I at least have my method of payment ready before the groceries are all rung up and placed in a bag. Why do customers stand there watching for 10 minutes while their purchases are bagged, then but only then, do they have to fish around that stupidly large hand bag, find the purse, go through that one piece at a time and them find their card and 15 coupons they "forgot" before it was rung up.
It's as infuriating as left lane hogs.
You know that sinking feeling you get when something that is completely unrelated to you comes out of left field and intends to decimate something you value?
Ya... this week gun be good (but not really) 
aussiesmg wrote:
I at least have my method of payment ready before the groceries are all rung up and placed in a bag. Why do customers stand there watching for 10 minutes while their purchases are bagged, then but only then, do they have to fish around that stupidly large hand bag, find the purse, go through that one piece at a time and them find their card and 15 coupons they "forgot" before it was rung up.
It's as infuriating as left lane hogs.
I badger my wife about having her money ready ahead of time in line at the store and in a drive thru.
super pet peeve of mine
2/13/13 7:14 a.m.
Seriously people. If you read a stupid photo or clip on Facebook and think "OMG this is terrible how could XYZ do this?" ...take 60 seconds to go to Snopes.com before you share this crap to anyone else.
"Attention Walmart Shoppers: Pajama pants are not meant to be worn outside of your home. Thank you for your cooperation."
People who don't listen
Just went to look at a buddies 3-series that wont start. I looked at his dry rotted intake elbow (from MAF to TB) and spotted a huge crack allowing in a bunch of unmetered air. Explained to him what I thought he should do and why and was on my way.
Today at work I overhear him talking to another coworker.
Coworker: "Why didn't you drive the BMW?"
3-series owner: "ah, it still wont start. I think it's the battery but I don't have a multimeter so I think I'm just going to buy a new one..."
(the engine cranks just fine, if not just a little slow from endless cranking no doubt)
Can't fix stupid...
In reply to Hungary Bill:
See also
Zomby Woof wrote:
BTDT. What is it that people find so difficult about troubleshooting?
You asked why your bike isn't running right after watering it out in that enduro, and spent a week, and three pages on the forum trying to figure out why your jetting changes didn't fix it. When you finally gave up and took it to the bike shop, he charged you $100 to replace the plug wire that I (the only professional mechanic that bothered to answer) told you it was on page one.
Listen to me when I tell you. IT'S NEVER JETTING. Jetting doesn't change on it's own.
Very minor rant:
Do you inconsiderate dickbags always have to dump your nearly full cup of coffee all over the parking lot before going inside? You DO realize that it's below freezing, and the stuff does get kinda slick right?
I'd even consider giving you a pass if you drank black coffee, but it's ALWAYS some nearly blonde ultra-sugary Cappamocalatte beverage spilled all over the ground, that has the consistency of tar, and latches onto my shoes to make it sound like I'm walking in a crappy movie theater the rest of the day.
Dear vacuum,
I was out sick on Friday and cars were piling up then. You worked fine on Saturday. Why do you choose to die today so I have to fiddle with you all day instead of getting actual work done? Is it an attention thing? Jealousy? You know I'd just replace your ass if I could. And I still might. Prick.
Sharing a kitchen with 8 other people. Doesnt help that four of them constantly cook for their friends in our tiny E36 M3ty kitchen. I have to wait until 9 or 930 to cook
2/18/13 1:10 p.m.
fritzsch wrote:
Sharing a kitchen with 8 other people. Doesnt help that four of them constantly cook for their friends in our tiny E36 M3ty kitchen. I have to wait until 9 or 930 to cook
Go buy an electric single-burner. I saw one at Walgreens yesterday for $15.
In reply to mtn:
Oh America, the land of cheap food and commercial products! How I miss thee! I am in Copenhagen until June, blowing through my money. But I am having a great time here, its just very expensive and I have a crappy living situation.
Treat the menu at Burger king like they are perusing the latest menu at Chez' Luis fine cuisine. Order your burger and giddyup cowgirl.
2/18/13 1:44 p.m.
At work. During work hours. During the day. I sit in a cube. Meeting rooms are tens of feet away. I literally cannot hear someone talking four feet away because a crew is doing something I cannot understand. Apparently someone has decided that they want a large hole in the block/rebar wall. Apparently that same someone has decided that cutting it out with what sounds like a gigantic gas powered Dremel tool swinging a roughly rounded rock. For the past few hours. Relentlessly.
