ROTD time!
Now, I understand that as motorists we have a responsibility to share the road with cyclists.
Kids riding in the street, no problem. Someone down on their luck and riding a bike to work, I'll give you a wide berth.
Yet why is it that every asshat in a fancy little bike suit, suddenly thinks they have the right to ride anywhere, and more annoyingly, ANYWAY they want?
The kicker is, these guys are typically from the MONEY sections of the greater DC area, and drive expensive European cars out here to the sticks, with thousands of dollars in biking equipment to have their own Tour de :gay slur: out here in our neck of the woods.
So today, as it's pouring down rain, and I'm headed to work, I turn a corner and am quite surprised to see a whole band of these douchecanoes at the apex of the corner. I'm even more surprised that, even though I'm required to have my headlights on during rain, not ONE of these guys has enough sense to strap a little strobe LED to the back of their bike.
I proceed to pass them as quickly and safely as possible, and yet, I still get a lot of angry gesturing as I pass these guys, and one of the idiots attempts to kick at my car as I go by.
I'm sure you're uploading a video to YouTube right now for all your little Critical Mass idiot friends to chafe themselves to. Meanwhile, I'm searching out wraparound pushbars for my Vic, so next time I can just shove your idiot asses into the ditch.
What really grinds my gears? These guys pass literally, dozens if not hundreds of bike trails, on their way out here from the city. And the most common excuse as to why they don't bike there is? Because folks walk on these trails as well.
Gee, you don't like altering your line on your uber-expensive ego machine to pass someone walking their dog? It's annoying that someone is going so much slower than you on a path that's not exactly meant for what they're doing?
I bet the bikers still don't get the irony.