People who use acronyms that could stand for multiple things in technical documentation without first stating which one they're talking about.
In many cases, I can understand what they mean from context, but if I'm reading a tech document to figure out what the heck is going on in the first place, I might need to know what's being talked about up front.
Of course the one time I need to see a Doctor and get a prescription in the last several years is during the one month gap between my old and new insurance. Only $200 total but more than I'd like to pay for the privelage of having strep throat
2/12/24 2:25 p.m.
Brett_Murphy (Agent of Chaos) said:
People who use acronyms that could stand for multiple things in technical documentation without first stating which one they're talking about.
In many cases, I can understand what they mean from context, but if I'm reading a tech document to figure out what the heck is going on in the first place, I might need to know what's being talked about up front.
Then there are the people who insist on putting the whole phrase with the three letter acronym (TLA) in parentheses at every occurrence in the document. If you're going to do that, there is no reason to include the TLA at all.
I typically write the whole phrase out at its first appearance in a given major section, and use the abbreviation at subsequent occurrences, unless grammatically inappropriate.
In reply to Duke :
Like people who still insists on text speak? Look, we stopped paying for texting 10-15+ years ago.
UR. Motherberkeleyer, its You Are. That's 4 extra letters. I know you might be a holdover from a time when every letter texted cost money, but evolve. If you think its important, you can damn well add 4 berkeleying letters to make it legible to anyone literate.
Now it looks like we will close on the house on Thursday at the earliest because my lender can't get their E36 M3 together. They requested a document that I sent them on January 23rd.
This is really starting to piss me off because we are still living in the hotel, which is the only extended stay in the entire city that is pet friendly. And it's costing me nearly $200 a night.
My hotel bill is going to be just north of $2k, which is a ton of money. This move has very nearly destroyed me financially. Burned through my savings, the small amount of emergency money and nearly $6k on the credit card.
In reply to stanger_mussle (Supported by GRM undergarments) :
But those free breakfasts with fake eggs......
Got a black Rav4 for a rental car, it's shocking how many black small SUV's are around.
Can't say how many I've walked up to and went, Nope, not mine.
This is both a minor rant and a minor win.
Remember when you were a kid and you realized you were running faster than your feet could go? You couldn't slow down and you knew you were going to fall. That's where I am right now.
Between my admin and I, we have completed 95 estimates since Jan 1.
If we don't quote them, we are screwed by lack of work.
If we get half of them, we are screwed by lack of manpower.
Year to date, we are up 57% over last year, which was a record year.
I've been easing the prices up some and dragging my feet trying to throttle the amount of work we have. I'm not sure how else to slow things down without having the pendulum swing in the other direction.
2/13/24 3:02 p.m.
Get an aftermarket tail lamp they said. It will save us money, they said. 1st company sends lamp to wrong address, TWICE and now has no record of order.
Second company has one, we pick it up and the LED portion is non-working out of the box.
I could have had a factory tail lamp in this car a week and a half ago. *sigh*
Why is it so hard to have a job where you show up, work 8 hours and go home?
And no, 8 hours isn't 7am-6pm every single day with no breaks. No overtime either. No, I don't want to "do whatever it takes" sacrificing my mental health and my precious time with my family. No, I don't want to take my laptop home every night and work until I go to sleep feverishly writing emails.
Why has this become the norm and why did so many people buy in?
In reply to Scotty Con Queso :
I was 10+ years in at my last job when I realized that if I "walked on water" I might get a 3% raise for the next year or two before topping out. My options were jump to management or be ok with 1% raises from there on due to "corporate pay levels". At some point, you have to jump one way or the other. I spent years 11-12 in management classes before deciding that I like what I do as long as I get paid to do it. With that I jumped to a company that pays overtime and has a flexible schedule. It's out there. You just have to pop your head up to look for it.
Scotty Con Queso said:
Why is it so hard to have a job where you show up, work 8 hours and go home?
And no, 8 hours isn't 7am-6pm every single day with no breaks. No overtime either. No, I don't want to "do whatever it takes" sacrificing my mental health and my precious time with my family. No, I don't want to take my laptop home every night and work until I go to sleep feverishly writing emails.
Why has this become the norm and why did so many people buy in?
My son won't remember all the extra overtime I put in. He WILL remember the time I'm around to spend with him.
I have a 28" wide Craftsman snowblower with a 9HP motor. Why is it that at full throttle, at the slowest ground speed, I can only cut a 12" wide swath of 10" deep snow at a time? Anything more that spills out of the front of the snowblower. Feels like it doesn't have enough output foe the width of the machine. It's been incredibly reliable for the almost 20 years we've owned it, but I might need to look at a replacement with more power.
It was a long day of snow blowing our 275' long driveway. Still very thankful I wasn't shoveling!
In reply to dj06482 (Forum Supporter) :
Something's definitely not right... the 5hp two stage I used to have would be throwing snow clear across the property line if I didn't have the chute aimed properly.