Trying to come up with a meal for dinner that 4 picky eaters will eat and it not be the same thing every week and not cost 4 arms, 2 legs, and a first born to prepare, if a "new" recipe....
2/18/13 3:08 p.m.
Ranger50 wrote:
Trying to come up with a meal for dinner that 4 picky eaters will eat and it not be the same thing every week and not cost 4 arms, 2 legs, and a first born to prepare, if a "new" recipe....
Solution: Put it in front of them, if they don't eat, they starve.
Maybe my parents were too hard on me?
Ranger50 wrote:
Trying to come up with a meal for dinner that 4 picky eaters will eat and it not be the same thing every week and not cost 4 arms, 2 legs, and a first born to prepare, if a "new" recipe....
Unless it is allergy related. Cook one meal and they can either eat it, cook something themselves or go hungry. Believe me, I'm a picky eater and my parents forced to eat a lot of stuff I still don't like, but I ate it until I could cook for myself (or pay for a meal out).
mtn wrote:
Ranger50 wrote:
Trying to come up with a meal for dinner that 4 picky eaters will eat and it not be the same thing every week and not cost 4 arms, 2 legs, and a first born to prepare, if a "new" recipe....
Solution: Put it in front of them, if they don't eat, they starve.
Maybe my parents were too hard on me?
(Food relative response) HOT DOG! WE HAVE A WIENER!
People praising Danica Patrick being the first woman to get the top qualifying spot at the Daytona 500.
People thinking that you are bad mouthing her because she is a female even though she only has 1 professional major series win, not title but just a win, in her life. Forget that her career is purely mediocre and if she was a man she would still be in the minors.
People on car forums thinking that everyone is part of the masses and think that racing is just an extended advertisement and not a competition.
Some of us watch racing for racing, not to figure out what to wash our clothes in and where to buy our appliances.
First rule of thinking someone is a sexist and trying to prove it is to compare two equals of opposite sexes. Not one mediocre to people who have won multiple championships on multiple platforms.
Dear self: remember to actually order the damn wheel bearings when you order the rotors next time. Discovering you didn't do it until after the car is in the air is a waste of time.
Racer1ab wrote:
"dickbags "
it makes me mad I have lived 50-1/4 years on earth and I haven't heard this term yet. Where have I been hiding?
Jack wads is one my favorites....
I made an appointment to tour your apartment complex for Monday, February 18th, 2013 (ie Today), 11am
Later that week, I received a confirmation email that my appointment was scheduled.
I currently live 52 miles away from your apartment complex.
I drive down, on my day off, and arrive at the office ten minutes early, to a sign that says office closed for president's day. I call and noone answers, there is noone in the office.
I wait until ten minutes after 11 before leaving. Noone has shown up.
Why the berkeley did you confirm my appointment if you were going to be closed?
why the berkeley are you closed on an imaginary holiday?
why the berkeley didn't someone email me and say that the office would be closed on that day and try to reschedule?
I made the appointment more than two weeks ahead of time, so there should have been ample time for you shiny happy people to notice that there was an appointment scheduled for a day you wouldn't be there.
berkeley you, Oasis at Regal Oaks in Charlotte NC.
berkeley you.
I'd rather pay a little more to stay at the apartment complex across the street than give you my money.
2/18/13 5:31 p.m.
If I dont have my own rant can I share one from my local paper? It made me laugh.

mtn wrote:
Ranger50 wrote:
Trying to come up with a meal for dinner that 4 picky eaters will eat and it not be the same thing every week and not cost 4 arms, 2 legs, and a first born to prepare, if a "new" recipe....
Solution: Put it in front of them, if they don't eat, they starve.
Maybe my parents were too hard on me?
It's not that, it's what to fix in less than however long until 6pm, every damn night when nobody wants to make a decision on what to fix. Top it off the MIL can't eat a lot of foods right now due to a tooth problem, a kid that just is being stubborn plus a weird protein allergy, a wife who had lapband surgery done awhile ago, and I typically won't eat gluten or processed foods in an attempt to be healthier. End up with a lot of "I don't cares.", further aggrevating a decision. But don't make the wrong choice either or your name is mud..... 
So, it is like trying to get out of the driveway to go somewhere with 2 flat tires, a bad transmission, and an engine miss with everyone wanting their part fixed first or "No, you go ahead and fix your problem first."
Oh well, finally ended up with a faux fried chicken, instant spuds, and brussel sprouts. Everyone was happy tonight. Tomorrow, the battle begins again.........