In reply to Toyman! :
How do you know? Are they turning right just like you are, or turning someplace else? And how does the following car know there is enough space?
And how is it ok to demand someone get out of your way? Because you are more important than they are?
Too many assumptions. especially to make a big deal about it. This isn't a road rage thing. Just whining based on assumptions.
Edit 2. One more thing, this can't be a binary courteous vs shiny happy person. Can't demand that everyone be courteous, as that's not courteous to demand.
In reply to alfadriver :
I don't think anyone is making a big deal out of it. We are just suggesting some consideration for the fellow drivers that all of us deal with every day. You do you, but...
...I'd rather err on the side of not being a self-absorbed shiny happy person...
In reply to alfadriver :
If you're stopping at a light and there's a line of cars that puts you in front of a side road, would you stop in front of the side road and block the intersection, or would you stop before it and leave it open?
The intersection, to the right of, and where I come out of the gym has a stop light. The road is easily two cars wide but there are no lines within the lane. If you're stopping at the light to go straight or left do you stop in the middle of the lane, or stay to the left in the event that somebody behind you wants to turn right?
These are the kinds of things we're talking about. Situational awareness and common courtesy.
I know you're trying to make a point, but you're not.
In reply to Toyman! :
Once had a customer ask me to price out a garage door with the following specs:
" Not sure of size, between 10 and 16ft wide and 8-14ft tall. Not sure if insulated or if we want it in wood. Just give me the top price and I'll be happy when it comes in lower."
So, I called the local garage door place and had them do a quote on a redwood 16ft door 14 tall with every add on. It was......eyewatering although I don't remember the exact price. I didn't want the job anyway and I was making a point lol
In reply to Toyman! :
On a four lane road, unless I have a Really Good Reason not to, I try to move to the left lane if I am the first person at a red light so that others can turn right on red. Very common to happen at certain intersections on my routes to and from work.
All it takes to make life easier for everyone around you is a little forethought.
In reply to Beer Baron 🍺 :
Appeal the decision? Apparently some insurance cos are a bit trigger happy when it comes to initially denying certain diagnostics that cost more than a pack of aspirin.
berkeleyed up a photo for my gig work with a hint of motion blur that was conveniently totally invisible on the camera's screen, but it's generally too late to correct any mistakes when you've moved onto the next subject, much less gone home for the day...ah well, they paid me less than $1 for that and still want me to do it faster, they're literally not paying me or giving me the time to be that precise.
She made soup tonight. As is her custom, served it four seconds after cooking, at approximately nine thousand degrees.
It's August. Why are we eating soup for dinner?
I don't even like soup.
In reply to DarkMonohue :
It's all the tomatoes and fresh vegetables from the garden this time of year.
My wife makes an awesome veggie soup at lava temperature and her Alabama dad makes a skillet pan of the driest cornbread this side of Haleyville, Alabama. Good stuff!
In reply to Datsun240ZGuy :
Yes, that's exactly what it is. It's mostly her own produce, and soup is the about the only way she will eat it. And it is good, as soups go. But soup is food water no matter how you church it up.
She likes her meals made with little pieces that are all mixed up, such that every bite tastes the same. Bonus points if it can be eaten with a spoon, and more points awarded if it does not require chewing. I like meals with distinct, identifiable components. She does the cooking...
8/10/24 1:19 a.m.
In reply to alfadriver :
Wow, you will just not let this go, will you?
It's OK, we're used to people not being observant or courteous, so it won't be any surprise if we ever run across you blocking a turn lane.
BoxheadTim said:
In reply to Beer Baron 🍺 :
Appeal the decision? Apparently some insurance cos are a bit trigger happy when it comes to initially denying certain diagnostics that cost more than a pack of aspirin.
Physician is trying to get a peer-to-peer review, but they didn't get back to him in time.
This is berkeleying annoying though. I want to know what the hell is wrong with me all of a sudden, and this test was the most likely to give useful information. Now the test is going to have to be rescheduled.
8/10/24 8:09 a.m.
I live 24 miles from where I work.
Yesterday it took me 1 hour and 19 minutes to get home.
I got ding-dong-ditched at 4 this morning. Then again at 4:15. Kids are idiots.
In reply to Puddy46 :
Might be an Amazon delivery, they are coming at odd hours now. 😆
Duke said:
In reply to alfadriver :
Wow, you will just not let this go, will you?
It's OK, we're used to people not being observant or courteous, so it won't be any surprise if we ever run across you blocking a turn lane.
Playing devil's advocate here (WTH else am I really good for?), there was room for ambiguity in BB's rant. I read it as him being angry that people in front of him wouldn't shove forward and make room for him to leave his lane in favor of another going the same direction when already stopped at a stoplight - kind of like when you realize you've chosen the slowest cashier at the supermarket and change lanes for one that has a little more pep in her step.
What is it about Mothers? I had my 7 year old grandson since Monday evening. Mostly happy as a clam, cooperative, fine. My daughter shows up this morning to collect him, and its a 30 minute screaming battle to brush teeth.
My girls were the same. I'd be looking after them, Mommy comes home, and there's tears and wailing over E36 M3 that happened hours ago.
I don't get it.
SWMBO is wound up. Has been for a while. Like a couple of months. Talked to her, asking what's going on. Walking in eggshells the rest of the time.
There are a lot of other indicators that...menopause came early this year. Oh, berkeleying great.
Why do I bother asking for help around here? I never get it. And then i get bitched at because i didn't ask for help and get hurt. No, i asked for berkeleying help, waited an hour, asked twice more, got pissed and berkeleyig did it now that it in full sun and 90 degrees onstead of mid 70s and shady like originally planned.
In reply to Dusterbd13-michael :
Just because I am 'really good' at doing something doesn't mean I should have to keep doing it if I don't want to do the thing anymore.
How does that saying go?
"The master has failed more time than the apprentice has tried"?
I don't want to sound like I am bragging, but I can show up, phone in my effort, and blow their minds and get glowing reviews and result in more booked gigs. I'm tired of spending my weekends over the summer at weddings. I love entertaining people, but god damn I am tired of this E36 M3 already. If it didn't require more effort on my part to do a E36 M3 job and get bad reviews then I would already be doing that.
I'd love to teach someone to do what I do so they can do it but the younger kids we get do one gig and leave for a multitude of reasons.
At a local event hawking Saxy Hero's stuff and there's a few live bands playing
The one closest to us is horrid
Rear brake on the Hummer has been grinding for a week. Today was the day. Rear brakes and new tires.
Does anyone know what you get in August after 20+ inches of rain. berkeleying humidity like a damn sauna. What a miserable day.
berkeley summer. I'm hoping for an ice age.

whatever cretin at CarMax that did the pre purchase inspection on my tundra didn't hand start the lug and gave it all the ugga duggas. Found this out today doing the brakes when my Milwaukee snapped it right off. Time to go argue with them to fix it, eventually give up, and do it myself