Antihero PowerDork
10/8/24 3:29 p.m.
Duke said:
NickD said:

In reply to Ashyukun (Robert) :

Uhhh, Hurt was a Nine Inch Nails song first (1994)...

...and far and away the most popular and best-selling one at that. It's the song that put Trent Reznor on the map.


This reminds me of a conversation I had with my coworker about the song The Green Manalishi. Almost everyone assumes it's a Judas Priest song.


It's not, and the original is massively better

Pete. (l33t FS)
Pete. (l33t FS) MegaDork
10/8/24 5:30 p.m.
Duke said:
NickD said:

In reply to Ashyukun (Robert) :

Uhhh, Hurt was a Nine Inch Nails song first (1994)...

...and far and away the most popular and best-selling one at that. It's the song that put Trent Reznor on the map.


Wasn't it something from much earlier?

I only ask, because he created nothing records, and there are some well known albums on nothing well before The Downward Spiral came out.

NickD MegaDork
10/8/24 6:36 p.m.
Pete. (l33t FS) said:
Duke said:
NickD said:

In reply to Ashyukun (Robert) :

Uhhh, Hurt was a Nine Inch Nails song first (1994)...

...and far and away the most popular and best-selling one at that. It's the song that put Trent Reznor on the map.


Wasn't it something from much earlier?

I only ask, because he created nothing records, and there are some well known albums on nothing well before The Downward Spiral came out.

Head Like A Hole is one of the other big NIN songs everyone knows, and that came out in '90.

Duke MegaDork
10/8/24 7:11 p.m.

In reply to NickD :

That's on Pretty Hate Machine, his first album on TVT.  There's an EP called Broken, and then The Downward Spiral double LP from '94, which Closer and Hurt are from.


Appleseed MegaDork
10/9/24 1:09 a.m.

Utah Hockey Club.

That's the best berkeleying name you could come up with?

Brett_Murphy (Agent of Chaos)
Brett_Murphy (Agent of Chaos) MegaDork
10/9/24 1:39 a.m.

In reply to Appleseed :

I was really hoping they'd be called the Missionaries. 

My rant? Fire ants. I got torn up by them today. Hydrocortisone is barely relieving the itch. I'm quite sure I'm going to scratch myself bloody when I'm asleep. 

M2Pilot Dork
10/9/24 3:58 a.m.

In reply to Brett_Murphy (Agent of Chaos) :

I've had good results this week with Orthene.  I believe I've destroyed 2 out of 2 nests.

I've lived in the south all my life.  Sometimes I think I'd like to move to someplace around 30 miles or so north of the northernmost fire ant.


Wally (Forum Supporter)
Wally (Forum Supporter) MegaDork
10/9/24 4:32 a.m.
Appleseed said:

Utah Hockey Club.

That's the best berkeleying name you could come up with?

It's a placeholder until they pick a name. I'm hoping they go with Latter Day Skates. 

NY Nick
NY Nick SuperDork
10/9/24 6:32 a.m.

As many nights as I spend on the road for work why can't I sleep the first night in a hotel? 🥱

Toyman! MegaDork
10/9/24 8:37 a.m.

Time to weed the FB feed again. Why people believe their frantic posting will change anything to do with a November event never ceases to amaze me. 


Puddy46 HalfDork
10/9/24 10:03 a.m.

In reply to Toyman! :

One of the best things I did for my mental health is just drop going onto facebook, except for the occasional marketplace visit.  

grover Dork
10/9/24 10:18 a.m.

In reply to Puddy46 :

Dropped Facebook and now Instagram. Life is much better. 
there was a time when Instagram was very significant for my career- that time is gone and I don't care to see everyone trying to get famous off of conspiracy theories. 


wae UltimaDork
10/9/24 10:24 a.m.

In reply to Puddy46 :

I look at Marketplace and then the "Groups" feed and that's it.  And my groups consist of pretty much nothing but cars and RVs.  Not interested in the school parents' groups, the neighborhood groups, or anything like that.  Sorry to my facebook friends who post things that I will never see, but we'll either talk in person/text/phone call about it, or it's not important enough to spend our time together discussing.  I will, however, see your pictures on Instagram, so keep those coming, but if instead of seeing dog, car, kid, or vacation pictures, you start posting political crap I'll drop you.

