumes 
I found these
I dig them. I think they would make the GTI look pretty hot.
Audi made this wheel in 2 bolt patterns, 5X100 that I require, and 5X112 that won’t work for me. I text the seller as per his instructions and inquire which pattern these have. His response “Universal”. I think OK, clueless or just hoping someone is just as clueless, so I ask “What car did they come off of?” He replies a 1992 Audi 90.
Wait a friggin minute. That is a 4X108 car! I ask “Are these 4 lug wheels?” and he says “I told you they are universal, they fit anything”
He is supposed to send me some pics of the backs of the wheels and the stampings under the center caps. I can’t wait to see this. Any bets? Drilled full of holes? Adapters?
Some fools cant get that universal for 4 lug is NOT universal for 5 lug
Hey you on the big bad Harley! Get back in your lane! Yeah, yeah, I know your wheels are on your side of the line, But everything else is hanging over into my lane! Ooooh you're so bad-ass and brave! I'm sure your fellow curmudgeons are impressed. You've got so much testosterone chickens turn in to roosters as you pass by. You've got enough resentment to make the Tea Party look like-well- a tea party. WTF? I'll give you plenty of room just like always. Just don't make it so berkleying hard to pass you without killing you.
Welding exhaust pipes that are in the sun on the black top when its 101*F is no fun.
jim_stockburger wrote:
Hey you on the big bad Harley! Get back in your lane! Yeah, yeah, I know your wheels are on your side of the line, But everything else is hanging over into my lane! Ooooh you're so bad-ass and brave! I'm sure your fellow curmudgeons are impressed. You've got so much testosterone chickens turn in to roosters as you pass by. You've got enough resentment to make the Tea Party look like-well- a tea party. WTF? I'll give you plenty of room just like always. Just don't make it so berkleying hard to pass you without killing you.
berkeley that, my car is harder than his hip.
AT&T, what the berkeley is up with you website? Why are there 15 login screens with different types of logins? When I do login, why is it asking me to attach an account to my login? Now I think I remember why I gave up on you shiny happy people years ago. Go berkeley yourselves.
Edit: Seriously! More berkeleyed up than a box of coat hangers.
Okay, Verizon: the chick in your ads is sorta on the emaciated side. She needs to eat a sammich or two. Still, she's pretty cute so I can sorta forgive that.
But whoever is riding the bike that did the sounds is an idiot. That RPM flare shows me he/she/it has no idea of how to shift under power and it makes me cringe inside, just waiting for the dogs in the transmission to not engage properly leading to it jumping out of gear then leading to a mechanical overrev.
So something I never had to deal with until I started working from home. Door to door Jesus salesmen. Do these guys have sales managers like car salesmen?
I understand that you believe in a religion, cool. I also understand you are trying to spread "the word", cool. But when I am trying to be nice by saying "I am sorry, I am working right now" and you don't take the hint, I start to get a little agitated. When you press harder and ask when you can come back and I politely say "Ahhhh, I don't know" and you press even harder? You are turning me into being rude shiny happy person and shutting the door on you while you repeatedly ask me if I believe in Jesus. Come on, how are people going to take you seriously?
6/21/12 12:59 p.m.
What is it with the multiple commas on forums/tweets/Craigsjiji postings? I would generally assume people trying to write one of these: '...' but are missing the '.' key and hitting the ',' key instead, but sometimes you get postings where there are multi-commas throughout the whole thing and no sign of dots at all. When I see this:
Terrible classified advert wrote:
word,,,,,,,,,,,, other word,,,,,,,,, two words,,,, some more words,,,,,, some meaningless, poorly formated specs,,,,,,,,,,,,, phone number,,,,,, general demands for use of precious phone number and boorish remarks about "test pilots",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
...I can't imagine how you could do that by accident. Is it foetal alcohol syndrome or what?
New Reader
6/21/12 6:19 p.m.
Dear people who make commercials: please stop putting doorbell sounds in your ads, it makes my stupid dogs go nuts.
Dear I-Care Clinic
Since when do 25 year olds with no history of health problems NEED an EKG to be declared fit enough to do a physical exam for a police department. Thanks to you ass hats I have to drive 4 hours to do the exam in Tallahassee, instead of the 45 minutes to do it in Orlando. Thanks for nothing shiny happy people.
Dear safety nazis: If drivers don't see the great big, bright yellow, polished checkerplate, reflective tape, big red light equipped firetruck, they will not see the two pylons you have to place at the corners of the truck now.
Dear XBox Live,
Your gaming network is a joke. I have never had the problems with PC gaming lobbies as I do with your dust covered servers from circa 1995. berkeley you!
6/22/12 8:43 p.m.
Dear office staples - no, I do not want to buy school supplies to donate back to students any more than you want to donate the product I'm buying to me. So you get to sell the product, then take a tax write off and take credit for your charitable contribution your customers funded.
6/23/12 7:00 a.m.
Sorry you didn't cause the stir you were hoping for kid. Yes, we were able to tell you were gay(It's writen in big penis shaped letters on your t-shirt) and I'm sure wherever yop came from just the sight of you boys holding hands would get everyone's panties in a bunch, but none of us really give a E36 M3. You're in Manhattan on the weekend of the gay pride parade. Did you really think giving him a kiss on the cheek in Starbucks was really going to get us worked up? Sure we all looked at you once you threw a tantrum but we didn't care about your lifestyle, just that you were making a scene and keeping us from getting on with our day. We can walk down any number of blocks here and see men like pulling trains down the sidewalk, we hardly notice it anymore. If you really need to be the center of attention all the time you will have to work a lot harder than that here.
Damn you giant trailer bolt heads. There is no need for you to be so big and protrude so far.
Dang it to hades I had to completely disassemble the headlight switch in the Civic and clean all the contacts so I will have low beams in the rare case when I might have to drive my dedicated track car in the rain or at night. wouldn't be so bad if I hadn't had it apart a month ago to make the tunr signal cancel work for yearly inspection. There are alot of little parts in on of those combination switchs. GRRRRRR.
Okay, banks: about those damn fees. Now let me get this straight.
If I keep over your specified minimum in my accounts, you waive those personal contact fees. As in I can deposit all the checks I want for nothing.
But if I drop below that minimum, now you zap me? Meaning if I have money, you DON'T charge me fees but if I don't have money you DO charge me?
Hello? Is there any intelligent life in there?
I hope the next time Wall Street does something stupid you go down in flames and I will laugh my ass off as it happens. I might even toast a marshmallow or two.