RX Reven' said:
My company changed the licensing agreement / revision level of the most important application I use (Minitab statistical software) and somehow I wasn't included in the push even though I'm well known to them as a super user based on their own transaction logs.
Our corporate IT guy sends me instructions for the fix in what I believe is Klingon (perhaps Romulan, not sure) so I physically visit our in-house IT guy and I get the same unintelligible drivel.
If us non IT "professionals" actually understood what you guys were talking about there would be no need to employ you.
Slow the berk down, assume nothing, and realize that YOUR JOB is to make the tech work not just barf out some B.S. jargon and call it a day.
I just looked it up...ˈt͡ɬɪ. ŋɑn xol translates to "I'm a frustrating piece of berk" in Klington.
No thanks to any of our IT people (corporate or local) I'm back in business with my Minitab application and I'm now working through the backlog of statistical support requests I've received since my account went down; long, long night ahead.
Why do solicitors think that my no soliciting sign does not mean them and continue to ring my doorbell? More signs have been ordered to make it more clear so hopefully that gives people the hint that I do not want to be bothered.
Chris Tropea said:
Why do solicitors think that my no soliciting sign does not mean them and continue to ring my doorbell? More signs have been ordered to make it more clear so hopefully that gives people the hint that I do not want to be bothered.
"Now, I know you already read this once, because it's right next to the button you pushed to ring the doorbell, but can you tell me what this sign says?"
Racking an 870 before opening the door is an optional, though highly effective, step in setting the tone.
Chris Tropea said:
Why do solicitors think that my no soliciting sign does not mean them and continue to ring my doorbell? More signs have been ordered to make it more clear so hopefully that gives people the hint that I do not want to be bothered.
Same thing with No Trespassing signs. My front gate has one on it and the very first time I left it open for longer than it took to get the car in a car load of Jehovah Witnesses piled in the driveway right passed the clearly visible sign.
For the third time this week, USPS has berked up one of my Amazon deliveries.
First, it was two large packages that were misdelivered to the house across the street.
Today, it was a small package in an envelope that was delivered to the mailbox. Except the envelope was empty.
At least Amazon deliveries show photographic proof it was delivered. USPS just states it was delivered like their word is as good as a picture.
It's bad when FedEx is more reliable that the USPS. It's not like thats a very high bar to clear.
In reply to Chris Tropea :
We get these solar panel guys that start off; I'm not selling you anything...,.here to educate you. Can I see your latest electric bill?
2/23/24 12:16 a.m.
In reply to Datsun240ZGuy :
Gas people cold called me yesterday.
"We can get you a better price on your gas"
How? It comes through the same pipe but somehow you buy it from the same people I buy it from and then you sell it to me for less (allegedly) as long as I sign a contract.
Right. I was born at night, but not LAST night.
My daughter is off at college. She has taken to.shopping on FB marketplace in her free time lately. I've told her a few times that she should only meet people in public places. Tonight she showed me a pair of pants that she bought. Then told me that the lady she bought them from let her try them on at her house before she bought them. JFC! Are you really that berkeleying naive?
I tried to explain why this is a bad idea. I tried to explain that I'm not trying to be mean and that I'm genuinely worried about her but she just shuts down.
It would be nice if someone would listen to me once in a while.
2/23/24 1:20 a.m.
Datsun240ZGuy said:
In reply to Chris Tropea :
We get these solar panel guys that start off; I'm not selling you anything...,.here to educate you. Can I see your latest electric bill?
Also, we've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty
In reply to stanger_mussle (Supported by GRM undergarments) :
Go online and file a complaint. They were fairly responsive to mine.
"Im only available after 5 today" says a coworker for a meeting that we have to have today.
In reply to Scotty Con Queso :
Your coworker needs a high five. In the face. With a brick.
Ordered some business cards from Staples. Designed my own card with a black background in GIMP, put it into their online editor with the image filling the printable area. Go to checkout, preview image matches my source image exactly (as below, details blurred):

Cards come out like this. If there was a white border all around I could think I misunderstood the non-printable area and that their preview doesn't work as intended, but the white border is just on the top and right. Also a few of them have a black stripe in the upper-left for some reason?

Quality's not great either, looks like they were made on a midrange office laser printer. I really should've gone back in there and raised a stink but it's not worth it for $10. Considering the cost of printer ink/toner I can't say I could've done this better myself for free, but I could've done this better myself for about the same price. Guess I'll pony up for VistaPrint next time...
Edit: Found the smoking gun of their incompetence. Their email contains the preview image as well:

Extracted the preview image from the email and confirmed no white border present.
Edit2: Damn it is hard to not spend another $5 in gas and go back there and demand that they fix this. Really wanted these for tomorrow.
Today is my last day at this company. Back in August I had this text conversation with one of the sales guys. I'm a tech, not a salesman. And he had me convinced I could ignore No Soliciting signs. That and longer trips for service of a shrinking sector has me moving on.
Todays my last day. The company headquarters is 350 miles away. Adios muchachos.

In reply to GameboyRMH :
I printed my own for a long time.
The last couple of batches I had done through Vista Print. They are fairly cheap and do pretty quality work.
In reply to GameboyRMH :
When they screwed up mine I complained and they did it right the second time. I then used the incorrect ones in my shop as note pads, and tags on my spare parts
In reply to CAinCA :
Wait, is your daughter my daughter? Sounds like something mine would do. LOL
2/23/24 5:06 p.m.
Some people's children...
[edit] NOT in reference to the 'my daughter' posts above.
Just got a wrong item from Costco, because if a size is out of stock and you open the page for that item, it silently changes to another size right after the page opens instead of just letting you know that the size you tried to view is out of stock. And now I have to do exactly what I was trying to avoid, going to a crowded urban Costco location.
Datsun240ZGuy said:
In reply to CAinCA :
Wait, is your daughter my daughter? Sounds like something mine would do. LOL
Maybe? LOL!
Thanks! Its good to know that I'm not alone.
Today she sent me a text. I'm going to sell something to this guy. He's handicapped so he asked if I could just drop it off at his house. Gave me the address and description (house sounds sketchy). I called her and asked if it would be worth it to be raped, tortured and dismembered for $20. "No." OK then don't EVER go to someone's house to buy something ever again. 20 minutes later. He says there's a police station near his house. He will meet me there. Wait, what? I actually got through to you. Halleberkeleyinglujah!
2/23/24 7:18 p.m.
In reply to GameboyRMH :
Went through that with another online seller ordering some trousers. Change the color and it defaults back to the smallest size. Sure way to generate a lot of returns...
Kids are screaming because they've missed a lot of sleep the last few days. We're both grumpy because same. I'd like to get home, clean up after the trip and get them to bed on time so we can start to fix the actual issue. No, I don't think we should go to your parents to play card games immediately after getting back to town while the house is still destroyed and the kids need bathed and put to bed. That's fine though. I'm the shiny happy person.
In reply to GameboyRMH :
The UPS Store has some printing services, the wife actually ran one for awhile
In reply to GameboyRMH :
That sucks, clearly they didn't finish cutting your cards.
As for the thickness of the paper, when I ran the print shop at a UPS store we were limited on what our printer could handle. And the same day cards were fairly flimsy in my opinion. While it would still require a trip back to an office supply store, you can get Avery business card sheets and download their template and print at home. You'd have a perforated edge but that's better then what staples gave ya.
Also, there's always the independent graphic designer option.