Toyman! MegaDork
10/9/24 10:49 a.m.

In reply to Puddy46 :

I have a couple of hundred car and camping friends, some family, plus a handful of groups I follow. Every 4 years or so a few people go off the deep end and for some inane reason think their team's version of the bullE36 M3 will actually make the difference in getting their team picked. So they drag out their soap box and spew their effluent all over their Facebook feed. As the event gets closer, they get more frantic with their spew. That's perfectly fine, but after a couple of weeks of spewing, they get unfriended and I move on. I don't care whose team they are whoring for, I don't particularly want to see every stupid post their lord and savior sends them. 

DarkMonohue SuperDork
10/9/24 12:03 p.m.

Related to the above, but harder to unfriend, so to speak: someone either fat-fingered or deliberately mistyped their phone number as mine when affiliating themselves with a party, and now I'm getting political texts I could really do without.

I'm not her. Take me off the list. Only the list is a database that gets distributed all over the place, not a single master copy. This snake has too many heads.

Toyman! MegaDork
10/9/24 12:08 p.m.

Yeah, I've blocked quite a few numbers in the past month or so. 


Antihero PowerDork
10/9/24 8:41 p.m.

My dad has a cold and because of his health issues I always worry when he gets sick.


Maybe seems small but my stress level has increased 

TRoglodyte UltraDork
10/9/24 8:52 p.m.

In reply to DarkMonohue :

That's some horrible luck right there

Pete. (l33t FS)
Pete. (l33t FS) MegaDork
10/9/24 8:59 p.m.

In reply to DarkMonohue :

Some interesting people used to have my number.  I get requests for donations for three different political parties.  I also get regular updates about church gatherings and school events.


Also, I get regular texts from people who want to buy a properly I apparently own on the east side.

Wally (Forum Supporter)
Wally (Forum Supporter) MegaDork
10/9/24 9:14 p.m.

In reply to DarkMonohue :

I've had my cell number for over 20 years and still get calls looking for the previous owner.  One's a pharmacy, hopefully he's figured out how to continue getting his meds. There's also a never ending parade of real estate people looking to buy his home and the usual political nonsense. 

Since I haven't done much traveling this year most of the stuff I put on Facebook is to irritate a handful of coworkers and relatives. It's probably a sign of mental illness but it's become fun to know how much things get under some people's skin when they pride themselves on not caring about other people's feelings. 

DarkMonohue SuperDork
10/9/24 9:33 p.m.
Wally (Forum Supporter) said:

... it's become fun to know how much things get under some people's skin when they pride themselves on not caring about other people's feelings. 

We all know that kindness is weakness.

In fairness, none of those people ever said they didn't care about their own feelings...

Wally (Forum Supporter)
Wally (Forum Supporter) MegaDork
10/9/24 9:47 p.m.
DarkMonohue said:
Wally (Forum Supporter) said:

... it's become fun to know how much things get under some people's skin when they pride themselves on not caring about other people's feelings. 

We all know that kindness is weakness.


Not surprisingly I've been told that a few times.  

Appleseed MegaDork
10/9/24 11:01 p.m.

In reply to Pete. (l33t FS) :

You should sell it to them. Post haste.

Not a great text to get while you're at work. The 2010 Tahoe went into limp mode while the GF was driving home for lunch. She then drove it back to work(!!!) and got a ride home. Her work is only about a mile down some side streets from our house.

I got home after work and dragged her out of bed to help me get it home. It threw a P2138 code which is "Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch D/E Voltage Correlation". I cleared the code then watched the throttle position inputs on Torque on the drive home. I think one of the position sensors on the pedal assembly is crapping out. I ordered a new GM accelerator pedal assembly out of caution. It will be here Friday.

I still can't believe she drove it back to work. It must have been one sloooooow drive back LMAO.

Duke MegaDork
10/10/24 10:20 a.m.

Having trouble getting the Manic Miata through inspection. It's usually a hassle, but this one is shaping up worse.


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