Man I miss that snowblower.
Scotty Con Queso said:
Why is it so hard to have a job where you show up, work 8 hours and go home?
And no, 8 hours isn't 7am-6pm every single day with no breaks. No overtime either. No, I don't want to "do whatever it takes" sacrificing my mental health and my precious time with my family. No, I don't want to take my laptop home every night and work until I go to sleep feverishly writing emails.
Why has this become the norm and why did so many people buy in?
I've heard this a lot recently actually, so apparently everyone has bought in somehow.
Personally I like the 4 day, 24ish hours schedule that I try to keep, although we have creeped up to 5 days 30 hours grudgingly
No Time
2/13/24 10:32 p.m.
In reply to dj06482 (Forum Supporter) :
Is the engine bogging down or snow just not being pulled into the auger? Are both sides of the auger turning?
I find with wet sticky snow that spraying the scoop, auger, and chute with silicon spray makes a big difference (mower deck non-stick spray works even better, but not easy to find right now). I was out of silicon last storm and I know mine was doing something similar to what your seeing, and it was the snow sticking together and building up in from of the scoop.
I'd also check the full throttle rpm and see if maybe there needs to be some adjustment made to the governor spring to get the rpm up to spec.
Thanks for the suggestions - I spray everything with silicone spray before I start. It makes life so much easier! I ran out today, so I'll need to buy more. I even spray my shovels to prevent the snow from sticking.
I'll have to check the shear pins, but I'm assuming they're OK. The governor is a good place to check - this machine has never thrown the snow in an impressive way, even when new.
2/14/24 12:42 p.m.
My daughter had a rough start going off to college this year. Over the last few weeks things have been looking up. She finally found a good friend group, bought a pet snake, and reached out to the local animal shelter to adopt a dog one day a week. Over the weekend she found out that the snake had mites so she gave it a bath with Dawn dish soap. Apparently this is a pretty common thing to do. Yesterday was the first day she could adopt a dog and they had a great time. When she got home one of her original friends (frenimies?) reached out and apologized but in kind of a crappy way. My daughter basically told her that she's over it and has moved on. Then late in the afternoon she noticed that her snake looked really lethargic and it died later in the evening while she was at class. She was really distraught and there was basically nothing we could do to comfort her. I finally told her to call her new friends and ask if they could come sit with her for a while. We haven't talked to her yet today. I'm really hoping that she's OK.
TLDR: I didn't realize that having children away at college way going to be this hard.
2/14/24 12:46 p.m.
CAinCA said:
TLDR: I didn't realize that having children away at college way going to be this hard.
One of the hardest things, but also most comforting things, about my struggles in life is that I know my parents are struggling with me, for me, even at the age of 34.
In reply to mtn :
Thanks mtn. No matter how much we're going through we always try to be there for our kids. I've explained to them both that I didn't have that comfort and how it still affects me into my 50's.
2/14/24 2:12 p.m.
In reply to dj06482 (Forum Supporter) :
I'll ask the dumb question. Are both sides of the auger rake spinning? If one of the shear pins in my Ariens goes it does pretty much what you're describing above. It's not like you can see the auger from where you're standing when it's running.
Minor rant, plus a weird story coming from said rant.
My brain likes to chew on things in the early hours of the day. 2-4 AM seems to be the primary time, and generally it is about a difficult car repair, or a bad news call i have to make about a job... I'm used to it.
This morning, I guess I didn't have a bunch of stuff to worry about, so I spent a fairly significant amount of time on the 60's sitcom Family Affair.
Sebastion Cabot as Mr French. Buffy, Jodie and Sissy. Living with Uncle Bill folowing the untimely death of their parents.
What was the name of the actor who played Uncle Bill? Finally, about 5:30, Brian Keith.
Why, brain, do you do these things?
11GTCS said:
In reply to dj06482 (Forum Supporter) :
I'll ask the dumb question. Are both sides of the auger rake spinning? If one of the shear pins in my Ariens goes it does pretty much what you're describing above. It's not like you can see the auger from where you're standing when it's running.
Not 5 seconds later I broke a shear pin (that's since been replaced). Keep the suggestions coming, this thing has just never been good about throwing snow, I'd be surprised it it ever throws snow more than 15-20', tops.
2/14/24 6:05 p.m.
Spent over a half hour past clocking off time trying to get an ancient printer to work. It printed a sheet but then I made the mistake of unplugging it to clean the toner wire. No amount of re-plugging, re-installing drivers, or switching off/on would get it to print again. Tried plugging it directly to my laptop and that didn't work, Brother's website didn't have a driver for this, only has a universal driver that didn't recognize anything.
In reply to Streetwiseguy :
So it's not just me then. It's almost always between 2-4, and with luck I get back to sleep shortly after 4 for a little bit. PW wonders, how do you sleep 9hrs a night? Well, I don't, really.
I watched the first episode of that show on one of the free streaming channels recently. Didn't really think muck about it after that.